People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 530: Index’S Special Physique

"Hypermemory symptoms are not a rare thing. In fact, even in the Erudite Society, a considerable number of scholars have this condition."

"However, this little guy's situation is a little different. The mutation in part of her genes makes her brain structurally lacking something compared to normal people."

Putting down the examination report in her hand, Ruan Mei looked like a doctor explaining the child's condition to parents.

"Normal human emotions and personal consciousness are affected by many aspects, and naturally some of them come from "memory". The neural structure of the human brain is destined to be remembered and will shape a person's external personality - and thinking and emotions. "

"But this little girl is different. In the brain structure of her brain, there are no synaptic connections between a part of the brain area responsible for memory and the brain area responsible for emotion. Neurotransmitters cannot be transmitted between each other."

"And this part of the brain happens to be the part that corresponds to her hyperamnesia. Coupled with some interesting genetic mutations that can independently control the memory storage space, it has created her special physique that is not affected by the so-called banned books."

"To put it simply, this little girl has an absolute isolation at the thinking level between the memory area and other brain areas. It allows her to selectively record things that will affect readers in an absolutely rational bystander manner. Content."

Index was currently in a state of dormancy induced by external factors, lying on the research table. Bai Yu stood beside her, looking down at the small mobile library, and suddenly asked: Is the record library part completed? By the way - by the way, can you directly extract the memory of the banned book from Index's brain?"

"This is very simple to me. If the subject is a normal individual who still has life activities, then I am confident that he will not do worse than the Liuguang Yiting people in terms of directional memory retrieval."

"Of course, if you ask me to extract the memories of collecting inanimate dead objects, then I can't do it.

Such as reading the memory of a stone, a city or even a planet. This kind of thing can be done by looking at the entire universe, that is, those who exist in the form of memes can do it.

"But dear, I don't think that knowledge will be of any use to you."

Ruan Mei asked Bai Yu in confusion:

"Most of this magical knowledge can only be effective in that specific universe, especially those symbolic spells. Their principle is to mobilize the power from other phases. Without the universe where those phases are located, it is simply useless. meaningful."

——Just like Kamijou Touma, his father could not successfully summon the power of the Archangel God in another world and arrange various rituals.

"Just think of it as a way to satisfy your collecting habit." Bai Yu just glanced casually, "What about psychic issues?"

"That's the fun part."

Ruan Mei stood up from the chair, came behind Bai Yu, and leaned her body against him.

"Perhaps because she has too much magical knowledge in her memory, she subconsciously used her magical knowledge to try to analyze the spiritual energy in her body after being exposed to the psychic medium."

"And that magical knowledge, almost without exception, will communicate the phase of the universe."

"This allowed the excessive psychic energy that would have directly killed her to be leaked into those phases. While saving her life, it also promoted some deep-seated changes in her self-awareness, which is exactly what happened. It is this mutation that makes her current body extremely suitable for the special energy of psychic energy - look at the data here, the fit is almost as good as that of the interdimensional warlock that the Black Tower is studying."

"Congratulations, dear, we now have a psyker who is awake, self-aware, and able to communicate normally."

"And she's very easy to coax." Bai Yu smiled and patted Index's head, and the little girl woke up in a daze.

"'s a strange uncle..."


Bai Yu hit Index on the head neither gently nor hard: "You can call me brother, or brother, or general, brother, general, but you don't have to call me weird uncle!

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu magically took out a piece of soy flour bread originally prepared for Shi Xiang.

Index, who was still aggrieved at first, smelled the scent of bread and immediately forgot about being knocked on the head just now. She rushed over and hung up Bai Yu's arm, opened her mouth and bit the bread - along with Bai's arm, she was hanging up. Start fucking on top.

0…Please give me flowers…………

It also made Kanzaki Kaori, who was still in a trance, walk in after March 7, with a horrified look.

"woke up?"

Bai Yu pulled Index down, and the little nun would sit aside with nothing to focus on as she had something to eat, not caring about the fact that she would encounter the "heretic magician" Kanzaki Kaori again.

"You...ahem, hello."

Kanzaki Kaori looked at Bai Yu with fear in his eyes.

"What did you say to her?" Bai Yu asked March 7th directly. The little girl held up her mobile phone with a smile and replied: "I showed her Sister Hubie's war documentary, especially "Brother's heroic appearance with the best editing" Like the coin-operated version."


"So, Kanzaki, you should be able to understand the current situation now?"


Kanzaki Kaori smiled bitterly.

She couldn't even handle a slightly modern smart home washing machine, so how could she possibly figure out the situation in such a short time.

But at least he came to another universe, and he was in a world with advanced technology that could not be compared with Academy City. The silver-haired man in front of him had forbidden power like a god, and he was the culprit who made him appear here. The facts can still be understood clearly.

Although these things combined were enough to completely destroy her religious worldview.

When he thought that here, science and magic, religious wars and conflicts of faith, everything he knew, insisted on, and hated in the past would become meaningless, Kanzaki Kaori felt a huge emptiness.

Only when her eyes occasionally glanced at Index, she would feel a little comforted.

"My Lord General, what are you doing by bringing me here?"

Bai Yu pointed at Index: "Be her nanny. This child is quite useful to us. Besides, I'm also very interested in your 'saint' ability. Don't get me wrong. I mean a Stigmata Field."

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