Inside the Black Tower Space Station.

Although it is unable to transmit information to Bai Yu whose consciousness is in another universe, through the ship girl contract and the connection between Bai Yu's consciousness itself and the body, Black Tower can still present Bai Yu's perspective in real time through its own simulated universe framework. The port area screen below.

Of course, they also saw those magical ship girls

"Interesting species."

Miss Doll crossed her chest with one hand and tapped her chin with the other. Her eyes fell on the ship girls who were fighting fiercely with the sirens on the sea.

"Although their combat methods are backward and primitive, and the power of their weapons is unsatisfactory, their form of existence is very special."

"Aren't they human?"Esta, who could only see the surface, didn't quite understand why Black Tower made such a comment. In her eyes, wasn't this just a group of soldiers who put on strange equipment and could fight with people on the sea?

"Of course not human."Heita glanced at the data on the light screen on the other side that had already made a preliminary analysis of the ship girls,"Do you think the ship guns on them are some kind of equipment? No, no, no, those things can be seen as part of their bodies"

"If you explain the image a little bit, you can probably understand that this is a group of warships that have turned into human beings."

"And their evolutionary potential is likely to be very high, for example... evolving from a surface ship in the atmosphere into a Star Destroyer?"

"It's so amazing. The universe is not without life forms that integrate carbon-based bodies and mechanical structures, but this is the first time I've seen this. Just how to classify these species biologically would make people at Bo Shi Zun Society scratch their heads."

"hateful! I have to think of a way to get Xiaobai to get me a sample to study."

Speeches like those of an evil scientist preparing to conduct human experiments are not objectionable. Esta, who is familiar with the Black Tower, knows very well that in the face of research subjects with intelligence and self-awareness, even if the Black Tower wants to conduct research on them, She will also try her best to take care of the other party's own emotions.

On the other side, Su Chang, who was confused, finally understood. The girl looked at the ship girls galloping on the sea like a curious baby, and whispered:"Xingcha...ah... , can a battleship turn into a girl?"

"The personification of ordnance is nothing new."Fu Xuan raised his eyelids and signaled Su Chang not to make a fuss,"Don't forget, the essence of the golden man in Xianzhou is humanoid armor."

Thinking of the gate tower of Xianzhou and the envoys of the Ten Kings Division, Su Chang suddenly realized and nodded:"That's right!"

……The dividing line...

Above the sea, the Purifier was like an excited child, laughing and leading a large number of mass production units to launch bombardments at the Azur Lane headquarters port area.

The water column and fire caused by the continuous artillery fire almost completely obscured the sight. Although such a sudden attack caused huge trouble to the port area at the first time, soon, as more and more ship girls reacted, And into the battlefield, the situation began to reverse at an alarming speed.

After all, this is the home port of the headquarters, and there are a large number of heroic ship girls gathered here. It would be fine if the sirens came out in full force, but now a big-eyed cutie comes with a group of mass-produced soldiers to cause trouble.……

——The final result must be that she herself was turned into a hot weapon.

As a large number of carrier-based aircraft broke through the dust in the sky and flew over themselves to drop bombs, a series of main gun salvos followed.

The falling aerial bombs and the main gun shells roaring in a parabola caused a harsh and shrill scream due to friction with the air, and instantly sent a large number of Siren units that were too close to the port area to the bottom of the sea.

"You dare to fight here, you are too courageous!"

Bismarck, wearing a military uniform, stood at the front, holding high the black Iron Cross flag with one hand, and slightly lowering the brim of his military cap with the other hand. His eyes were sharp, as if he could penetrate the flames of war that obscured his vision.

"Everyone, please follow me! Over there, don't follow Eugen around!"

"Prepare to charge! Tear apart the enemy's formation! No one can stop the iron-blooded march!"

With a loud shout, Bismarck waved his long arm and pointed the iron-blooded cross flag forward.

"Be careful, Bismarck!"The Prince of Wales rushed to Bismarck's side,"The situation is not right. The investigation results from Akagi and Kaga showed that this time the sirens were only led by the Purifier, and no other high-level sirens were seen."

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Who said I was the only one here!"

I couldn't tell whether it was wild or wanton laughter. Bismarck and Wales both raised their heads and saw the Purifier jumping down from a high altitude.

"The observation pro has already entered~~ and gone~~ Oh~~!"

Wales and Bismarck's expressions changed greatly, and at the same time they thought of a possibility


There is no doubt that Siren must have learned about the Belfast Contract Commander and specifically launched this operation.

Let the Purifiers start a war here to attract attention, and then let the Observers sneak in and arrest people?

Seeing the horrifying reactions of the two, the Purifier's golden eyes opened wider, and his laughter became more cheerful.

"Are you scared? Now, maybe Beifaqin has been - oh poof!!!!!"


Completely, they couldn't react to what happened.

Wales and Bismarck felt something strange behind them at first, and then in the blink of an eye, a huge roar took away their hearing.

After everything calmed down, the people at the scene The scene suddenly became weird.

The big-eyed Meng lowered his head and stared blankly below:"Ah?"

Welsh and Bismarck fell into silence, looking at the empty place below Big Eyed Meng's neck. There should have been the body of the Purifier there, but now there is only one head of the Purifier left in the air.

"oops? Where is my body?"

Accompanied by the question, the big-eyed cute head fell on the water with a pop and started to choke on the water.

"Gu——! Cough cough cough! I choked! Choking! One of you, please pick up my head!"

In the distance.

About a few sea miles away, on an unknown island.

The dizzy observer, after finally getting rid of the mosquito coils in his eyes, looked at the purification being held in his arms with a livid face. Kissing the headless body.

This idiot actually waved his hands randomly and touched around his neck. After touching her head, he tried to pull out her head and put it on the top of his empty neck.……!

"idiot! This is my head! Don't pull it out!"

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