The main city of Changle Star is unimaginably large, and the place where Silk Kirk and the Celestial Wings are fighting now naturally cannot be in the city, and it is said that they have opened a ring outside the city.

After learning about this, Bai Yu was going to simply fly over, but he saw Sinknierba take out his mobile phone and horn a few times, raise his head and say innocently: "Ah, young general, what do you see me doing?"

"What were you doing?"

“...... It's too far away, I'll call Didi to find a chacha - don't, don't look at me like that, I bought Xingcha myself, but isn't it that I haven't got a driver's license yet?"

Bai Yu: "......"

This Miss Hua Guanqing has inevitably integrated too quickly in Luofu!

Soon, the Xingcha that Sinknierba called stopped on the side of the road where the two of them were, and as soon as they got on the Xingcha Bai Yu, they almost didn't pull it over-

"Less...... Major General!?"

"Kuki Shinobu ......"

Looking at the little girl sitting in the driver's seat, Bai Yu held her forehead with her hand.

"Why did you get to Luofu to be a Xingcha driver!?"

Bai Yu's popularity in Inazuma is not low, so although he and Kuki Shinobu are not very familiar with each other, Kuki Shinobu recognizes him at a glance.

"I didn't expect the young general to actually know me......" Kuki Shinobu smiled embarrassedly, "Isn't this like to take the certificate, after I helped the society a lot before, I also got a pass to Luofu, and in line with the idea that if I have a certificate, I will probably be able to use it in the future, and it took three days to take a Xingcha driver's license." "

"Later, I thought that I couldn't waste it if I got the certificate anyway, so I had nothing to do here, and I worked part-time as a driver of Didi to earn some extra money......"

Sinknir Barren was stunned: "What did you say!?three days?you got your driver's license in three days!?"

Kuki Shinobu looked strange: "It's very simple, isn't it just a matter of having hands?"

So Sinknierba threw himself into Bai Yu's arms and began to whine and mourn.

Shinobu Kuki's driving skills can't fault anything at all - or rather, she's just too good.

It's so good that Xingcha soared flowers in the sky above Changle Star, and what is even more amazing is that she didn't violate any traffic laws at all during the whole process!

When he got off the boat, Sinknir Baren's face was ugly, and he held Bai Yu's arm and retched repeatedly.

"Major General go slowly! This guest walks slowly! By the way, do you want to leave a phone number? In the future, you can call me directly when you call a car... `..."

Looking at Kuki Shinobu who took the initiative to hand over his mobile phone, Bai Yu exchanged contact information with her with a strange face.

When Sinkenilba regained his strength, Bai Yu came to the game with her.

A huge level vacant land has already been cleared out at this time, not only has a ring been built, but even a large number of military energy binding fields have been arranged around the entire ring, ensuring that even if the sky collapses inside, it will not be destroyed outside the ring in the slightest.

Why are these binding field effects so terrible?

- Because these things are exactly the starship shield generators that Hubby guy brought from the Industrial Construction Division!

At this time, there were already people around the ring, including Luofu locals, guests from companies and other planets, as well as ship girls and disbod races, and Bai Yu even saw a lot of acquaintances from Teyvat.

Funina set up a high platform for herself, holding the microphone in one hand and waving it in the other, and is making passionate commentary.

Gui Naifen drilled around in the crowd, running around with her plain clothes, and holding a selfie stick and constantly shouting to her mobile phone, "Family, family, Xiao Guizi is now broadcasting live to everyone......"

Baizhu suddenly didn't know where to get out, and greeted as he ran: "Let one let go of the front, let one let go!"

Doctor Bai was followed by several doctors from the Danding Division who were carrying a stretcher, and on it lay a screaming goblin seed, as if his hands had been broken.

"Doctor Bai! Where's Doctor Bai!?Ah, I don't mean me! I mean Doctor Bailu! What about the little white doctor with a long tail!?There's a wounded here, I can't handle it, cough, cough, cough, ......cough,

The immortal on Baizhu's neck shouted dizzily: "You slow down, slow down, I'm ......dizzy!"

Bai Yu looked at the scene in front of him with a very subtle feeling, he didn't know that since Ningguang and Keqing first came to Luofu, Liyue could be regarded as officially integrated into this world, but there were too many acquaintances on the scene?

"Old man Zhongli, can you also drink tea here?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Zhongli, who had set up a square table for himself next to him, and sat on the chair like an old man leisurely drinking tea.

"It turned out to be the Major General. Zhongli put down the teacup, his eyes were a little embarrassed, "I'm here to accompany the hall master." "


A small girl suddenly pounced on Bai Yu's back, hooked his neck with both hands, and hung on top of him with a grin.

Hu Tao blinked a pair of plum blossom pupils and smiled at Bai Yu: "Isn't this a young general? I haven't seen you for a long time?" The hall master pinched his fingers and knew that there would be business here today, but the result was not wrong, but he didn't count that there were still people who came to grab business with the hall master. "

She looked at Baizhu and Bai Lu not far away with disgust, and the big white doctor and the little white doctor were hurriedly teaming up to correct the bones of the unlucky goblin seed.


Bang, bang, bang, bang!

There was a sudden violent roar in the ring, followed by sword light and various flashes, and Bai Yu was shocked when he saw it: "Jibril!?"

Now it's Xiao Ji who is fighting with Sirkok?

The extra-fan individual of the Tianyi species and the silkcock played back and forth, and the two were inseparable from the opponent for a while, and Funina shouted in the referee's seat, holding the microphone and shouting: "Oh, oh, oh! This time, the player on the stage is the domestic pet Xiaoji! The Tianyi species is known as the god-killing weapon, can she defeat the silkcock in the future, let's ah, ah, ah, ah-ah-"

Excited so excited, Funina fell from the high referee's bench and pressed Raffi, who was sitting under the referee's table while napping and secretly drinking spirits.

"Mistress Funingna, are you alright?"

Navia and Clolynde rushed up in a panic to save people, but collided with Cleveland, who ran over to see how Rafite was doing, but at this time, Silk Kirk and Gypril put a big move on each other, and now even the starship shield generator that Huby moved over couldn't carry it - after all, it is impossible for this place to have a starship's power furnace to provide full energy for the shield generator, Bai Yu was so frightened that he snorted in the subtle gaze of the old man Zhongli, "Solid!" Protected the people, and finally collapsed in the roar of the ring, and the scattered impact lifted all the onlookers into the sky......

Faintly you can still hear Hu Tao's laughter: "Come to work-body!"

and Funina's crying voice: "Don't fight——!".

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