Azur route, Union Port Area.

In the square in front of the administrative building, the flag symbolizing the alliance is hung in the middle, and on both sides stands the flags of the various factions that make up the alliance.

"Hurry up, hurry up, everyone!

"Helena, hang that banner a little higher to the left!"

"Anchorage! Be careful! Don't climb too high!"

"Blowing snow, take someone to sweep the fallen leaves in the yard~", "Got it!

Unlike in the past, this morning's central square in the port area, the early risers were busy.

Raffi came out of the dormitory with his eyes rubbed, his shirt hanging loosely, and he hurriedly ran over after seeing Ke Dad, who was already busy.

"Rafite, hurry up and help, everyone is getting busy!"

"Uh-huh, whoa——!"

Rafi's little hand, who was still confused, was suddenly grabbed by Cleveland, and the whole person was led forward and ran.

"Don't you know? Belfast said that there will be a commander here today, and everyone is busy preparing for the welcoming ceremony. "

"Refers to ...... Swinging officials?"

Rafi's drooping eyelids gradually rose, and the confusion in his eyes quickly dissipated.

"yes, yesterday—"

283Cleveland shoved several lanterns into Rafite's hand as he busied himself with his companions and explained to Raffi what had happened yesterday.

After the Mirror Sea was lifted, Belfast successfully contacted the rest of the team that attacked together, and after returning to the port area, they immediately reported the arrival of the White Elm Society in the port area today.

As the current rotating speaker of the alliance, Wales is very aware of the previous situation of the alliance, if it were not for the excellent performance of Belfast after the birth of White Elm, perhaps a violent conflict between the ships and their own would have broken out within the alliance now.

For this reason, Wales immediately decided to hold a welcome ceremony for White Elm.

Inside a building on the other side.

Bismarck, dressed in a dark military uniform, looked down at the busy shipwives below, and raised her hand to pull down the military hat on her head, the dark shadow cast by the brim of the hat obscured her face.

She thought of Zeppelin's earlier report.

Her carrier-based aircraft had been trapped on the periphery of the mirrored sea area in Belfast before, and she had also seen Bai Yu's sword at close range.

Zeppelin said this in a top-secret report sent to Bismarck.

Although it was only cold words, Bismarck could still read between the lines the almost crazy mood of Zeppelin, who witnessed all this at that time.

The frenzy of wanting to draw the commander to his side at once, and to fight the whole world with that power, made Bismarck somewhat worried.

Zeppelin did not like alliances and was fond of war and killing, something Bismarck knew from the beginning.

"I hope ...... The appearance of this commander is a good thing......"

As the sun gradually rises, the decoration of the square by the ship girls is finally over.

Bismarck turned to leave the room and arrived in the square with the others, and from time to time the ship's wife greeted her warmly, both from the Iron and Blood camp and the children of other camps.

The smiles on the faces of these people gradually infected Bismarck, and before long she saw Belfast standing in the middle of the crowd.

"Hmph, is the guy who dared to snatch my proud maid finally show up?"

As soon as Queen Elizabeth's head was lifted with her hands on her hips, the war-weary behind her quickly poked her hands out: "Your Majesty, the crown!

As a strict and rigid maid, Belfast will never be polite when offended, even if the other party is His Majesty.

She said to Elizabeth with a straight face: "Your Majesty, even you can't be rude to the commander. "

Elizabeth subconsciously shrank her head, and glanced to the side with a weak heart: "Know...... Got it......"

"Your Majesty!" the old lady clapped her hands in disgust - everyone was used to her way of clapping and clapping whenever Elizabeth did whatever she did.

"Befa, how long will it be before that commander arrives?"

Wales walked up to Belfast and asked, everyone was ready, but it was not enough to wait in the square all the time.

Belfast hesitated: "Or...... Let me ask again?" (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A dutiful maid should not rush her master, but the fact that her companions were always waiting here also made her feel uneasy.

After thinking about it, Belfast mustered up the courage, silently apologized in his heart, and began to try to contact Bai Yu.

However, before the message could be sent, a door in front of him suddenly opened with a streamer.

"What is this!?"

Someone exclaimed.

Belfast's expression froze, and with the appearance of the door, the two worlds were connected, and the mental cube in her body began to gush out continuously, although it was not as strong as when she was possessed by consciousness, but it was still quite a matter of joy.

"Come on...... Here comes ......!"

Taking a deep breath, Belfast hurried forward.

The noisy square was so quiet that everyone was staring at the open door, and some destroyers were even eager to try to get through it.

On the other side of the door, a tall figure gradually emerged.

Radiance stroked his cheek with one hand, tilted his head slightly, and gently soothed the head of the unicorn who had been hiding beside him because of shyness and timidity with the other: "Oops, I wonder what kind of person the commander of Belfast will be—huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Yu had already stepped out and appeared in the port area.

The ship's ladies stared blankly at the person who suddenly appeared, since they knew that Belfast had a commander, many people had imagined what this commander would look like, in their fantasies, the image of Bai Yu was mostly a military man in a navy uniform.

Considering all kinds of information, especially Bai Yu's performance last night, in the heart of the ship's mother who knew the inside story, Bai Yu was even about to become the ultimate creature on his arm that could run a horse......

"Liar...... Liar, aren't you......?"

In the crowd, Cleveland's eyes widened.

You tell her that this guy who looks like he came out of a shoujo manga is the kind of humanoid beast commander who can throw the observer in the sirens like a ball?。

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