【After saying hello, the bright and beautiful lady walked to the empty seat next to Rita without hesitation under the astonished gaze of everyone. 】

【Seeing that the other party actually sat down in the empty seat next to her, Rita, who was isolated and lonely in the Rose Team, couldn't help but secretly look at her. 】

【Looking at Vera's fair skin, pretty and beautiful, and delicate face without any flaws, Rita's heart was full of admiration. 】

【She... looks so beautiful...】

【And at this moment, Vera seemed to notice Rita's fiery gaze, turned her head to look at her, smiled and said: Miss Rita, let's get along well in the future??. 】

Chapter 261 Because... I covet your beauty!

【Rita and Vera entered the Rose Team at the same time and were arranged in the same dormitory. 】

【Rita is a kind-hearted, gentle and virtuous girl. She trusts Vera, her new roommate, very much and loves to take care of her. ]

[You manipulate Vera to slowly get closer to Rita. ]

[Rita and Vera eat, sleep, and train in the same room, and the temperature between the two rises sharply. ]

[Rita regards Vera as her best friend and trusts her very much. ]

No wonder Rita trusts Vera.

Rita has no one to rely on in the destiny, and she has to beware of her boss, the bishop of destiny. She is lonely like a marginal person in the Rose Squad.

At this time, a cheerful and bright girl suddenly comes out to eat at the same table and sleep on the same bed with her.

For Rita, this is like a dying person in the ice and snow getting warmth, and she will naturally fall immediately.

[Once, the Rose Squad received a task from the bishop of destiny to go to a small country in northern Europe to perform a special task to eradicate an anti-entropy base hidden in the foothills of the snowy mountains. 】

【There are many high-ranking officials and their families hidden in the Anti-Entropy Base, and the armed forces are very strong, but the Rose Squad adopted a strategy of surprise attack and caught the other side off guard. 】

【In addition, the Rose Squad is composed of elite Valkyries directly under the Bishop of Destiny. It is undoubtedly a dimensionality reduction attack to deal with the Anti-Entropy Base, which is mostly composed of ordinary people. 】

【The Anti-Entropy Base was quickly breached under the attack of the Rose Squad. Vera, who you controlled, directly blew up the armory of Anti-Entropy. The credit is undoubtedly the most significant one. 】

【Most of the people in the Rose Squad performed very well, except Rita. When she was sweeping the remaining personnel after the base fell, she met a little girl whose parents were killed and was unarmed. She was soft-hearted and let her go. 】


Rita is indeed a copper smelting addict.

She refined Orchiddale from childhood to adulthood.

In front of Theresa, she stuck to him like a fly, and she looked like a pervert.

She likes the little girl so much, how could she bear to let her subordinates go?

[Rita's act of letting the living person go has brought great trouble to the Rose Team. ]

[As soon as Anti-Entropy got the news that the secret base was attacked, it blocked the entire border and sent a large number of people to search for the members involved in the assassination. ]

[The members of the Rose Team were unable to return to the headquarters of the Destiny because of the blockade of the border. In order to avoid Anti-Entropy's search, they could only hide in the mountains and forests and go underground. ]

[The fact that Rita let the little girl go was soon known to the captain of the Rose Team. She was furious and deducted Rita's salary for a month. She also punished Rita to go up the mountain to hunt, chop wood, and obtain food and resources. ]

[In the final analysis, Rita's beliefs are different from those of the other members of the Rose Team. ]

[Most members of the Rose Team worship Bishop of Destiny as a god and regard his orders as oracles. As long as it is Qiao Qiao's order, no matter how harmful it is, they will execute it without hesitation. But Rita was not brainwashed by the creed of the Rose Team. She still had a conscience and adhered to the rules. She could not attack ordinary people, especially... the other party was a poor and weak child. 】

【But Rita also understood that her kindness brought trouble to the Rose Team, so she was willing to be punished, left the main force, went to the hut at the foot of the mountain, and started hunting and chopping wood. 】

【The sky in Northern Europe was treacherous, and the mountains at the foot of the mountain were covered with silver. Rita was in this icy and snowy world, next to the cabin, wearing a warm cotton coat, swinging the axe in her hand, splitting one log after another in half. 】

【After more than two hours, the firewood behind Rita piled up into a small mountain, but her body could not get warm. She was cold all over, and the hot air exhaled from her mouth suddenly condensed into ice mist visible to the naked eye. ]

[Rita looked up at the slowly setting sun, and then at the logs that were as big as a mountain and had not been split yet. She couldn't help but sigh and thought: It seems that I can't go back to the temporary base today. ]

[For the Valkyrie of destiny, hunting and chopping wood are not difficult. It's just that the captain of the Rose Squad wanted to teach Rita a lesson and gave her a difficult number to complete, hoping that she would remember the lesson and change her habit of violating dogma and releasing people privately. ]

[As a cold wind blew, although Rita was wearing a heavy cotton jacket, she was still shivering from the cold. Her body twitched and she sneezed. She hugged her shivering body with both hands and complained to herself, "This is too cold...\

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