People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 7·Ying: Who Are You! ? Why Are You Talking In My Head? ?

Teyvat continent.

The Pearl of the North, Mondstadt.


After landing deftly, before the blond girl had time to marvel at the wonder of this magical creature called "Wings of Wind", her shoulders were grabbed by Amber who rushed forward.

"How's it going? How does it feel like flying for the first time?"

Looking at the enthusiastic and beautiful bunny-shaped girl in front of her, with a bright smile on her face, she replied sweetly: "Very good, I like it very much, thank you, Amber."

"As long as you like it!"

Amber rubbed the tip of her nose with her fingers in embarrassment.

Pamon flew over from nowhere and curiously looked at the Wings of Wind that had been put away. Then he asked Amber expectantly: "Amber, Amber, do I have Wings of Wind?"

"Pamon, don't you know how to fly?" Amber said with a little trouble on her face, "Besides, your size is too small, and there are no wings of wind suitable for you."

When the little guy heard this, he pursed his lips in a somewhat disappointed manner, but she, who was more or less like a child, quickly recovered. She raised her head and looked at the sky, with doubts in her eyes: "Strange, is the weather in Mondstadt so erratic?"

The sky was clear when we entered Mondstadt just now, but now thick dark clouds gathered above our heads.

"What the hell..."

Amber frowned. The joy of meeting new friends had already dissipated from her face. She seemed to have thought of something. She quickly took Ying's hand and shouted, "No! Come with me!"

The next moment, a shocking dragon roar suddenly came from the horizon.

The giant dragon broke through the sky from the dark and thick clouds, hovering over Mondstadt, and set off a strong wind as it circled.

The raging storm instantly broke the harmony and tranquility of Mondstadt, and people all over the city panicked and fled in all directions.

A large number of roof tiles and various city debris were swept into the sky due to the storm, and even a tornado landed directly in the bustling center of the city, only a few steps away from Ying's location!

After only a brief hesitation, Ying found that her body began to be involved in the storm uncontrollably. She only had time to see Amber's panicked face clearly, and the girl felt a spin, her whole body tumbling and circling in the storm, her stomach She was violently twitching and feeling nauseous, which made her face look extremely ugly on the spot.

When Ying finally came back to her senses, she was horrified to find that her entire body had been swept up into the sky.

"Ying! Ying! Are you okay!?"

Paimon's crying voice came to his ears.

Without any time to think about it, Ying decisively unfolded the wings of wind that Amber had just given to her, thus suspending her downward trend.

"I'm fine, Paimon." After comforting his traveling companion, Ying began to observe the situation around him.

Different from the previous storm, at this time the gentle Qinglan is holding her wind wings, allowing her body to fly steadily in the sky.

"Eh? Wings of Wind... can it still keep people in the sky for such a long time?"

Paimon, who had just seen Ying gliding with the wings of wind, also saw something was wrong at this time and couldn't help but ask.

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar voice followed the wind and reached Ying and Paimeng's ears.

"I let the thousand-year wind help you and prevent you from falling." 』

"Now imagine that you can restrain this wisp of wind and let it break through the clouds..."

Paimon held on to Ying's arm, his little head constantly looking around: "Who is this voice!?"

"Don't care who it is, he should be helping me..."

Although Ying was also curious about the identity of the owner of the voice, she had already seen the Wind Demonic Dragon rushing towards her from a distance and had no time to think about it. She could only follow the instructions of the mysterious voice and imagined that she could control Liufeng and let it be driven by her.

Fortunately, the voice did not deceive her.

Following Ying's imagination, Liufeng turned into a wind arrow driven by her will and shot towards the Wind Demon Dragon!

"It works!" Ying was overjoyed.

Being hit by the wind arrows from the sky and crackling on the thick dragon scales, Tevarin, who had already been confused, was immediately furious. As the dragon wings waved, the wind blades that were far more violent than the wind arrows shot out of the sky tore through the atmosphere and whizzed towards the dragon. It sees nothing more than a girl the size of a bug.


Ying was so frightened that she quickly twisted her body and avoided the wind blades in the air. Looking at the broken strand of blond hair falling in front of her eyes, the girl suddenly felt a toothache.

This wind arrow seems to be less useful than imagined?


A low hum sounded.

Ying was stunned for a moment, and a low laughter that was different from the voice that came along the wind suddenly sounded in her mind.

"Who are you!?"

(Don’t worry about who I am, Tevalin is about to attack again, so please avoid it.)

The corner of Ying's eye naturally caught Tevarin's movements, and while thinking, "Is this dragon called Tevarin?", he dodged several wind blades again.

(Have you noticed the two obviously wrong places on Tevalin’s back? Those are where its poisonous blood accumulates and are also its weaknesses. Aim and hit it!)

It's really strange today. First, a mysterious person spoke to me through the wind. Now, even better, another person spoke directly into my head.

Because the situation was urgent, Ying couldn't ask too many questions at the moment. He could only follow the prompts in his mind, try his best to aim at the poisonous blood on Tevalin's back, restrain the flowing wind, and launch wind arrows.

When the wind arrow crackled and hit the poisonous blood on Tevalin's back, the wind demon dragon, which had been arrogant just now, immediately roared in pain, turned around in fear, and fled in a hurry.

"It really works! Thank you!"

Subconsciously thanking him, Ying chased Tevarin away, putting aside all distractions and staring at the poisonous blood on Tevarin's back without letting go.

Paimon, who had been holding Ying's arm and being carried away, felt strange from just now. Now that he saw that the situation had improved, he asked: "Ying, who are you talking to? Is it that voice just now?"

"No." Ying shook her head, "There was another voice in my head just now. He told me that the poisonous blood on Tevalin's back was his weakness."


"That's the dragon!"


On the distant hill, leaning against the flowing wind, Wendy, who also listened to Ying's explanation, wrinkled her delicate eyebrows.

"Is there anyone else helping? Strange, why can't Feng hear his voice?"

In the sky, with the guidance of the mysterious voice in his mind, Ying chased Tevalin and beat him fiercely.

Finally, under the girl's persistent wind arrow attack, the crystals of poisonous blood on Tevalin's back shattered!

"Success! There's one more!"

Ying cheered, and was about to aim at the poisonous blood crystal above Tevalin's head, when he saw the dragon suddenly speeding up, and he could hardly catch up!

"No! It's going to run away!"

"That...who is that! What can you do!? It's trying to escape!"

In a moment of panic, Ying actually asked for help from the mysterious voice in her head.

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