People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 99·Tsk, Forget That I Don’T Have A Cow Anymore

The next morning.

Paimon, who was still sleeping soundly, suddenly felt the soft "bed" beneath him move.

The little guy who was sleeping soundly on her belly suddenly rolled to the side as the blonde girl rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat up. She was completely covered in the quilt.

"Ugh... I feel so uncomfortable... Xiaobai, please let me sleep a little longer!"

Ying, who was still confused, muttered subconsciously, and then the expression on his face changed slightly, and his tone also changed: "My schedule is fixed, there's nothing I can do about it."

Bai Yu, who has no habit of sleeping late, wakes up early according to his biological clock. Even if he does nothing, his active thinking will inevitably wake up the still sleeping spirit consciousness.

Paimon squirmed like a caterpillar under the quilt, poked his head out, and looked up at Ying.

"Good morning, Ying, and Xiaobai!"

Perhaps because of the achievement of "the relationship of bathing together in the same bathtub", Paimon also changed the name of Bai Yu along with Ying.

Ying was still confused and hid directly in the sea of ​​consciousness. Although he couldn't sleep, he could still squint for a while. The control of his body naturally fell on Bai Yu.

He rubbed Paimeng's soft little face out of habit, and after making the little guy make cute purring sounds, he retracted his hand with satisfaction and took the dress on the bedside table next to him.

stand up.

Little knowledge: For girls who have already developed, wearing a tight-fitting bra to sleep is very uncomfortable, so most girls will take it off before going to bed.

Bai Yu never imagined that one day he would encounter such a thing again——

"Paimon, help me button the back."

"Ugh...feeling a little uncomfortable?"

(Adjust your position!)

Bai Yu nodded, stretched out his hand, took it out, and then took it out again.

Very good, finally comfortable.

(Fluor: Emmmm...)

After getting up, Bai Yu, who was also a little confused, staggered into the bathroom next door and stood in front of the toilet.

Silence, daze.

"Ah...forgot I don't have a cow anymore!"


"Why are you laughing? You have to wash your own body and I have to do it?"

(If you want to be sleepy again...)

Ying began to act coquettishly in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although there is no substantial physical contact, the fusion of consciousness brings an extremely exciting experience to Ying.

Especially in this situation where the body is completely handed over to the other half, she is like a little girlfriend who has just woken up and can act like a spoiled brat to her heart's content. She only needs to enjoy the "service" of her partner.

However, after all, there are differences between men and women. After discovering that Bai Yu was only cleaning very simply, Ying was immediately dissatisfied.

(It’s gone? Captain Qin also gave me some skin care balm!)

(Hair! That’s not how you did your hair. The flower is crooked! The bangs are so messy!)

(The skirt still has pleats on it!)

"Do it yourself!"

Bai Yu hid directly in and kicked Ying out.

After the humming girl tidied herself up neatly and dignifiedly, she just took Paimon out of the room when she saw the small note stuck in the crack of the door falling.

Juanxiu's handwriting on the note showed that Keqing had gone to Yuehai Pavilion to work in advance and had left breakfast for them.

"Yu Hengxing is really busy." With a sigh, the two (three people) left Keqing's home after a brief breakfast.

As soon as they left the house, a plainly dressed woman in black appeared in front of them and blocked their way.

"I'm sorry, are these two Miss Traveler Ying and Paimon? I am an employee of the Rebirth Hall, and on the order of my guest, I came to invite you two to our Rebirth Hall.

"It seems that Zhongli has prepared the carrier. He is really quick. 』

With Zhongli's ability, he knew that it would not be difficult for them to stay at Yuhengxing Mansion last night. (aedi)

Under the leadership of this employee lady, a group of people walked on the way to the Hall of Life.

Although Liyue Port today has not returned to its former prosperity, it is much more lively than yesterday.

No matter how the world changes, ordinary people will still need to rely on firewood, rice, oil and salt to survive.

Along the way, the sounds of hawking along the streets sounded from time to time, bringing vitality to this city that has undergone great changes. Although people's faces lacked the smiles of the past, they were still repeating their daily routine.

After arriving at the Hall of Purity, the employee showed him the way to the backyard, bowed, and turned to leave.

Arriving at the backyard, Bai Yu immediately saw Zhongli sitting under a plum tree, leisurely drinking tea.

A small hand suddenly reached out from behind and patted Paimon on the shoulder. The little guy was so scared that he squeaked and hid in Ying's arms.

A girl with plum blossom eyes, a Qiankun Taigua hat on her head, and an eternal plum as a hair accessory appeared out of nowhere, her hands bent into claws, and she deliberately made faces to scare the shivering little guy.

A small white ghost also emerged from her ring, cooperating with the girl to make scary gestures.

"Hehehe! Are you scared by this hall master?"

"Are you the 'distinguished guests' that Zhongli said? Tsk, tsk, tsk, this hall master was still thinking about who he could call a distinguished guest, and it turned out to be the famous Traveler and Paimon.

"Why, you are also here to take care of my business?"

Putting the little ghost back into the ring, and touching the corners of his mouth with his fingernails painted in pitch black, Hu Tao came up and asked quite familiarly.

Those beautiful plum-blossom eyes couldn't help but look up and down at the two people in front of them, as if they were assessing when they would lie down and have dinner.

Zhongli put down the teacup next to him and said to the rescue: "This is Hu Tao, the contemporary master of the Purangsheng Hall. Master, these two————"

"No need to introduce, no need to introduce! How could this Hall Master not know? Yesterday there was such a big movement, even in Tianheng Mountain you could see it!"

Hutao was like a cute butterfly wearing flowers, circling around Ying and Paimon, and then returned behind Zhongli.

"Zhongli, hello, and... Wu, Hu, Hall Master Hu?" Paimeng, who was frightened by Hu Tao, still looked a little scared when he looked at the girl again.

Hu Tao grinned, her white teeth shining in the morning light.

"Just call me Hutao, no need to call me Hall Master Hu. By the way, what kind of tea do you like? I'll make it for you. There are very few strangers visiting the Shengsheng Hall. After all, those who come here... ..."

"Hall Master." Zhongli's tone was filled with helplessness, Hu Tao showed a mischievous smile, and then jumped into the back room not far away. .

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