This was the first time in her life that Freya was slapped by a man, and it was also the first time that a man slammed her like that.

Feeling the pain of the slap and watching the blood flowing out of her mouth, Freya, who had always been spoiled, could no longer hold back.

“Woo woo woo! It hurts... so scary!”

Under the gaze of all the guests, the helpless Freya was obviously a girl of sixteen or seventeen, but at this moment, she was forced by Qiao Qiao to cry like a three-year-old child.

She still met a man like Qiao Qiao who could not be suppressed by her family background, and she could not help but feel scared.

In other words... she gave in.

“I’m sorry, Miss Mei, I will never dare to say bad things about you behind your back again, I know I was wrong!”

Freya said with tears.

After Freya apologized to her, Mei’s originally gloomy face became very surprised.

Freya, such a proud and indifferent lady, was actually slapped down by Qiao Qiao.

This... she really didn’t cry until she saw the coffin.

Qiao Qiao watched Freya apologize to Meiyi in tears, and she was very happy and smiled.

Although it is not good to hurt people, it is really a restraint to fight violence with violence.

Seeing that even Freya, the daughter of the Salik family, bowed her head to apologize to Meiyi, the other people who had just slandered Meiyi also stood up and slapped her in the face out of fear.

"I'm sorry! Miss Meiyi, we were so jealous that we said such excessive words. Please forgive us!"

Seeing these rich girls trembling with fear at Qiao Qiao, Meiyi couldn't bear to continue to make things difficult for them, and persuaded them with a pleasant face: "Okay, it's good that you know you are wrong, I won't hold you responsible..."

Hearing Meiyi's words, those rich girls were overjoyed and thanked Meiyi one after another: "Thank you, Miss Meiyi!"

Compared with Qiao Qiao who slapped Freya just now, Lei Dian Meiyi's performance at this time can definitely be regarded as "Buddha's heart".

These girls who were originally jealous and malicious towards Meiyi were immediately grateful to Meiyi, and they also felt extremely regretful for their past abuse of Meiyi.

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Seeing the reward prompt given by the system, Qiao Qiao squinted his eyes slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Qiao Qiao stood up to seek justice for Meiyi, which is naturally a good thing, needless to say.

Slapping Freya in the face, this behavior is so rough, but it is actually regarded as a good deed by the system of doing good deeds and accumulating virtues, which may be strange to some people.

But Qiao Qiao thinks this is natural. Freya has been spoiled by her family since she was a child, and her personality is willful and capricious. Qiao Qiao slapped her, which is a lesson for her, so that she can change from now on, which is of course a good thing.

When Freya's parents go home and see that Freya has been taught a lesson by Qiao Qiao, they will change their willful and capricious personality and understand people's hearts.

Logically speaking, not only should Qiao Qiao not be blamed, but he should also go to her house to thank her.

Just as Qiao Qiao was feeling proud of the system reward, Meiyi slowly approached Freya, who was sitting on the ground. She was originally crying loudly because of Qiao Qiao's beating, but now, perhaps because she was tired of crying, her crying gradually became smaller and she sobbed softly on the side.

Although Meiyi was the biggest victim in the scene, she was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to see Freya being bullied by Qiao Qiao and falling to the ground without anyone caring, so she reached out to help Freya up.

At first, when she saw Meiyi helping her, Freya wanted to dodge. She was really scared by Qiao Qiao's slap and was afraid that Meiyi, who had just been secretly scolded by her, would retaliate against her.

But Meiyi is much kinder and more compassionate than Qiaoqiao, so how could she be so mean to Freya? After helping her up, she said to Leidian Guoguang beside her: "Uncle Guoguang, please get some hemostatic medicine for Miss Freya."

Hearing Meiyi's words, Leidian Guoguang felt a little surprised. After all, he was an old man in the Leidian family, and he hated these villains who took advantage of Leidian Ryoma and Leidian Meiyi from the bottom of his heart.

Just now, Qiaoqiao slapped Freya directly, and Leidian Guoguang felt very happy in his heart, thinking that they were just asking for it.

Deserved it!

So Leidian Guoguang understood at this moment why Meiyi wanted to help the enemy who was still scolding her just now.


Raiden Kunimitsu hesitated, but Mei said firmly: "Uncle Kunimitsu, please help me."

Seeing that Mei was determined to help Freya, Kunimitsu looked at Qiao Qiao with some embarrassment. Although Qiao Qiao was a junior, it could be seen from her performance just now that although Qiao Qiao was young, she was definitely a strong-willed and ruthless person. Now she had completely stunned the whole audience, so before Raiden Kunimitsu helped others, he subconsciously wanted to seek Qiao Qiao's consent.

Qiao Qiao saw that Mei Yi was so kind, so he did not stop her and nodded gently in acquiescence.

After getting Qiao Qiao's approval, old man Kunimitsu was relieved and bold to get the hemostatic medicine.

After a while, Mei Yi took the medicine from old man Kunimitsu and treated Freya's wound personally.

Freya was surprised to see that Mei not only did not pursue her fault for scolding her, but also kindly treated her wounds, and said, "Why... did you help me?"

If Qiao Qiao was the most terrifying man Freya had ever seen in her life, then Mei was the kindest woman she had ever seen.

Even though she was maliciously slandered by herself, she could still forgive the villain's mistakes and even repay evil with kindness by helping her treat her wounds.

Hearing Freya's words, Meiyi smiled gently and said softly: "I have been bullied like know how sad it feels to be bullied."

Hearing Meiyi's words, Freya's heart trembled. She had scolded Meiyi as a bad woman who coveted other people's property, but now it seems that she is not a bad woman at all, but a saint.

Compared with the ruthless Qiao Qiao, she is clearly a "Buddha"!

Thinking of this, Freya's crying voice, which had slowly disappeared, resounded in the venue again.

After being beaten by Qiao Qiao and comforted by Meiyi, she finally realized that her original slander against Meiyi was completely out of nothing, and she couldn't help but regret it.

Hearing Meiyi's words to Freya, Qiao Qiao felt very distressed.

Because she had been caught in the rain, she wanted to hold an umbrella for others.

After Raiden Ryoma was imprisoned, people like Freya who slandered and bullied Mei were everywhere in Chiba Academy.

Perhaps it was because of this experience of school bullying that she was willing to lend a hand to Freya who had just spoken ill of her.

Freya felt regretful and fell into Mei's arms and cried, while Raiden Kunimitsu watched this scene from the side, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, and he was very moved.

The young lady who was ignorant of the world in the past, after experiencing the misfortune of the family's decline, not only did not complain about herself, but became much more mature than before, and even knew how to forgive her enemies, which even he, an old man over fifty, could not do.

"Miss... you have really grown up."

Raiden Kunimitsu couldn't help but sigh.

At the edge of the venue, Walter saw Qiao Qiao and Mei, one playing the villain and the other playing the hero, and they made Freya, the eldest daughter of the Salik family, obedient. His face turned very ugly. Even he had to admit that Qiao Qiao was neat and decisive, and his character was brave.

Just now, when Mei and Freya were making a decision, he stood beside Mei and slapped Freya in the face, shocking everyone present, and not only won Mei's heart.

Even Freya, who was slapped by him and should have offended Qiao Qiao, and regarded Qiao Qiao as a thorn in her eyes, has now changed her ways under the comfort of Mei.

Should we say that Qiao Qiao is too lucky... or he is really smart, knows right from wrong, and made the most correct choice at the critical moment.

Even Walter had to admire Qiao Qiao's choice to beat Freya, which was really bold, but very wise.

Walter didn't know that Qiao Qiao had a system for doing good deeds, so he naturally didn't know that Qiao Qiao's beating Freya was actually the right choice guided by the system.

At this moment... After seeing Qiao Qiao's decisive and ruthless judgment, Walter felt that Qiao Qiao was a terrifying enemy.

"Qiao Qiao, if I don't get rid of him... I will never get Meiyi..." Walter felt as if there was a fire burning in his heart, and then looked at his subordinates in suits behind him, with a gleam in his eyes: "Inform Miss Cocolia for me, I have something to see her..."

Hearing Walter's order, the man in the suit bowed his head and responded, then quickly retreated.

Walter saw the man leave, and couldn't help but feel proud in his heart. He knew very well that he might not be the opponent of the Beichen family alone, but it didn't matter, Cocolia would take action!

The person who wanted Meiyi was not just Walter, but the female vixen of Cocolia was the one who really wanted Meiyi.

If Cocolia knew that someone dared to disrupt her plan to get the Conquest Gem, she would definitely kill Qiao Qiao at all costs!

Chapter 187 Engagement Ceremony

The dignitaries who attended the Me Society Group banquet saw Qiao Qiao slap the eldest lady of the Salik family with a strong wrist to vent her anger for Raiden Meiyi. They thought that the Beichen family would have a grudge with the Salik family from then on, and stood outside the banquet hall and waited and watched.

Unexpectedly, because of Miss Meiyi's kindness and benevolence, Miss Freya of the Salik family not only did not hate Qiao Qiao, but changed her ways and cried in Miss Meiyi's arms.

Freya even sobbed and said to Qiao Qiao: "I'm sorry, I was wrong! I shouldn't have been jealous of Miss Meiyi's beauty before and spread rumors in secret. Please forgive me!"

Qiao Qiao was speechless for a moment when he heard Freya's apology. He didn't expect that he would be able to change her ways directly by slapping her in the face according to the system's instructions.

It seems that this Freya is not bad by nature, and can even be said to be quite simple. It's just that she has been spoiled by her family before, so her personality is distorted. After being taught a lesson by Qiao Qiao, and seeing the kindness of people in Meiyi, she immediately repented.

Seeing that Miss Lian Freya did not hate the young master of the Beichen family, and even apologized to him on her own initiative, the guests who were originally standing in the distance were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

Is this Miss Freya a masochist?

How come she was not angry after being slapped, but took the initiative to apologize?

Seeing that Lian Freya apologized to Qiao Qiao, the guests present were all smart people, and naturally did not miss any opportunity to make friends with the young master of the Beichen family, and immediately rushed to Qiao Qiao's side.

"I've long heard that the young master of the Beichen family is clean and efficient, upright and brave. Now I see that his reputation is well-deserved."

"I've long felt that the rumors about Miss Raiden Mei were all rumors, but I didn't dare to speak out. The young master of Beichen spoke up for his fiancée today. He is really brave!"

"Yes, yes, Miss Mei is so beautiful, only an upright person like Young Master Beichen can match her!"

The guests praised Qiao Qiao like a tide, and it was endless. On the one hand, they praised Beichen Jiujiu in order to climb up the high branch of the Beichen family, and on the other hand, they really admired Qiao Qiao from the bottom of their hearts. They had long felt that it was too much for those women to spread rumors about Lei Dian Mei, but they all had their own positions and family interests, and they did not dare to offend a rich lady like Freya, so they chose to remain silent and dared not speak out.

Qiao Qiao said what they thought in their hearts today and slapped Freya. She really acted as their "mouth substitute", saying what they thought in their hearts, and doing what they always wanted to do but did not dare to do for them. Such extraordinary courage really made them admire her.

Qiao Qiao instantly became the most conspicuous focus in the banquet hall, and Mei, as his fiancée, was also sought after by many people.

"I have always believed that Miss Mei and Mr. Ryoma are innocent. I am so happy to see you again at the banquet today."

"Miss Mei, I know that your father's imprisonment must have brought a lot of inconvenience to your life. If you need anything in the future, you can always tell me. My group and I are willing to serve you at any time."

"Miss Mei, do you still remember me? I am your father's friend. Please be sure to visit my newly opened hotel."

These dignitaries who originally treated Mei coldly turned into licking dogs and tried to please her in every way, but Mei herself was indifferent.

Mei knew very well that if she had not brought Qiao Qiao to attend this banquet today, it would not be Freya who was humiliated in public, but herself.

If Qiao Qiao had not pretended to be "Beichen Jiujiu", these dignitaries would definitely not flatter herself and Qiao Qiao, but stand on Freya's side and criticize them.

Now that these guests see that their fiancé is the young master of the Beichen family, they all rush forward to please him. But when her father was in prison and she was alone in trouble, none of these people helped her, and some even added insult to injury.

Only Qiao Qiao was willing to help her rescue her father from prison when she had nothing, and even risked her life to be exposed to attend the group gathering of Me Society.

Just now, when Mei was humiliated by Freya and others, all these dignitaries remained silent, only Qiao Qiao stood by her side, spoke up for her, and even beat Freya.

In Mei's opinion, Qiao Qiao's direct attack on Freya, the daughter of the Salik family, at the banquet was indeed extremely reckless, but it was his behavior of risking his life and offending others for Mei that was even more touching, unlike these dignitaries who usually curry favor with the powerful and change their minds according to the wind.

The silence of these dignitaries just now may be a very clever way to protect themselves, but compared with Qiao Qiao who stood up, they always lack the courage to be fearless and the sense of loyalty to help each other.

Compared with Qiao Qiao who did everything for her, these dignitaries who changed their minds according to the situation seemed particularly hypocritical in Meiyi's eyes, and naturally she would not take them seriously.

The guests present surrounded Qiao Qiao and Meiyi like koi fish fighting for bait, and were forced to accept their flattery.

At this time, Lei Dian Guoguang stood up and said to the crowd: "This time, Miss Meiyi and Master Beichen attended this banquet, in addition to celebrating the anniversary of the establishment of Me Society with all the distinguished guests present, there is another reason..."

Hearing the words of old man Guoguang, the guests present were stunned, and the whole audience suddenly became quiet, listening to his words attentively, and were very curious about the reason why Meiyi and Master Beichen appeared at this banquet.

After all, since Lei Dian Long Ma was imprisoned and the Lei Dian family weakened, Mei has never appeared in high society gatherings again. The young master of the Beichen family has been missing for many years. If he hadn't appeared today, many people would have thought he had died...

Under the gaze of the crowd, Lei Dian Guoguang smiled, as if he had encountered a great event and said excitedly: "Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Me Club's anniversary celebration, I would like to invite all the distinguished guests to witness the formal engagement ceremony of Miss Mei and the young master Beichen!"

Hearing Lei Dian Guoguang's words, the guests in the banquet hall were in an uproar and applauded.

The applause of "Pa Pa Pa——" resounded throughout the venue like firecrackers.

Since Mei is willing to hold an engagement ceremony with the young master Beichen in public, it means...even if the Lei Dian family falls, Lei Dian Mei will still be the future hostess of the Beichen family.

Of course, this also means that Walter's pursuit of Miss Mei in the past has become useless.

"Since the Leidian family is weak, Master Beichen is still willing to marry Miss Meiyi. What a passionate man he is... I also want such a husband!" 乁

"I didn't expect... Master Beichen Jiujiu is not only a martial arts genius, but also a man of love and righteousness. He is really a role model for men!"

"No! Master Beichen is mine! Don't marry other women!"

"Miss Meiyi and Master Beichen are a perfect match. How can you, a demon, oppose it!"

The guests in the banquet hall were frightened by the official marriage between the Beichen and Leidian families, and they talked about it for a while.

Since it was for a formal engagement, it was reasonable for Beichen Jiujiu, who had been missing for many years, to choose this time to suddenly appear.


Not only were the guests at the banquet shocked by what the old man Guoguang said, but even Qiaoqiao herself was shocked.

At the beginning, when he agreed to let Meiyi pretend to be her fiancé, he had never heard that an engagement ceremony would be held in front of everyone.

What is this engagement ceremony for?

Could it be... a kiss?

Qiaoqiao was stunned by the sudden accident, but Meiyi seemed to have been sure of it and was at ease. The reason why she didn't tell Qiaoqiao about this was that she was afraid that if she said too much, Qiaoqiao would not want to pretend to be her boyfriend.

After announcing the good news to everyone, the old man Guoguang took out a beautiful brocade box with a blue object.

Meiyi seemed to take something out of the brocade box, and then slowly approached Qiaoqiao.

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