The Prince of Wales has prepared a room for the Commander in the port area.

The room is located right in the administration building and is on the top floor.

It was originally used as a warehouse to store documents, but thanks to the efforts of the barbarians, the huge warehouse has been transformed into a residential area comparable to the presidential suite of a five-star hotel, with complete living facilities and even an office area isolated from the living area.

The whole process was done by the Brutes independently, and it was not until the final acceptance that Wales realized that the Brutes were actually doing the work as the commander of the entire port area.

Although it is not quite understandable why the Brute Chirp has such a perception, the Brute Chirp these magical creatures themselves are as full of mystery as the Rubik's Cube of the Mind, and Wales does not delve too deeply into this matter.

When the day dawned on the Minato area, Belfast, who had been soothed all night, finally woke up.

Instinctively, he rolled over to the other side and reached forward, only to pounce on him, and Belfast's eyes widened only to realize that he was the only one left on the bed.

Originally, there was still a residual temperature and a faint fragrance in the place where Bai Yu was, and a piece of silver hair glowing in the morning light could be seen on the pillow that was slightly sunken downward.

As a maid, she actually woke up more late than her master, and this dereliction of duty made Belfast sleepy and quickly sat up from the bed.

The quilt covering his body slid down his skin, but he was immediately stopped by the front armor that was quite proud and snowy even without any support.

Before he had time to think about it, Belfast rolled over and got out of bed, bending down to pick up the dresses scattered on the floor.

- Shhh

“...... Huh?"

Belfast was stunned as he stared blankly at the maid's outfit whose palms were torn into strips of cloth by his own hand.

She tentatively picked up the white silk over-the-knee socks scattered next to her, and in the same way, she was very careful in the whole process, but the moment she touched it, she saw the scattered silk fabric fragments in the sky.


The maid turned her head, and what she saw was the large bed that had collapsed on the ground—the entire wooden skeleton had been scattered to the ground.

"This, this, this ——?"

The bedroom door was suddenly gently pushed open from the outside, and Bai Yu, who walked in, saw the messy scene in the room, and showed such an expression.

"I knew it was going to happen, you don't move, I'll dress you. "


Belfast subconsciously bent down slightly and raised his hand to cover his chest.

The maid shrank back into the ruined bed, trying to grab the quilt and cover herself—

Boom la la la......

Cotton wool was flying, and it was like snow in the room.

"Your strength has increased a little too much, and you can't get used to it yet, so don't move anyway, or you won't be able to leave anything in this room. "

Bai Yu walked quickly to Belfast's side, and after helping her up, he magically pulled out a set of clothes similar to Belfast's usual clothes.

Although he wanted to say that he came, but thinking that he had just moved his fingers casually, and everything he touched was shattered, Belfast could only stand against his hot cheeks and his eyes with water, and let Bai Yu dress himself.

"Sorry, sorry...... Commander, I'm a maid, but I want you to ...... the other way around."

"Alright, you don't have to do anything today, first familiarize yourself with the sudden increase in power. "

Bai Yu flicked Belfast's forehead and neatly dressed her.

Belfast looked at Bai Yu's skillful technique, and his expression was a little strange: "Commander, how many girls have you dressed?"

"And...... This size ......"

- It was a perfect fit, as if it was tailor-made for her data.

"Come, sit down, legs up. "


Shyly lifted the tender white jade leg and put it on Bai Yu's palm, Belfast watched with some impatience as Bai Yu put on his knee socks little by little, and unconsciously curled up his round and crystal toes.

Perhaps because of his inexplicable strength, when his clothes were dressed, Belfast also stiffened his body and stood in place and did not dare to move.

"Take it easy, get used to it first, this dress is made of silver star silk, and it is a very precious material in the entire sea of stars, and some civilizations will even use it as a raw material for soldiers' defensive armor - the inner armor made of high-strength silver star silk can even withstand the explosion of a small-yield fusion bomb, and it is not so easy to break. "

With Bai Yu's assurance, Belfast breathed a sigh of relief and tried to move his hands and feet, and sure enough, he saw that his clothes were not damaged, and he was truly relieved.

Following Bai Yu to the outer office, Belfast curiously glanced at the light screen on the desk not far away.

"What is the Commander doing?"

"There are some government affairs on Luofu's side that I need to deal with, and I also have to have a meeting with Liuyu, and the meeting has just ended before you wake up. "

So the commander was so busy?

"I'm sorry, Commander, you said that I would be your secretary ship, but I haven't ......helped me in any way so far." (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Your priority now is to familiarize yourself with the new power, and let's test it later?"

"But the Commander's job?"

"Learning to fish is the minimum requirement for a happy job. Bai Yu did not hesitate to say the famous words that belonged to the green sparrow.

Belfast can't help but be embarrassed.

...... Dividing line ......

The port area is relatively quiet in the early morning, Belfast itself belongs to the early type of wake-up, at this time most of the shipwives are still sleeping in their dormitories, and only some brute chirps have been active around the port area, carrying out their daily maintenance work.

On the dock, Bai Yu stood with his hands in his hands, looked at Belfast beside him, and nodded encouragingly.

Belfast took a deep breath and leaped forward, and the solid concrete floor immediately cracked inch by inch.

In mid-air, Belfast was surrounded by blue streamers, which turned into translucent cubes, and the last bit of her new ship outfit appeared.

And then Belfast was magical, floating directly in mid-air.

"This ...... This is!?"

Looking down, the maid lady looked in amazement at the brand-new outfit that was very different from what she remembered.

It is an incredible ship outfit full of science fiction that does not show the slightest element of World War II warships.

More naval guns, more ornate armor, all-in-one fully enclosed radar, and-

- The jet port behind it, which clearly belonged to the starship's thrusters, was spewing out a pale blue tail flame.

Subconsciously turning his head, Belfast looked behind him.

On the gorgeous naval guns on the left and right, I don't know when, there is an extra military flag representing the cloud cavalry, and behind, on the tall fully enclosed radar tower, with the streamer emerging, the flag symbol symbolizing the identity of the white elm shines in the sun.

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