The number of enemies exceeds expectations and cannot be annihilated. The only feasible way at present is to concentrate firepower to find a way out in a short time and retrieve the four little ones trapped inside.

Belfast, whose combat experience was no less than that of a maid, made a quick decision

"The whole ship! Enter combat status, coordinates X12, Y48! All gun ports, volley!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Unlike the small power of the destroyer sisters' artillery, the thick and big gun barrels of a group of light cruisers, heavy cruisers and even battleship sisters instantly surrounded the sirens. Setting off a sea of ​​fire.

Of course, they also instantly attracted the attention of a large number of sirens, causing a large wave of mass-produced surface and air units to hurl themselves at them.

Belfast was directing the battle while constantly observing the surroundings..

Unlike the ship girls, each independent individual is an intellectual girl, the most mass-produced models on the Siren side are self-disciplined units that cannot communicate. A small group of Sirens is okay, but the number is so huge that it is as big as this. To this extent, it is impossible to achieve effective coordination solely by relying on the mentally retarded combat logic of these low-level mass-produced models.

——Therefore, there must be hidden high-level units or even humanoid sirens on the battlefield coordinating the command!

"victory! did you find it! ?"

Thinking of this, Belfast turned to look at the only aircraft mother among the people who came to rescue.

The girl with blond hair and blue eyes was biting her fingertips, her consciousness connected to the carrier-based aircraft that had been released by her. After hearing this, she said angrily Turning her head and glaring at Belfast,

Miss Victory waved her hands irritably. Because of her shortness of breath, the already tall peaks of her moon rose and fell more and more alarmingly.

"I'm looking for it, I'm looking for it, don't rush me - I have it!"

Suddenly, Victory's blue eyes focused, and the scepter with a golden cross in his hand pointed to the southeast.


"It's...a siren codenamed"Tester"!"

"I'm trying to interfere with her command, you guys step up and create a path!"

Having said that, Shengli once again launched a wave of carrier-based aircraft.


If she was the only one, the situation would not be too bad. It

's not like Belfast had never fought against the other party. When she saw Shengli, she started to interfere with the tester. After that, he immediately commanded the sisters around him to step up the offensive.

Another salvo fired, and the cannons popped out of the barrel, shaking the sea surface, roaring across beautiful parabolas, but more than half of them missed, and could only stir up waves on the sea. A row of drainage posts.

Belfast sighed

"Sure enough, without a commander……"

『Commander, is that important?』


The male voice that sounded in his mind shocked Belfast so much that he almost fell into the sea on the spot.

The maid who came back to her senses quickly cheered up and looked around, but did not find anyone who was suspected of making the voice.

Belfast's beautiful eyebrows Locking themselves tightly, seeing that their companions were fighting seriously, they could only lower their voices for a while and try to continue communicating with that voice:

"Who are you?"

『We’ll talk about the identity issue later. Judging from your appearance now, you seem to need help? Tell me, maybe I can help you?"

The voice sounded again, and Belfast's mind began to change rapidly, and a guess that she couldn't even believe gradually emerged.

Could it be... the commander?

But it doesn’t make sense!

Another Siren naval gun exploded next to him. Belfast was awakened and without caring about anything else, he spoke in a low voice but very fast:"This... sir, can you help me improve the bombardment?" Hit rate and power?"

——This is a bonus that only human commanders can bring to ship girls. If the other party can do it, it will undoubtedly prove that the owner of this voice is the commander!

『All I can say is try it."

Bai Yu thought Belfast would make other requests, such as leaving the field to help her clear the map, but in the end it was just to increase the power and hit rate of artillery strikes?

In terms of power, he didn't have any good ideas for a while, but his hit rate?

This might be possible.

Through Belfast, Bai Yu spreads his spiritual power.

Those large number of siren units have a high movement speed in the eyes of ordinary people and even ship girls, but from Bai Yu's perspective, this speed is as slow as a turtle crawling.

After thinking about it, Bai Yu tried to forcibly cover Belfast's external perception with the"perspective" under his mental induction.

Just like he can take over the control of Ying's body on his own initiative, the current situation is that Bai Yu only takes over"part" of the authority - namely vision, hearing and a certain degree of thinking analysis.

For a moment, Belfast froze.

After she was just stunned, she found that the world she saw had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The high-speed carrier-based aircraft, the artillery shells flying in the sky, and the waves stirred up in the sea, everything became extremely slow.

Even the whistling of the wind and the roar of exploding artillery shells were stretched into a weird tone.

Turning around suddenly, she was shocked to find that the sisters around her seemed to be moving in slow motion.

The unprecedented surprise made Belfast's pink cheeks heat up quickly. Before she had time to think about it, she turned her head and looked at the enemy in front of her.

The sirens were still making various irregular movements to avoid the attacks from the ship girls, but in the eyes of Belfast at this time, those movements were all ridiculous behaviors.

She can calculate the opponent's next course of action in an instant!

"This time... none of you can escape!"

Turn the muzzle, aim at the target, and fire, all actions are done in one go.

Boom boom boom boom——!!!

Every shell fired accurately hits the core weakness of every Siren unit!

Even several missiles in the sky The Siren aircraft were all hit by Belfast's unreasonable naval guns aimed at sea units!?

Continuous explosions sounded, and Belfast scored several consecutive salvos with one shot. The result may not be achieved!

"Belfast! ?"

Everyone on the side was dumbfounded by the reputation.

"how did you do that! ?"

Ship cannon masturbation?

Why don't you just jump up into the sky and hit it with your fists!?

"Amazing……"Belfast looked at his hands in the same dull manner, then raised his head, everything in front of him returned to"normal speed".

But as long as she wants, she can seamlessly switch back and forth between normal speed and"bullet time" without affecting her actions at all!

"I'll answer this later, right now……"

The maid smiled lightly and turned to look ahead.

"Everyone, please follow me to save people first!"

At the same time, in his heart, Belfast whispered -

(Commander, thank you!)

PS·AI illustration, Baiyu

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