When returning to Liyue Port, a banquet celebrating the defeat of Bashi was taking place in Qunyu Pavilion.

The stage that was set up was empty, and it was not known whether Yun Jin had finished singing her"Goddess Pi Guan".

When Ying landed on Qunyu Pavilion, Ningguang immediately led people to greet him.

"Ying, you are finally back. I was worried when I saw you flying away. Huanlu said there was no need to worry, because General Bai was here, so I……"

Paimon also flew over with Huanlong on his head. The little guy hugged the screen and looked up and down, and then he breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that she was fine.

"When did you come back?"Sitting on Paimeng's head, Huanhu asked her - obviously, her question was aimed at Bai Yu.

"I just came back not long ago, what happened this time...that's it, it's nothing."

Bai Yu looked around and saw the silver-haired Shen He in the crowd.

Although the scene of Shen He's hero saving the beauty did not appear because the situation went astray, this disciple of the Xian family who came from Jueyun was still in this battle~ The fight was brilliant.

Bai Yu simply used the edgeless sword to create a reflection of himself and stood next to Ying.

After everyone sat down, Yun Jin finally came on stage not long after, because she wanted to wait until Ying came back before officially starting the performance. So she waited until now.

Mr. Yun was babbling and singing her"Goddess Pi Guan". Funina listened with enjoyment on her face. From time to time she would close her eyes and follow the rhythm. She would make one or two comments from time to time, and use the Liyue opera and Fontaine Opera for comparison

"By the way, Xiaobai, where were you before? Paimon asked at the table

"I know I know! Rice wife!"Funina raised her hands high. After hearing this, Ying subconsciously reached out to twist Bai Yu's waist, but she missed the opportunity.

"On Haiji Island. Bai Yu explained,"I'm going to Yuanxia Palace tomorrow. I guess I'll have to go back from Yuanxia Palace this time.""

He has noticed that the biobeacon Ruan Mei left for him has received some vague signals not long ago.

"So fast! ? Ying was a little reluctant to give up, put down the bowl and chopsticks and said flatly:"Then I want to go to Yuanxia Palace with you!""

"Yuanxia Palace……"Funina lowered her eyelids.

When Bai Yu saw this, he immediately knew that there might be information about Yuanxia Palace in the water god's intelligence network.

"you know?"

"I've heard of it, but don't know much about it. I only know that it's related to the fallen demon god believed in by Kaiji Island."

"Because of the state of Kaijijima and Fontaine... I paid more or less attention to it."

Although Fu Nina didn't say it clearly, Bai Yu knew what she was going to say - Haiji Island is facing the threat of becoming a holy land, and it is an island rising from the bottom of the sea. In a sense, it seems to be similar to Fontaine's situation. somewhat similar

"Before you go to Haiji Island, send me back first. Two days of play is enough. If I disappear again, Villette will definitely send someone to pick me up."

"Rather, he must have known that I am in Liyue by now."

When she said this, Funina still had a look of reluctance and unfinished expression on her face.

"What about Villette?"Paimeng tilted his head.

Bai Yu said with a smile:"Paimon can be understood as Fengdan's acting captain Qin."

"oh~~~! It turns out that Funina, you are also a god who doesn’t care about anything at all!"

Funina was ashamed and angry, and she argued fiercely with Paimon. For a while, the dinner table was noisy and the atmosphere was harmonious.

……The dividing line...

With Yingying's body holding Funina by the hand, Paimon hanging behind his back, and Paimon holding a Hulusi on his head, Baiyu landed at the window on the top floor of Momang Palace.

Jumping into her bedroom through the window, Funina nodded with satisfaction as she looked at the room she had left two days ago.

It was kept very clean, and it looked like it had just been cleaned. It seems that during the two days that I left, the Meiluxins were also working hard.

"Okay, I'm home, why don't you come in and sit down? I'll treat you to Fontaine's black tea. There are two more macarons over there. It turns out they were just made and delivered today. Do you want to try them too?"

Standing in the room, Funina warmly invited Bai Yu and others who were still outside.

"No need, I have to rush back to Haiji Island."Bai Yu slipped over to Paimenti behind him and held him in his arms, and Huan Lu jumped onto his shoulder.

"Are you in such a hurry?"Funina was a little disappointed, but then she cheered up and said,"Thank you, I've been very happy these two days."

"The next time you visit, don't show up as directly as before. It is extremely rude to break into a lady's boudoir at night."

"If you come in through the main door, I will definitely welcome you with the most solemn etiquette."


Bai Yu snapped her fingers and escaped into the sky.

Funina stood by the window, staring blankly at the direction Bai Yu left, and finally smiled.

Although the predicted crisis has not been completely resolved, since he said that he There is no need to worry, and you will soon be able to unload the burden and really live the life you want, then there will be nothing to worry about.

Compared with the despair and pain of not knowing how long to persist in the past, now there is a definite After time and hope, the world in Funina's eyes became beautiful again.

On the other side, while flying high in the sky, Ying finally couldn't help it anymore and asked the biggest confusion in her heart these days.——

"Xiaobai, Funina...is she really the God of Water?"

"Although I can't see any difference between her and other gods, she is no different from humans. What worries me most is that she didn't recognize Zhongli."

"Can one god fail to recognize another god?"

"Yes! Paimon also patted his forehead,"I'm thinking about this too.""

"Of course she is the water goddess. Bai Yu affirmed,"It's just that... the water god is guilty.""

"guilty?"The girl was confused.

"The Fontaine people are not true pure human beings, but descendants of the former water god Egolia, transformed by pure water elves."

"The pure water elves longed to become humans, so Egolia stole the water of the original womb sea and turned the pure water elves into simulated humans. This is the rule of heaven set for Egolia and Fukalos, who inherited the position of water god. sin"

"ha! Is it a sin to create humans? Huan Lu smiled sarcastically,"Aren't those rules set by heaven a little too stingy?" If this can be considered a crime, wouldn't it be an unforgivable crime for those of us who are engaged in life sciences to directly conduct experiments on the ecosystem of a planet? Or is it the original sin to steal that water?

Bai Yu had a different view:"That's not the problem. I think if Egolia could create a true pure-bred human, she would be fine. But here's the problem. The humans she created are mimic humans.""

"There is a legend among the Fontaine people that as long as a couple prays at a certain fountain in Fontaine, they can give birth to an heir. In fact, this is not a legend. Humans transformed from pure water elves cannot reproduce under normal circumstances. This method must be used to give birth to mimic humans like them."

"Pure humans can breed pure humans, but pure humans and mimic humans of pure water elves cannot breed. Mimic humans must be born in this way, not to mention mimic humans."

"We only need to simply list a mathematical model to discover the huge problem."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Asking for flowers 0

Baiyu directly used the wind element to condense into a light screen in front of everyone, which displayed dense table data.

"You see, we assume that there are now 100 million pure human males and females, and 100 million mimetic human males and females."

"Four hundred million people live together, marry at will, everyone can find a spouse normally, get married at the age of twenty, and each couple has two children"

"It will only take one hundred and eighty years for the number of pure human beings to plummet to less than one million."

"Three hundred and twenty years later, there will not even be 10,000 pure humans left!"

"The emergence of mimic humans, mimic humans can only give birth to the flaws of mimic humans, which will make the native humans of Teyvat extinct!"

"Even if this model is only the most ideal state, in fact, the initial number of mimic humans is far less than that of pure humans, but the principle will not change, but the time of human extinction will be postponed." fluorescent:"——!!!!"

Paimon:"……ah! ?"

"Therefore, I believe that creating humans is not the original sin, nor is stealing fetal sea water. What really makes the Water God condemned by the rules of heaven is that the humans she created are incomplete, and this incomplete mimic human will continue to reproduce and communicate with normal humans. , crowding out human living space and leading to human extinction"

"After all, there is no difference in appearance between mimic humans and pure humans. No one will deliberately distinguish them. The combination of humans and mimic humans is inevitable."

"There must have been a large number of pure human beings living in Fontaine in ancient times, but now... how many are left in Fontaine?"

The game text hints that Rene and Jacob of the Narcissus Cross Society have different physiques from the others in Fontaine. Bai Yu suspects that this is because these two people are pure human beings who were already very rare at that time.[]

"What if the Fontaines spread to other parts of the Seven Earthly Kingdoms of Teyvat? This kind of reproductive defect will inevitably lead to the disappearance of native humans in other countries over time."

(PS illustration table data analysis comes from Xiaopo Station Where are my cards?)

You can see cold sweat on your forehead.

Many times, if you don’t need to calculate some things with mathematics, you will not realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Agolia...this is a huge trap!"

"However, this problem is easy to solve."Huan Lu suddenly said,"Isn't it enough to let the heavenly principles come out and turn the mimic humans into pure humans? Whether she likes to convict or not, she should at least clean up this mess first, right? How come this has caused trouble to this day?"

"Maybe... Tianli himself disappeared earlier than all of us imagined, and the person who maintains the rules does not have this ability himself?"

Navilet's character story mentioned that he was severely injured in the revenge war. The function of the usurper was damaged and he was no longer able to suppress the original order of the world with his absolute authority. After that, all the fragments from the original were destroyed. Driven to annex each other.

In other words, the demon gods on the earth are all fragments of the original one!

The appearance of the demon god means the disappearance of the original one!

All demon gods love people, so with What about Phanes, whose own fragments turned into a group of demon gods? He must also love people.

The laws of nature he formulated must also favor people.

Under this premise, when the mimic humans created by Egolia threaten the survival of mankind At that time, it was not surprising that the former water god was convicted.

While thinking about it, Bai Yu could see eight islands in the sea through the sea fog.

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