With hands that were almost constantly trembling, Lily successfully connected the signal after several consecutive mistakes.

She quickly shouted into the microphone:"Hey! Hello! Can you hear me!? Can anyone hear me!? I am Leslie, an expatriate officer of the Black Tower Space Station! I am communicating with the outside world using the third type of communication protocol designated by Ms. Black Tower. Send a wide-area distress signal! Did anyone receive it? Is there anyone!?"


First there was a noisy electric sound, and a moment later, when Lily's face showed a look of disappointment that could not be concealed - -This is Luofu Immortal Boat, and I am Major General Bai Yu.

Ms. Leslie, please provide your space station officer identification number.

"General Bai!!!!!!"

Lily almost screamed and immediately reported her section member identification code.

There was another moment of waiting - just a few seconds, to everyone present, it was as long as several years.

Sima Weizhi clenched her fists tightly, and her fingertips turned white from exerting too much force. Although she could not understand the conversation between Bai Yu and Lily, at least she knew that they had finally successfully contacted the outside world.

According to Lily and Luo Strangely speaking, their planet seems to have fallen into another universe for unknown reasons, and this universe is full of people who can freely sail in the sea of ​​​​stars, and their technology is so advanced that they cannot imagine civilizations!


Verification passed, Ms. Leslie, Heita asked me to bring you a message.

Immediately afterwards, the voice from the communication turned into a voice message from Heita:

Come back and write a detailed report, and ask the man next to you named Rocky's point of attention is that his behavior was not approved by Esta, and he will receive the punishment himself afterwards.

"Punishment! Deserve punishment! Severe punishment! Rocky agreed almost with tears streaming down his face. He knelt on the ground,"Great...Lily...you can be saved."……"

Bai Yu's voice sounded again:

Keep the communication open, we have locked your coordinate point, and someone will be here soon.

On the bridge of the Canglong, Bai Yu chuckled after ending the call:"These two are so lucky to be alive until now."

"Anyway, it’s a good ending!"Paimon clapped beside her. She already knew the story of"To: Pale Star" from Silver Branch.

"Major General, I suggest we land directly. Latio suddenly made a suggestion,"I am very interested in those strange creatures. They have extremely obvious but quite vulgar traces of genetic modification.""

"Of course, what really interests me is the power of abundance and greed that surrounds these creatures."

"I think our real crisis has not yet emerged"

"Aren't those bugs our enemies?"Ying pointed at the gastrula that were photographed by the probes on the screen and were found almost all over the planet.

"Think before you ask. Otherwise, people will only become more stupid. Latio glanced over and said,"Before this operation, the deduction results given by Taibusi required the major general to bring a medium-sized fleet. Do you think these insects are worth such a big fight?""

Ying flattened her mouth, poked Bai Yu's arm with her little hand, and cast a look of grievance.

——noob! Look at him being mean to me!

"Besides, the happy Star God personally gave the divine inspiration and hoped that we would set foot on that planet. Do you think a Star God would be so boring that he just wants us to see bugs?"

"I think it’s possible that it’s Chang Le Tianjun."

Bai Yu took Ying into his arms and comforted her.

"But you are right, we should go up and have a look." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Fortunately I was prepared!"When Xing Bao heard this, he happily took out a bottle of insecticide on the spot and waved it towards Bai Yu proudly,"Look, look!"


Ladio's chalk hit her forehead:"Zero points!"

Under Bai Yu's order, the fleet began to officially fly towards the earth that fell from another universe.

As the fleet continued to approach, people on the earth were finally able to detect abnormalities with their naked eyes.


On the rooftop, Rocky put one hand between his eyebrows and pointed the other hand at the sky and shouted happily.

Although the sun in the sky has turned into a black hole, the light emitted by the accretion disk itself provides a brighter light than the sun. It requires dazzling light.

The power from the preservation also prevents the fragile atmosphere of the planet from being blown away by radiation. Therefore, from the perspective of people on the ground, except that it is daytime 24 hours a day and you can see it no matter when you look up, Outside a frightening big black hole, everything that remains is no different from before.

In the blue sky, a vague shadow can be vaguely seen.

The starship did not break into the atmosphere, but was approaching the Kármán line It hovered in orbit after being nearby. Even so, the unfolded fleet almost blocked the entire sky that people could see. The shield on the surface of the ship and the glow from the energy grid on the outer armor changed the original blue color. The sky turned yellow

"This is really……"[]

As a scientist, Sumire Muroto felt an unprecedented shock.

Even though these starships were hovering outside the atmosphere and could even achieve absolute silence, Sumire Muroto still felt as if her entire eardrums were trembling and her brain was dizzy, so much so that she had to raise her hands to hold on to the ones beside her. Only by Sima Weizhi can he avoid falling

——Then she rolled to the ground with Sima Weizhi.

Sima Weizhi smiled bitterly:"Sorry...I...my legs are weak……"

"Sister Lily, are they here to save us?"In the crowd, Qianju Natsuyo ran to Lily, grabbed her sleeves and asked in a low voice

"Well, Xia Shi, we... are saved."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Qianju Natsuyo and a large group of cursed children behind her hugged each other, crying and laughing.

People looked at the starship in the sky expectantly, and then they saw There was a formation of small spaceships approaching them rapidly.

This small fleet dragged the stream of tail flames, and after reaching the sky above everyone's heads, it stopped abruptly in an incredible way - almost completely ignoring inertia.

As the cabin The door opened, and countless cloud cavalry soldiers and golden guards fell from the sky. After free falling to a height of several meters above the ground, their speed suddenly slowed down. Almost in the blink of an eye, the people standing on the rooftop realized that they had been captured. A heavily armed army completely surrounded...er...

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