People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 71: Leader, I’M So Happy, So Happy!

Returning to the Luofu Immortal Boat from the Black Tower Space Station, Bai Yu suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart.

Subconsciously, he looked up in a certain direction.

He is located at the center of the Star Sea, and as far as he can see is the blue artificial sky, and the stars that come and go in the sky.

But if you look through the cave sky, you will find that very far in that direction is the depth of the Luofu Immortal Boat, the scale abyss realm cave sky!

There are more birthmarks representing Nasida in the sea of ​​consciousness than before, and Baiyu's body seems to have been planted with seeds of wind elemental power, representing Nasida's incarnation of the purest branches of the World Tree. "Seed.


"Compared with the elemental control and powerful vitality originating from the God of Grass, the part about the World Tree is the biggest gain this time."

Heita's guess was correct. Her talent as a genius scholar allowed her to discover key points with her sharp intuition even if she didn't know much about it.

Leaving the center of Xingchahai, Baiyu quickly arrived at the Linyuan Realm Cave Heaven using Luofu's "Star Shift".

Waves on the ancient sea, a holy place for holding the light.

Thousands of years ago, in order to curb the growth of Jianmu, the Vidyadhara clan used the cave as a container to seal the mysterious roots of Jianmu.

This is the hometown of all the Vidyadhara clan in Luofu Xianzhou. Looking around, you can see crystal clear "Vidyadhara eggs" growing in many places, and you can hear some music if you get close.

Standing on the edge of the beach, Bai Yu looked towards the ruins of the Dragon Palace that had been submerged under the sea.

There is nothing on the rippling blue sea, and the once gorgeous scenery has long been submerged under the waves.

After arriving at the Scale Abyss, the inexplicable throbbing in Bai Yu's heart became stronger. There was some strange resonance between the remaining power of the miracle of fertility and the seeds of the World Tree planted by Nasida.

If his spirit was not very clear and his consciousness was not abnormal, Bai Yu would not have chosen to come here, but would have left the Luofu Immortal Boat immediately when the Xingcha Sea throbbed for the tenth time.

Who knows if the demon body will be induced in advance due to these strange reasons!

"Now that Jianmu is still sealed, it resonates with me. What will happen if the star core is sent in and Jianmu grows?"

"No, we can't wait like this. Research needs to be started in advance..."

It is not a good thing to open the seal of the Linyuan Realm now and come into contact with Jianmu, but this does not mean that Baiyu cannot get Jianmu Zhiya.

Isn't this the guys from the Secret Medicine King? They have colluded with some dragon masters within the Vidyadhara clan, and they have ready-made "fertility miracles" on hand.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu secretly made a decision.


Knock knock knock.

When there was a knock on the door, Ms. Danshu, the secret leader of the Medicine King who was refining the elixir in the elixir room, frowned.

She ignored the knock on the door and continued to focus on refining the alchemy. After she was done and the alchemy room was filled with a strange fragrance, she asked the alchemist to step forward and open the door.

"Great joy! Great joy! Chief!"

The burly man quickly walked in with a face full of joy. Danshu raised his eyebrows slightly and signaled the alchemists to leave first. Only after leaving the little Taohong in the alchemy room did he ask: "Where does the joy come from?"

Xiao Taohong knelt down in front of Danshu and whispered: "Just now, news came from our people in the Linyuan realm that Major General Bai Yu secretly went to the Linyuan realm without telling everyone, and he still stood there On the edge of the ancient sea, I look longingly at the direction where the fertile building is sealed!"

"What does this mean? This means that destiny is with us! Emperor Gong...ahem! The day when Demon Gong will be destroyed is not far away!"

"That young general also yearns for the righteous path in the world and longs for the blessing of the pharmacist!"

After saying this, Xiao Taohong secretly said in her heart: Emperor Gong Commander, please forgive me for scolding you for the great cause of hunting with the demon bow!


Danshu was overjoyed.

"It's indeed a happy event!"

After getting up, Danshu paced back and forth, thinking about how to make use of this matter.

"What do you think, let's try to get in touch with Major General Bai now?"

"Wait a minute! Chief! You can't do it!" Xiao Taohong heard the words and quickly shook her head, "Although Major General Bai expressed his admiration for the compassionate medicine king, we may be cautious, otherwise we will not be halfway through the business, and the middle road will collapse. It’s too late to regret it!”

"What you say makes sense, what you say makes sense!" Danshu patted Xiao Taohong on the shoulder and praised, "I have won Xiao Taohong, so why worry about failing to achieve a great cause?"

"Then according to what Xiao Taohong said, the plan will be worked out?"

"Chief, please listen to what someone is saying slowly." Xiao Taohong immediately put on a posture of "Long Zhong Dui" in front of Danshu, "Young General Guan has never been eager for fertility and miracles in his actions before. Now that his attitude has changed, he wants to come and go. It has something to do with the fox man stopping!"

"Don't forget, leader, the last time I contacted Tingyun with Zi Banxia, ​​although she scolded me, I was not arrested and notified to the Yunqi Army."

"All these show that Major General Bai and Tingyun are really a couple trapped in life-span theory!"

Danshu couldn't help but nodded, and then sneered: "Ha! He is really a passionate seed, but it's okay, this can help us achieve great things!"

"Jingyuan, you can't have imagined that the successor you trained would end up working for the King of Compassionate Medicine. It's really my destiny! Keep talking!"

Xiao Taohong secretly despised Danshu in her heart, but she had an extremely stupid and flattering smile on her face...

"We still need to start with the fox man and give her a small miracle of fertility, so that she can feel the boundless power of the Merciful Medicine King, so that she can completely make up her mind.

"Having her join us, and Major General Bai is already trapped in love, so, so, so, so..."

"It makes sense, it makes sense!" Danshu was delighted, as if he had already seen Luofu's future generals joining their beautiful picture, "It just so happens that I opened a new batch of pills today, if not, I will give you one. past?"

"I'm afraid it's not enough."

Xiao Taohong frowned and thought for a while, then leaned into Dan's ear and said:

"Chief, doesn't the young general long for building wood? In my opinion, why not give him a piece of building wood?"

"This can demonstrate our sincerity, and also show our strength to Tingyun - even if we can possess such a miracle of fertility, how can we live forever?"


Danshu hesitated.

"Chief! Don't hesitate! If you want to take it, you must fight back!"

"Lord! Think twice!"

1.3 Danshu thought about it, clenching and unclenching his fists.

Jianmu Zhiya is so precious, but compared with their great cause, it seems that it is not impossible to give up.

Furthermore, she had already done various research on Jian Mu Zhiya, but found nothing in the end.

After all, that thing was a gift from God, and the pharmacist's history was simply not something someone like her could study and understand.

There doesn't seem to be much use in keeping it on hand...

After gradually convincing himself, Danshu gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and nodded fiercely: "In that case, I will do as you say."

"Xiao Taohong, it's up to you to take care of this matter! If it comes to pass, one day we will all ascend to the sky and be among the people in the sky, and I will speak kindly for you in front of Medicine King!"

Xiao Taohong was overjoyed and cheered in her heart——

This year’s performance bonus is stable! Maybe my employer will reward me with a house for meritorious service!

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