Teyvat has the concept of planet, and Villette once said the word planet himself.

But obviously, the concept of planet has not been popularized for various reasons, at least not everyone knows it.

In the plot, what planet is this that the traveler said after being awakened by Barbara at the door of the West Wind Church? , the response I received from the nun was incomprehensible.

As one of the Seven Earthly Rulers and the God of Wisdom, Nasida undoubtedly knows and can accurately understand the concepts of the planet and the universe.

Therefore, for the situation in the other world described by Bai Yu, she could easily use her existing knowledge to construct a familiar system. only——

"Unexpectedly, is the universe actually like this?"

The eyes of the little grass god are full of yearning.

"I originally thought that the universe was filled with very dangerous forbidden knowledge and harmful forces, but I didn’t expect that the real universe would be so exciting~"

"Compared with this splendor, Teyvat is like a crude stage in a remote mountain village."

"First of all, don’t belittle yourself."Bai Yu gently stroked Nasida's head, feeling the satin-like touch from her palm,"In addition, the real universe is actually quite dangerous."

"Not to mention those Leviathan beasts that can even swallow stars, even some extremely harsh environments are enough to make even the most advanced civilizations be on alert."

Super strong radiation, low temperatures approaching absolute zero, huge gravity that can tear apart celestial bodies and even space and time, and various natural cosmic environments have ruined many careless and immature civilizations, leaving them in ruins. He had just left his home star and dissipated in the sea of ​​stars not long after breaking away from the shackles of gravity.

"However, I still really want to see it. There were sparkling little stars in Nasida's eyes,"It's a pity that I can't leave here. If I just rely on my own imagination, there must be a huge difference from the real starry sky.""

As Nasida sighed with some frustration, Bai Yu discovered that the originally dark space of consciousness suddenly turned into dark blue, dotted with countless shining stars.

Those cross-shaped stars looked like Childlike graffiti

"This is?"

"The starry sky in my imagination. Nasida smiled and said,"This is my consciousness space. I can freely control the environment here. Sometimes when I am really bored alone, I will build some friends here to play with me.""

"How about it? What is the difference between this starry sky and the real starry sky?"

Bai Yu was greatly surprised.

He can freely control the environmental changes in the consciousness space and let it change according to his own will. This is something he cannot do.

"coach! I want to learn this!"

You can tell with your toes that if you learn this skill, your ability to control your consciousness will be greatly improved, and it will be an unparalleled help for Baiyu Jianxin to break through to the next level.

Nasida is indeed a treasure!

"can not you do it? If you want to learn, I can teach you, but in return, after you learn it, can you let me see your world? I want to see a more realistic and exciting universe."

Nasida put forward her small, almost humble request.

Bai Yu agreed to it.

Anyway, now that he has changed the reference system of the timeline, according to estimates, he will stay here in Teyvat for a long time, and the black tower space station will It only lasted an hour or two.

He had plenty of time.

The learning process was smoother than Bai Yu imagined. He had practiced"Kenshin Jue" for many years and laid a solid foundation. All Nasida needed to teach was a few It's just a method and technique.

Bai Yu can often understand it quickly after Xiaocao Shen gives instructions and demonstrations.

I don't know how much time has passed, but the environment of the consciousness space has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The two people's consciousnesses are in the same body. , this consciousness space now theoretically has Bai Yu's control authority. After initially mastering the method, Bai Yu constructed this space into a real sea of ​​stars.

Nasida was like a happy elf, flying among the sea of ​​stars. , her sparkling beautiful green eyes looked at those bright stars, spectacular nebulae, terrifying black holes and beautiful blue planets with life, and couldn't get enough of them. Just like Bai Yu's previous life, when the Hubble Telescope entered space, the legend After returning the clearest and most magnificent photos of the deep sea of ​​stars, she was like the human astronomers who saw the real sea of ​​stars for the first time.

Finally, she saw a fairy boat that was even bigger than the stars.

"Is that the Luofu Immortal Boat you mentioned, Xiaobai? It's actually as big as a world……"

The Luofu Immortal Boat in the illusion of consciousness gave Nasida a huge shock.

"It is unimaginable that this is actually a miracle created by human beings with their own abilities."

"Eh? What is that?"[]

Nacida suddenly saw a space amoeba swimming among the stars.

"Oh, that? Bai Yu glanced at it and said,"It's Bubbles, the cute pet designated by the Fourth Natural Disaster!""


"What is this strange big guy? Looks so dangerous"

"No, no, no, it's not dangerous at all. This is a highly efficient mining device. If you don't have enough mine at home, just find a planet and blow it up to mine. In addition, if you dislike the trouble of making claims and starting a war, you can also make one, so that we can declare war unconditionally."


"Is this also a mining machine?"

"No, this is a beam of wisdom that spreads love and peace. Once fired, it can turn all the people on the planet into idiots. Let me tell you, it’s super easy to use! Who is who knows!"

Nasida was silent.

After a long time, she said to Bai Yu in a very serious tone:"Xiao Bai, I think your Luofu Immortal Boat is very dangerous."

No, no, no, the danger is not that Luofu is the fourth natural disaster in his growing life!

In addition, most of these things just now are still in Bai Yu's imagination and have not been built yet.

Although Bai Yu is not without Luofu's government affairs The report just put forward some suggestions for getting these big treasures...

To these suggestions, Jing Yuan was noncommittal. On the contrary, after hearing about it, the female general from Yao Qing Xianzhou beat her chest and sighed:"What a pity for Xiao Bai to go to Luofu! A good young man like him should be in charge of me, Yao Qing!"

"Gua! Tama’s Jingyuan! You dare to steal my white! I will never share this hatred with you!".

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