It is hard to imagine that the underground metal structure that was exposed in the collapsed ground just now, which was completely enclosed like a coffin, was actually just an entrance to a larger underground world.

- even if the coffin looked the size of a gymnasium.

When Aresta took control of the round, garbage can-shaped defense robot, and led Bai Yu through the gate to the interior, the first thing Bai Yu saw was a spiraling downward staircase.

The difficult terrain did not hinder the movement of the defense robot, and Bai Yu followed it with high-heeled clogs, all the way down the stairs.

He noticed that the environment here was in a state of negative pressure, but after going deep enough and passing through a gate, Bai Yu found that when entering the core underground world, he actually needed to pass through a vacuum isolation zone.

"It's really well guarded, what the hell are you hiding inside?"

Don't be in a hurry, friend.

Aresta's attitude was so good that Bai Yu was a little skeptical that this guy knew something in advance.

Ordinary researchers need to wear various protective suits if they want to pass through this vacuum isolation zone, but Bai Yu directly ignores this vacuum belt and follows the robot into 390 into the real underground world.

After a long corridor in the sky, Bai Yu finally came to the door of a heavily guarded laboratory.

Looking at the security measures that were obviously still in operation around him, the muzzles of those black holes—and even a large number of missiles aimed directly at the laboratory, Bai Yu frowned lightly: "Are you hiding aliens in it?"

While I'd love to keep the mystery going, congratulations, friend, you guessed it.

Are they really aliens?

Bai Yu looked at the robot in surprise.

The gate in front of him slowly opened with the sound of pressure relief, revealing a dark corridor behind the door.

As the first light near the entrance comes on, the lights in the hallway turn inward, illuminating the space ahead.

In the absolutely quiet corridor, only the sound of the robot's tires rubbing against the ground and the footsteps of Bai Yu echoed.

The walk lasted for more than ten minutes, and when the last gate opened, Bai Yu finally saw a wide rotunda.

The hall was filled with all sorts of equipment, and in his eyes, the research equipment here was not very advanced. (cifi)

But it didn't matter, because something in it caught his eye completely.

It was something that shouldn't have been in this world at all - something like a cylindrical hibernation pod.

Not metal, but a transparent shell made of some unknown material, revealing a dark blue liquid filled within—and a humanoid ...... Life?

Alternate Dimensional Warlock, this is the name of this relic on the shore.

The day after the third person disappeared, he found the dormant pod that had fallen into the wilderness outside the school city, and the ...... inside Well, I'm not sure if it's an alien lifeform or not.

Bai Yu: "......"

Is it a coincidence?

There is really a relic in "The Stars" called the Alien Warlock, and the only way to obtain it is to defeat the portal of one of the Ultimate, the Extradimensional Demons, and then capture such a powerful extradimensional body.

“...... Dimensional Demon?"

It seems that your Excellency knows?

There was a rare fluctuation in the voice from Aresta from the Autonomic Defense Robot.

"The thing...... It's a big one......" Bai Yu felt a toothache.

I thought that the humans in this world just got some leftovers from the wreckage of Cangcheng.,It's good to recycle it yourself.,As a result, the treasures here in the school city will actually be.

Warlock from another dimension?

"We once fought in the universe with the advance team of these guys. —the war that was fought to obtain the Frontier Relic from the Arilo system.

"But even then, we don't know much about them. "

So, we can work together, can't we?

Aresta made her purpose.

There are more treasures in this world than just one in front of me, there are some on the magic side, I know some of them, but I can't even find clues to many more.

Tideshore was only a brief encounter with this extradimensional warlock, and he had powers that were neither science nor magic—he treated them as hole cards and studied them, but none of them mattered.

Bai Yu glanced at the surroundings of the training chamber, which was obviously arranged by the researchers of the school city-detonating device.

Although he was completely inferior to a genius like the Black Tower in terms of scientific literacy, Bai Yu could also see at a glance that the only function of these detonation devices was to make the energy in the body of the alien warlock in front of him be completely uncontrollable in an instant.

Now, though, all of that equipment has been cut off by Aresta.

(psionic ...... Is it?)

Pressing his hand on the transparent cultivation cabin, Bai Yu looked at the dimensional demon inside who barely had a humanoid silhouette, but looked like a mosaic because of a bad signal.

"How are you going to work together?"

This is my greeting gift, friend.

You can take it with you and do whatever you want. If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I think that if you have the technology to cross the world, you will be able to discover more secrets.

Bai Yu was dumbfounded.

He shook his head and smiled, "It seems that my previous guess was correct - a demon god has fallen?"

Ever since the Black Tower asserted that many aspects of the Demon Forbidden Universe had died abnormally, Bai Yu had guessed that something might have happened to someone among the Demon Gods.

If you can, call it missing.

"It's a good thing for you, anyway. "

...... Definitely.

...... Dividing line ......

Inside the building without windows.

After falling into the life support device and ending the communication with the white elm, Aresta heard a murmuring voice.

"Have you changed your plans?"

"Never. "

Even though things have now completely exceeded expectations, his original purpose has not changed.

- Wage an all-out war against the demon god as a human and create a world without magic.

"From another treasure, I saw the possibility of an aspectless world, and I also witnessed the mistakes of this world. "

"It only made me more determined in my original idea. "

"How do you decide that the other side is right?"

Aresta was silent.

After a long time, he replied to Eivas:

"At the very least, the aspect of the demon god shows signs of collapse due to external forces...... Dimensional Demons? Interesting ......".

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