Hearing Rita's impassioned speech in which she put aside her personal grudges in the face of the major issues affecting the survival of the world, Qiaoqiao couldn't help but applaud and said happily: "Well said! It seems that you already understand how to gain a foothold in Tianming Headquarters. Become an outstanding Valkyrie.”

"If you want to become an outstanding Valkyrie, you must learn "patience". No matter how disgusted you are, no matter how ruthless the orders are, and no matter how unwilling you are to obey them. For the biggest goal in your heart, you must also You must "endure", grit your teeth, use yourself as a blade, get rid of excess emotions, and execute your orders. "

Hearing the words of the masked man in front of her, Rita felt a chill run down her spine, and she quickly said: "I have no intention of becoming an ice blade in the hands of the Bishop, killing innocent people indiscriminately! I just want to witness with my own eyes what kind of person he is. ..”

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao smiled casually and said: "Your own wishes and what you want to do are irrelevant. The Bishop is the master of Destiny, and only he can lead Destiny to fight against Honkai... As long as you have the will in your heart The firm intention to protect the world and fight against the collapse. No matter what, you must obey the bishop's will, keep killing, and eliminate the bishop's enemies. Only in this way can you protect the beautiful world in your heart."

Hearing Jojo's words, Rita's face was as pale as frost, without a trace of blood. She had always wanted to be a holy and brave Valkyrie like Ragnar who resisted Honkai and saved the people. But from Qiaoqiao's words, she understood that the Valkyries were not as pure and elegant as she imagined. They looked glamorous, but in fact, their hands were stained with the blood of countless sins.

Rita's eyes were dazzled, as if the whole world had collapsed, her body was in panic, and she said with a pale face: "How could this happen? This is completely different from the Valkyrie taught to me by Ragnar... The Valkyrie Shouldn’t we fight for all the good things in this world? Is this the true Valkyrie?”

Chapter 245 How did you know about this?

"No..." Rita bit her cherry lips with her silver teeth and retorted with disbelief: "Mr. Father once saved my life in Manchester. Mr. Ragnar was also in bed and comatose to fight against Honkai. Destiny The Valkyries are obviously partners of justice..."

Ragnar's teachings as an excellent role model, and Jojo's disguise, made Rita the Valkyrie who was destined to be both physically and mentally. She was a hero who fought against Honkai and saved the people, rather than a madman with blood on her hands.

Seeing her innocent and pure look, unwilling to believe the reality, Qiao Qiao raised a smile at the corner of her mouth.

He just wanted to make Rita's inner purity and faith completely collapse, step by step into darkness, and become his own plaything like other Valkyries.

"Indeed, the destiny of the Valkyrie all takes fighting against Honkai as their mission..." Qiao Qiao said slowly: "But if you want to protect the world, it is not enough to just fight against Honkai and do some righteous deeds... Sometimes, in order to protect the world, we will also do necessary crimes in secret. "

"I once saved your life, but in order to gain my current position of power, I killed hundreds of compatriots, and even personally killed family members as important as my grandfather..."

Rita's face was sickly pale, and her pair of slender and straight legs slowly stepped back. She was trembling with fear from the mysterious man wearing a mask in front of her.

Qiaoqiao continued indifferently to the fear in her heart: "Your teacher is a hero who once led the troops to fight against the Honkai Beast and protected London, but like me, she also killed many innocent people in order to protect the destiny. She even obeyed the bishop's order and killed the experimental subjects who escaped from Tianming's 77th laboratory, and all of those experimental subjects were children under the age of twelve... And the Siberian battle she participated in was actually Not to fight against Honkai, but to kill the escaped Herrscher clone... a young girl."

When Rita heard that Ragnar had killed children in the past, her face turned pale with fright, her purple eyes trembled like an earthquake, her lips kept moving and she murmured: "This...impossible! Ragnar The teacher is not like that!"

[The "Maid Development Manual" talent is triggered, the faith in the target's heart is shaken, the spiritual value drops by 5 points, and the current progress is 95/100]

The talent "Maid Development Manual" is one of the four talents that Qiao Qiao chose when she first entered the Sims. You only need to train a specific object to reduce its mental and physical values, and the system will give Qiao Qiao generous rewards. .

Now that this talent is triggered, it means... As expected by Jojo, Rita is indeed the target of his evil deeds in this simulation.

There was a hint of playfulness and cunning in Qiaoqiao's eyes when he looked at Rita. Just shaking Rita's belief in destiny could lower her mental value. This couldn't be easier. He had to keep trying. , let her faith collapse.

"Oh?" Qiao Qiao sighed with interest, and said with a malicious smile: "Since you don't want to believe in the dark side of the Destiny Valkyrie, then you can tell me about some pure and noble women without a trace of stain. Martial God.”

"Miss Arquette, who heard the oracle, led the French people to fight with the Valkyries, fought the Honkaimon, and finally defended Paris, how come she is, as you said, a sinful person with blood on her hands?"

"Ah..." Qiao Qiao said nonchalantly: "At that time, the president and senior members of the French Parliament planned to break away from the rule of Tianming, so we allowed the Honkaimon to attack France, invaded all the way to the capital Paris, and killed all the senior French government officials. Cleaned it up."

"Arquitet was the planner and implementer of the purge plan. Her saving France in the end was just a big show we planned to purge our political enemies. Of course... As a war hero, she took over the French power smoothly... .You know... A girl with a beautiful face and a dashing figure like her is always particularly easy to get close to the people and win over people's hearts..."

Hearing the truth told by Qiao Qiao, Rita's eyes widened in surprise and she looked at Qiao Qiao in surprise.

[The "Maid Development Manual" talent is triggered, the faith in the target's heart is shaken, the spiritual value drops by 5 points, and the current progress is 90/100]

Rita was deeply shocked, trying to calm herself down, and said bitterly: "Then...Miss Ayase Aragaki killed the emperor-level Honkaiju Kagutsuchi in Okinawa, and protected millions of people in this state. People, this can’t be self-directed or staged!”

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao nodded lightly: "This matter was indeed not planned by destiny. If Miss Ayase had not intervened to suppress the killing, Kagu Tsuchimiko's entry into the state would have inevitably caused a large number of casualties."

Hearing Qiaoqiao's words, Rita's heart trembled slightly and she was excited, and her originally pale face regained some of its shape.

Qiaoqiao was keenly aware of Rita's joyful expression, and the look in her eyes suddenly became very playful, which made Rita's originally happy mood suddenly turn gloomy.

"Miss Ayase is extremely smart and decisive, which is a lesson for the Valkyrie. She used the lives of thousands of people in Okinawa as bait to attract Kaguto Ming to Okinawa, and used it as a battlefield to avoid millions of people in the state. Tragedy of casualties occurred.”

Qiaoqiao's words immediately caused Rita's face to lose its expression, and she froze in place, immersed in it, as if it was difficult to accept the reality.

[The "Maid Development Manual" talent is triggered, the faith in the target's heart is shaken, the spiritual value drops by 5 points, and the current progress is 85/100]

Qiaoqiao also planned to continue to attack Rita's belief in destiny, and continued: "There are many unknown secrets behind this kind of Valkyrie. For example... Miss Hilde, the German Valkyrie, once executed a plan to target The purges of specific groups of people and the assassination of heads of government in the Far East were also the actions of the Valkyrie of Destiny..."

As a bishop, Qiaoqiao clearly remembered many unknown secret missions of Destiny, and confided them to Rita like a treasure trove, but Rita's face was gloomy, she was immersed in shock, and she couldn't extricate herself.

No matter how hard Qiaoqiao revealed what he had done behind his back of fate and shaken Rita's faith, the system would no longer pop up a progress prompt.

It seems that Rita has now accepted what Jojo calls the dark side of destiny.

No matter how hard Qiaoqiao exposed the darkness of destiny, he could not deal a blow to Rita's spirit, so his eyes became much sharper, and he changed the subject and said: "Rita, I believe that a smart girl like you will be able to understand . The Valkyries of Destiny have always been half angels and half devils... They will lend a helping hand to those who are trapped in darkness and pain, and they will also perform necessary evils to maintain world peace... You are ready to become Has Valkyrie awakened?"

Rita's longing for destiny and the Valkyrie in her heart had been torn to pieces by Qiaoqiao's words, but when she heard Qiaoqiao's question, she quickly came back from the immersion in which her faith collapsed and raised her head. , looking straight at Qiao Qiao with purple eyes, a look of perseverance on her pretty fair face: "Even if Tianming is completely shrouded in darkness and burdened with heavy sins, I will not abuse myself in the name of justice. Killing innocent people...I want to prove to you that you can protect this beautiful world even if you don't hurt innocent people."

Qiaoqiao originally thought that he could defeat Rita's belief in destiny and make her pure and strong look shaken and uneasy.

Unexpectedly...Rita is far more resolute and noble than Qiaoqiao imagined. Even if her belief in destiny collapses, she still upholds her inner pride and principles, believing that she can always remain kind and not do any evil things. .

Looking at Rita's kind and resolute appearance, as pure as an angel bathed in holy light, Qiaoqiao's eyes were dazzled, and she even couldn't open her eyes.

But soon, the confusion in Qiao Qiao's eyes turned into extremely strong resentment and jealousy.

Once upon a time, the Jojo of this world was like Rita, believing that as long as everything he did was righteous, he could protect the world and the people he loved.

But in the end, Qiaoqiao failed to hold on to the kindness in her heart...

After losing his closest sister in the world, in order to survive and climb to the top of power, Qiao Qiao killed countless people and degenerated into a devil who only lived for Lilith's revenge.

It is indeed a very noble idea to protect the world without killing innocent people and committing evil deeds.

Jojo also believed that what Rita said was her truest inner thoughts, without any lies or cover-ups.

But just because Rita's heart is extremely noble, Qiaoqiao, who has fallen into darkness, looks at her pure and strong appearance, and becomes more and more eager to drag her into the abyss and fall into darkness.

Jojo was filled with resentment towards Rita.


Since your heart is so pure and kind, why did you betray me to destiny and kill my sister Lilith!

Could it be that in your mind... we, my sister and I, are like pigs, dogs, and grass, not human beings, and unworthy of any kindness and compassion from you?

If...you didn't choose to betray me in the first place, how could I have stained my hands with blood for revenge and become what I am now?

It was you who killed my sister and ruined my life. I will make you pay for what you did!

Qiaoqiao wore a mask and looked straight at the pure and kind-hearted Rita. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised with a sarcastic smile, and he said coldly: "That's really nice to say... Could it be that you betrayed your servant and caused that... If a servant loses his sister, does it count as hurting an innocent person?"

Hearing Qiaoqiao's words, Rita seemed to be stabbed in the pain in her heart. The blood in her heart suddenly went cold, and her originally arrogant and confident face became pale and cold...

How is this possible?

Only three people should know about betraying Qiao Qiao and killing Lilith!

Myself, Mr. Ragnar, and the current Bishop of Destiny, Jojo...

Thinking of this, Rita seemed to realize something, her body felt cold, and her eyes trembled as she looked at the mysterious young man wearing a mask in front of her.

For some reason, Rita suddenly felt that the benefactor who had saved her life in front of her was filled with cold murderous intent.

Rita calmed down, swallowed with fear and curiosity, and asked with a trembling nervousness: "You...how did you know about this?!"

Chapter 246 The most important ability of the Maid of Destiny is... sleeping with her?

"There is no airtight wall in this world. If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself. As the priest of Tianming Headquarters, it is not difficult for me to investigate your past."

Seeing Rita's panicked expression after being poked at the painful spot in her heart, Qiaoqiao felt a sense of revenge in her heart, and a teasing smile appeared on her lips: "I don't intend to condemn you for betraying your friends, it would be better to say... .You did a good job. If it weren't for your betrayal, your family would have suffered a lot. Compared with the two lonely orphans...of course your family is more important...right?"

"You should be very happy in your heart. You have protected your most important family well by sacrificing two unrelated children."

"No...that's not the case!"

After hearing the priest's words, Rita could no longer maintain her inner peace. Her face became extremely gloomy, as if she had just had a nightmare and was frightened, and her face was as pale as crystal tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.

Tears fell from the corners of Rita's eyes like broken bead curtains, and she said with a choked voice, "I didn't even think that those people would kill Miss Lilith at the time... I just wanted to protect my family and didn't want to hurt. She and Jojo.”

[The "Maid Development Manual" talent is triggered. The target feels deeply guilty for past sins, and its mental value drops by 5 points. The current progress is 80/100. 】

Rita did not know that the priest wearing a clown mask in front of her was Jojo himself, so she did not hide her regret and guilt in front of him.

Seeing Rita feeling regretful and guilty for betraying herself in the past, and even crying sadly, instead of feeling any sympathy or pity, Qiao Qiao felt quite happy. The resentment and anger that had been suppressed in his heart for many years were vented at this moment, giving Qiao Qiao a feeling of revenge.

As long as she talks about the wrong things Rita has done in the past, Jojo can not only vent her anger, but also lower her mental value, which is simply a great thing.

Qiaoqiao hid her true identity and continued to use words to tease Rita's inner wounds: "You are so kind. You have a happy family. Your father is a well-known local rich man, and your mother is an elegant and beautiful lady. And they They all love you very much and let you have a carefree childhood.”

"But the boy whose whereabouts you betrayed was not so lucky. Not only did he lose his place and become homeless, he even lost his only relative. No one loved him, and no one cared about him. I live a life of licking blood every day. I don’t know when I will die, and I am always in fear.”

Rita's chest felt as cool as if it had been pierced by an ice arrow. She lowered her head with a pale face, silent and unable to make any rebuttal. Her delicate body trembled slightly, as if she was sobbing secretly.

[The "Maid Development Manual" talent is triggered. The target feels deeply guilty for past sins, and its mental value drops by 5 points. The current progress is 75/100. 】

It seems that Jojo's plan to deliberately stir up the guilt in Rita's heart and break her spirit was very successful.

But... Rita is now sobbing with her head down, silent, looking like the calm before the storm.

Maybe it's because Qiaoqiao likes to watch Rita cry too much and bullies her too much. Rita is a little angry now...

If he continues to poke her pain with the matter of Jojo and Lilith, Rita may suddenly burst out emotionally.

As expected, although Rita felt extremely regretful about betraying Jojo and causing Lilith's death, her mind was still very clear.

She realized that the masked priest had been poking at the wound in her heart from just now.

And... he seems to like to see himself crying when he is sad, and he keeps getting worse, as if he is enjoying the feeling of being bullied.

Although Rita came from a privileged background and was an out-and-out wealthy lady, she was not a little sheep who didn't dare to say anything when being bullied.

After being keenly aware of the malice of the young man in front of her, Rita raised her hand to wipe away her tears. Her eyes changed from regretful and wavering to strong and brave. She raised her head and stared straight at the masked young man in front of her: "You Who is he?"

Qiaoqiao knew that Rita had become suspicious of her true identity, but she did not intend to reveal her identity at this time. She changed her original playful attitude and became serious, saying lightly: "It doesn't matter who I am. , the important thing is... I am the final reviewer for the interview. Whether you can join the Tianming Headquarters and become a real Valkyrie is all in my mind. "

Now the status of Jojo and Rita is not equal.

Rita is the interviewer and Jojo is the interviewer.

Just one casual word from Qiao Qiaoqi can determine Rita's future destiny, whether she will become a Valkyrie or fail.

Although Rita has learned from Qiao Qiao that the Destiny Headquarters is not as pure, beautiful and glamorous as she originally imagined, but is instead full of dark sins, lies and tricks, she is still eager to get the salary of the Valkyrie and save her father. and mentor.

After being suppressed and bullied by Qiaoqiao for a while, and even crying, Rita still had to swallow the anger in her heart for the sake of her family and teachers, gritted her teeth tightly, lowered her head unwillingly, and respectfully He said quietly: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Interviewer, I was rude just now."

Seeing this, Qiaoqiao nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Your attitude is quite sincere, quite good... Next, let me test your ability."

Qiaoqiao slowly stood up from the chair, walked to a wall, gently pressed the button in his hand, and a secret door opened.

"Rita, you...come with me."

Qiaoqiao stood at the door of the opened secret door, turned around and said to Rita behind him.

Although Rita felt very strange that Qiao Qiao suddenly wanted to enter the secret door by herself, in order to pass the final review and become the Valkyrie of the Destiny Headquarters, she still obeyed and followed Qiao Qiao and walked in.

The two of them walked together for a while along the passage lit with candles and lampstands, and finally arrived at the place where the secret door led to.

When Rita walked out of the passage, she looked around carefully until she reached the place where the secret door was located, which was a magnificent white palace.

The interior of the hall is spacious and bright. There is a burgundy red carpet on the ground. There is a white stone pillar every two meters on both sides. Many exquisite ancient sculptures are placed. Curtain flags of various colors are slowly floating in the air. The throne facing forward with gems stands on the high steps.

Qiao Qiao looked at the high bishop's seat and walked up step by step.

Seeing this situation, Rita still didn't know the identity of Jojo under the mask, so she quickly reminded her: "Mr. Father, that throne seems to be prepared for people with extraordinary status. It's better that you don't touch it casually."

Qiaoqiao walked to the bishop's seat, gently touched the exquisite and beautiful throne, and smiled slightly. Although he wholeheartedly wanted to take revenge on Rita, he also felt that Rita was too kind.

At this point, I was still worried about whether Qiaoqiao would be punished for touching the throne.

And she didn't realize at all... that under the mask of the young man in front of her was the supreme ruler of this world.

While stroking the throne, Qiaoqiao turned to look at Rita behind her. With a slight smile on her lips, she said, "Okay, the scene has been prepared. Let me test whether you can serve the Bishop well as a maid."

Rita looked around carefully. Except for herself and the priest, there was no one else here.

As for... I don't even know what the maid test he mentioned is.

"Mr. Father...there is no one else here except the two of us..."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao said with a smile: "Well, just because I didn't want others to disturb me, I brought you here alone and wanted to see your ability as the maid of destiny."

Rita recalled how Jojo had teased her in the office before, and felt panicked, feeling that something was wrong.

How stupid I am!

Knowing that he had evil intentions, why did you stupidly follow him to a secluded place where no one else was?

Rita seemed to realize something, her face turned red with embarrassment, her straight and slender legs slowly stepped back, her face trembled uneasily and said: "You said you wanted me to serve the Bishop... Could the maid's ability be... refer to......"

When Qiaoqiao saw Rita's shy look, she was slightly startled, with a ruthless mockery on her lips. She snapped her fingers indifferently and said, "As the maid of the Lord Bishop, the most important ability is of course to clean up enemies, otherwise... .Is it to sleep with you?"

As Qiao Qiao's fingertips made a clear sound, a gate about four meters high appeared on the white wall of the palace. A silver-white humanoid mecha held two mechanical swords in its hands, like a giant moving mountain, slowly moving towards the body. The slender Rita approached.

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