His consciousness returned, and after experiencing the pulling feeling he had experienced before, Bai Yu slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a familiar bedroom.

The octagonal lamp holder still exudes warm light, and in the blue sky outside the carved window, the bright morning sun has passed through the gaps between the treetops, casting mottled light and shadow on the moon-white carpet in the bedroom.

"Did the night pass so quickly?"

Bai Yu, who still maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged and meditating before consciously traveling, and reciting"Sword Heart Jue" silently, moved his somewhat stiff body, stood up and came to the window. When he opened the window, a faint sound of peonies and peonies bloomed in the yard. Fragrance.

The development of the matter is just as Bai Yu speculated before. Since he can maintain the perception of the body while possessing Ying, he only needs to restrain his mind and return his thoughts, and he can instantly travel again and let his consciousness return. In his own body.

This kind of fine control of mind and consciousness is not difficult for him who can control multiple flying swords with concentration. Feeling something in his heart

, Bai Yu once again sank his mind into the sea of ​​consciousness.

By condensing the sword heart The"Heart Sword" formed in the sea of ​​​​consciousness was as usual, but Bai Yu was surprised to find that the seat of fate that represented the"traveler" Ying, that is, the"Traveler's Seat" was surrounding the sword body of the Heart Sword. Slowly rotating.

Bai Yu separated a strand of his mind and touched the Traveler's Seat slightly. The pulling feeling made him realize that he was about to regain consciousness and possess Ying who was far away in Teyvat.

Quickly pulling his mind back, Bai Yu spit out a His tone:"It's so suspenseful. If it passes now, I'm afraid I will faint from embarrassment.""

If you want to say why, it is naturally that when Bai Yu left Teyvat, the world was already twilight.

After sleeping in the wild for many days, he was finally able to eat and drink for free and enjoy the best room in the Goethe Hotel, but he had long endured the Can't help but want to take a good bath - if he goes there now, he might immediately see some very wonderful... ah no, it's not a good picture.

As for whether the little jiojio is... ahem, Ignore this question!

Gathering his mind, Bai Yu raised his hand and looked at the palm of his hand.

A wisp of cyan wind was wrapping around his fingertips.

"……Is this the wind elemental power that Ying obtained from the Seven Heavens Statue?"

Not only that, the fighting skills that Yunying has mastered now also flashed in Bai Yu's mind.

"Conscious possession also has the benefit of being able to replicate the possessed object's abilities?"

This discovery surprised Bai Yu.

He is very self-aware of his current strength. Although the continuous condensation of the sword heart makes him confident that he will not be able to fight back when facing Huanwu, the messenger of destruction who specializes in spiritual attacks. She was defeated in one face-to-face encounter with such power, but you want to defeat her head-on?

You must know that in addition to being the messenger of the Destruction Order, Huanhu's identity is still Suiyang.

The Xianzhou Alliance has no good way to defeat Suiyang until now. The only way to truly eliminate them is to capture them and connect them to the grid to generate electricity... No, it's to guard the seal.

——Instead of hoping that it would be so easy to defeat Huanhu, it would be better to go to bed and wait patiently for hundreds of years. When he officially takes over the position of General Shence from Jingyuan in the future, he will also inherit the identity of the hunting envoy.

According to Bengtie Universe, he is now a destiny walker - although his destiny path is a bit strange, he is actually walking on three destiny paths at the same time.

But even if he responds to having three paths of life at the same time, he is still just a path-walker, not an envoy of the Star God.

With joy in her heart, Bai Yu immediately immersed herself in the use of the wind element power that she had copied from Ying.

But Bai Yu soon discovered a problem.

Recreating combat skills and special abilities is one thing, but being able to utilize this ability to the extreme is another.

Bai Yu realized that his situation was like planting a seed from the power of fluorescence in his body. If he wanted the seed to take root and grow into a towering tree, he still needed his own efforts.

"……Well, if a single possession of consciousness can reproduce the power that others have mastered after years of hard work, I won't feel at ease."

"This kind of situation where the seeds of strength are cultivated by one's own efforts is more to my liking!"

Opening his eyes, Bai Yu clenched his right fist.

Isn't it just relying on his own efforts and sweat to practice? It's not like he has never done this before.

Being able to have today's strength is all due to hard work.

Although it comes from Ying's power is currently extremely weak. Even judging from her memory of playing games in her previous life, even if this power is cultivated to the extreme, it cannot catch up with the strength she already possesses at this time. However, last night's bizarre experience opened the door for Bai Yu. A door to a new world.

Once he possesses some powerful existence in the future and reproduces the seeds of power from the other party, Bai Yu will have the confidence to become extremely powerful on his own.

Suddenly, Bai Yu's ears He moved and turned to look out the window.

At the entrance of the yard, there was a slim figure walking slowly.

Seeing Bai Yu standing by the window, Tingyun smiled sweetly, raised his arms, and showed off his Holding a pile of new clothes

"Xiaobai, you're awake just now. Come and try it on. These are new clothes that I asked the masters of Jinxiufang to use the finest materials and tailor them by hand according to your body shape!"

Sister Fox's tail kept wagging back and forth, and her emerald green eyes were glowing with anticipation.

Situations like this have happened countless times in the past.

Sister Tingyun seemed to be playing with Shining Warmth, She was extremely keen on dressing him up in various ways.

Not long after, Tingyun opened the door and entered the room. He came to Baiyu with Xiangfeng and started to take off his clothes without any explanation.

"Eh! stop! etc! I change my own clothes!"

"Why are you so shy? When you, Xiaobai, couldn't even speak, how could you not have been seen or touched by your sister?"

"Even if you wet the bed, your sister will still change your diaper!"


Although he has the memory of his previous life, no matter how strong his soul is, it is inevitable that he will not be able to control certain physiological conditions if his body is not developed enough to fully control the muscles around his body.

Bai Yu was not given a chance to resist at all - or as long as Bai Yu persisted, Ting Yun would immediately show an expression that was about to burst into tears, sobbing beside him with the words"My brother has grown up, I don't like it" My sister, I won’t kiss my sister anymore" and other lines, and while saying this, she stabbed him with extremely sad eyes.

In the end, Bai Yu often retreats and surrenders.


Tingyun had already peeled off his coat, exposing Baiyu's inner lining. He glanced at Tingyun, whose little hands were erratically reaching into his inner lining.

"Sister Tingyun, what are your hands doing?"

"Give Xiaobai a physical examination!" Tingyun spoke righteously, his tail whirling in circles behind him,"It is a sister's responsibility to care about the development of her younger brother!"

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