Originally, he wanted to imitate the ancient emperors of Shenzhou who used their five senses to restrain civil officials, so he used the Valkyrie to restrain the nobles.

As Qiao Qiao's secretary, Amber was very happy to see that this group of nobles who usually pretended to be noble were now anxious. She smiled slightly and said seriously: "Then... the next is the third gift that the bishop gave to Lady Youlandel."

Hearing this, all the nobles and ordinary people in the audience were all alert and focused on the third gift.

In the meantime, Amber took out an ordinary black box from her body.

Although the brocade box looked ordinary, people in the group were talking about it. Some said it was the legendary first god's key, the Void Ten Thousand Treasures, some said it was the launch button of the Honkai fission bomb, and some said it was the start key of an aircraft carrier.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Yulan Daier took the black piece from Amber and opened it. There was a small ring inside. The silver-white ring was engraved with strange words, and in the middle was a sea-blue gem the size of a fingernail, which looked extremely expensive.

This aquamarine ring is indeed suitable for women, but after all, it is just an ordinary thing. Compared with the previous gifts such as the Black Abyss White Flower, the God Killing Armor, and the Immortal Blade, it is far inferior. But this is a gift from Qiao Qiao after all. Yulan Daier likes it very much, and her joy can be said to be comparable to that of the Immortal Blade team.

Seeing that it is just an expensive ornament, the onlookers below are a little stunned.

A look of "that's it".

The destiny nobles above breathed a sigh of relief. They were originally afraid that the things Qiao Qiao gave to Yulan Daier would shake their privileges, but now they are completely relieved.

"This gem ring from Shenzhou is really beautiful."

Yulan Daier likes this ring from the bottom of her heart.

"This is not just a gem ring."

Hearing what Yulandel said, Amber smiled and said: "This is a holy ring made by the bishop himself with soul steel. The ancient text on it means "the saint holds the holy ring, and the holy ring leads the holy army." From now on, seeing this holy ring is like seeing the bishop. As long as you show this holy ring, you can mobilize the troops of the Destiny headquarters in Europe at will."

Hearing that this ring can mobilize the army, even Yulandel herself was shocked. You know, Otto in his previous life also valued her very much, but no matter how much he valued her, he never gave her the military power of Europe.

Although Yulandel is the strongest Valkyrie, to be honest, she is only good at fighting, and her ability to lead troops in battle is far inferior to Otto and others.

Seeing Qiao Qiao give Yulandel the power to mobilize the European army, everyone in the audience was stunned.

"Why is the Bishop so kind to Lady Yulandel? Is Yulandel actually the Bishop's biological daughter?"

"Even if she is not his biological daughter, Lady Yulandel would not hesitate to call him dad just for the Bishop's favor."

"If someone gives me these three gifts, I will kneel down and call him 'Dad' immediately."

For the first two gifts, everyone felt that Yulandel deserved them and it was reasonable. However, this holy ring, which has the power to mobilize the European army, is too precious. Even the heads of the three major families of Tianming have never had such an honor.

People began to doubt whether Qiao Qiao had any relationship with Yulandel.

For the two gifts Qiao Qiao gave, the Tianming nobles who were watching from the sidelines were just angry. But you have to know that although the armies in various parts of Europe are nominally loyal to the Bishop, in practice, it is still these leading nobles who are in charge of the various places.

Qiao Qiao gave Youlan Daier a holy ring that could command the European army, claiming that seeing the holy ring was like seeing the bishop... This in disguise weakened the nobles' power to control the local army.

Qiao Qiao was clearly putting Youlan Daier above all the nobles of Tianming.

In the entire Tianming, she was truly second to none and above ten thousand people. It was not an exaggeration to call her the Saint of Tianming.

The nobles of Tianming finally understood that Qiao Qiao was determined to let Youlan Daier suppress them.

Qiao Qiao was telling them that all their privileges were given by the bishop, and it was easy to take them away.

Faced with such a naked warning, the nobles who were originally very angry suddenly deflated like dogs that had lost their homes. They all understood that the Bishop of Tianming preferred Valkyries like Youlan Daier to their group of hereditary nobles.

"Our families have worked hard for the destiny for generations, and many generations have died to get the honor and favor today. How come a little girl like her climbed over our heads in one day?"

"I didn't expect...the bishop would value a little girl so much."

"Don't call her a little girl anymore. Call her 'Lord Yulandel', otherwise you'll lose your head!"

Without the support of the bishop of destiny, they all lowered their posture and took the lead in applauding Yulandel.

Hearing the nobles applauding Yulandel, the ordinary people in the audience also applauded and celebrated.

After the three gifts were issued, Amber walked off the stage.

Seeing this, Yulandel quickly caught up with Amber and asked shyly, "Miss Amber... Is the canonization ceremony over? Where is the bishop?"

Amber, who was in the audience, turned around and smiled softly, saying, "Lord Yulandel, I'm really sorry. The bishop is very busy and has too many things to deal with. He didn't come to attend your canonization ceremony. I will be responsible for making friends."

Hearing this, Youlandel felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her head. The honor and joy she had just felt on the canonization stage suddenly disappeared, and she felt a cold sting in her heart.

Even if she became an S-class Valkyrie, wouldn't she be able to see him?

Everyone in the Golden Square applauded and cheered for Youlandel's glory today, and they were very happy. Only Youlandel heard that Qiaoqiao did not come to attend, and she felt extremely lost in her heart, and wanted to find a place without anyone to cry.

The excitement belongs to others, and Youlandel only thinks they are noisy.

Amber politely said goodbye to Youlandel, but Youlandel did not stay.

Vera, who had long blond hair, white and smooth skin, and was wearing luxurious clothes, happened to pass by Amber who was leaving, and walked towards Hollander.

Now Vera and Hollander have known each other for a long time. She smiled slightly and said to Hollander who bowed her head and said nothing: "Miss Hollander, congratulations on becoming an S-class Valkyrie."

After saying that, Vera extended her hand to Youlandel, wanting to shake hands.

But Hollandel, who didn't see Qiao Qiao, looked lost, as if she hadn't seen Vera, and walked straight towards her dormitory.

Vera noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Youlandel's expression.

Qiaoqiao also murmured in her heart, Youlandel, what's going on? She doesn't like the three gifts I prepared for her?

Vera, controlled by Qiaoqiao, frowned and looked very confused.

At this moment, Rita came to Vera's side and said, "Lord Hollander, why did you leave so soon?"

Vera nodded slightly when she heard this and said: "She looks... seems to be very unhappy."

Chapter 268: Youlandel: I’m so cruel to myself

After leaving the canonization ceremony, Youlandel returned to the Valkyrie dormitory alone.

With a "bang" sound, Youlandel closed the door, leaning against the door with her back, her eyes already red. The next second, tears burst out of her eyes and fell like a broken bead curtain.

"Qiaoqiao, why don't you want to see me? Is it because you still refuse to forgive me for the mistakes I made in the past?"

When Youlandel woke up from the ward and saw Qiao Qiao, she felt like she was electrocuted, recalling everything that happened to Qiao Qiao in the previous world line.

She clearly recalled that Qiaoqiao, as the torturer of the World Snake, used various means to train herself, and used the companions of the Immortal Blade to threaten her into submitting to him. She remembered that that night in the secret room, she had already given her most precious first experience. Gave it to JoJo.

Recalling the entanglement that night, as a virgin, Youlandel still feels frightened and shy, and the passion deep in her body is burning.

But when Youlandel recalled that Qiao Qiao was forced to disguise herself as a villain and take herself and her companions of the Immortal Blade out of the World Serpent's cell, but she still could not abandon the distinction between good and evil and doubted Qiao Qiao's treatment of her. Love, piercing Qiao Qiao's body with the black abyss with his own hands. Youlandel felt extremely regretful.

Whenever she recalled the time when Qiao Qiao fell into her arms before she died, her blood flowing like a river, her face pale and dejected as she expressed her love, Youlandel would burst into tears.

She loves Qiao Qiao in her heart and wants to stay with him forever, but when she thinks of the sins she has committed, she is afraid that Qiao Qiao will not be able to forgive her and break up with her.

Therefore, even if Youlandel knew what happened in the previous reincarnation, she still pretended to be ignorant. Only in this way could Qiaoqiao stay with her and not blame herself and leave her.

Over the years, Youlandel has worked hard to become an S-class Valkyrie. The main reason is to return to Qiao Qiao. Even if he cannot forgive his sins, it is great to be able to watch Qiao Qiao from a distance.

But since leaving the orphanage, Qiaoqiao has never taken the initiative to summon Youlandel.

"Qiaoqiao, he must blame me, blame me for not trusting him in the first place, blame me for not letting go of my destiny and running away with him, blame me for driving him to death, and blame me for not even wanting to see me... What should I do? ?”

Youlandel's graceful legs collapsed on the ground, her beautiful and handsome face buried in the quilt, and the quilt was wet with tears.

"It took a lot of effort for me to meet him again... I can't miss him no matter what! Even if he hates me... beats me and scolds me, I still want to be with him forever!"

Youlandel's temperament is inherently more stubborn and stubborn than others. If there is something she cannot do, she will feel very uncomfortable.

What's more, she had killed Qiao Qiao with her own hands, and finally met him in this world. It could be said that he was lost and found again. Naturally, she would never let go of the love in her heart.

Just when Youlandel made up her mind that even if she was ruined in this life and paid any price, she would still stay with Qiao Qiao, there was a "dong dong" knock on the door?


At this time, someone knocked on my door. Was it Rita or Vera?

When Youlandel heard the knock on the door, she straightened her back nervously and raised her delicate hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of her eyes: "Ahem...who is it?"

"It's me... Rita, I cooked a bowl of whole grain porridge for you to drink."

Hearing Rita's light and gentle voice, Hollandale couldn't help but feel relieved and said: "Rita, come in."

Rita, who was wearing a maid uniform, gently opened the door and saw Youlandel standing pretty beside the bed. Her worried mood relaxed a little, and a sweet smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Master Youlandel, you are so fast. Are you not feeling well after leaving the canonization ceremony? Let Rita serve you well."

Hearing this, Youlandel lowered her head and said, "Thank you, Rita, put the porridge down and I'll drink it myself later."

Seeing that Hollander was too shy to feed her, Rita felt very doting on her and smiled very sweetly. She liked taking care of Hollander very much, but she did not dare to disobey her.

But just when Rita put down the cereal and prepared to leave, she was surprised that Hollander's quilt was actually wet. Listening carefully to Hollander's voice, it seemed to be slightly crying, and it was obvious that she had just cried a lot.

Rita regarded Youlandel as the most important friend in her life. Knowing that she was alone and sad and crying quietly, she naturally wanted to do her best to share her worries, so she moved forward and held up Youlandel lovingly. You have a face as small and delicate as an oval.

"Lord Hollander, if you feel uncomfortable or wronged in any way, just tell Rita, and I will share your worries even if I am very upset."

Hearing the gentle inquiry from her best friend Rita, no matter how hard Hollandel tried to pretend to be strong, the mask on her face suddenly melted away.

Hollander has been without a father or mother since she was a child. To her, Rita is not only a subordinate, a friend, but also a family member and a sister. Her weight in her heart is no less than that of Qiao Qiao. She trusts her wholeheartedly and will not pretend in front of her. , revealing his childish and weak side.

Youlandel couldn't help but hugged Rita's slender and graceful body, and moved the graceful curves of her face into the snow-white softness. Her crystal tears slid along the white snow and fell deep into Rita's clothes.

Seeing Youlandel hugging her like a little lolita, sobbing softly, looking soft and pitiful, Rita suddenly felt pity, and gently embraced Youlandel in her arms like a lotus catching nectar.

"Lord Youlandel, what happened to you?"

"I..." Youlandel choked up for a moment, and after thinking again and again, she couldn't help but cry and confide: "I'm so cruel to myself, why didn't I believe him at the beginning? If I had believed in him, he wouldn't have died. ”

Hearing this, Rita felt confused and didn't understand what Hollander was talking about.

So, Youlandel told everything about her acquaintance, love and separation with the World Snake Torturer during her previous reincarnation before she awakened.

Only Qiao Qiao's name was not mentioned. After all, World Snake's torturer was now the Bishop of Destiny. If word spread, it would have a great impact on Qiao Qiao.

In fact, Youlandel really thinks too much. Even if she told such a mysterious and mysterious thing as awakening her past life memories, no one would believe it.

The only exception is Rita. She has been on an adventure in the Quantum Sea with Hollander. She knows about the existence of parallel worlds and that the shape of the world is more fragile than people think. Although it is difficult to restart the world, it is not impossible. .

What's more, Hollander is Rita's lifelong best friend. Even if she doubts the world, she will not doubt her favorite Hollander in the world.

Just thinking that her favorite Hollander actually had a man she liked, Rita still couldn't help but feel sad.

Can she also meet a man like her who loves her deeply and is willing to die for her?

For some reason, Rita thought of Qiao Qiao's pretty face at this moment, and she couldn't help but reveal a self-deprecating smile.

My whole life has been ruined by Qiao Qiao, so how could I be so lucky to meet a man who truly loves me.

Rita hid her sadness deep in her heart, comforted the sobbing Hollander in her arms, and said: "Miss Hollander, didn't you say that the torturer was willing to die for you? Since he did it for you , I’m even willing to sacrifice my life, so how can I blame you?”

"Even if he doesn't blame me... I won't forgive myself." With tears in her eyes, Youlandel shook her head sadly and said, "Now I just want to enter the Cathedral of Destiny and be able to see him all the time. , Just don’t suffer from this lovesickness.”

The Cathedral of Destiny is the residence and office of Bishop Destiny. Except for Bishop Qiaoqiao himself, the personal guards, and members of the Council of Elders, not even the S-class Valkyries can enter or exit easily.

When Randall said that the man was in the Cathedral of Destiny, Rita thought that the man was now a member of the Guards or a member of the Council of Elders.

Since Hollandale didn't want to tell her name, Rita didn't ask any more questions.

After all, the person who was a world snake in his previous life is now a high-ranking member of the Destiny. If one more person knows this secret, the greater the harm to that person will be.

Rita regarded Youlandel as the most important friend in her life. She loved her even more than her biological sisters. Naturally, she couldn’t see her suffering from lovesickness like this and crying every day. So she pursed her lips and grabbed Youlandel. Randall's slender white lotus arms said with a very loving expression: "Lord Randall, Rita will fulfill this wish for you no matter what!"

Hearing Rita's words, Hollander couldn't help but feel warm in her heart, and hugged Rita with gratitude: "Thank you, Rita, you are really the most important friend in my life!"

Just when Rita and Hollander were hugging each other and talking to each other, Vera gently opened the door and said with a smile: "Lord Hollander, what about me?"

Hearing Vera's voice, Hollander and Rita were startled, even if they were children who were caught doing bad things.

Rita quickly let go of Hollander, and Hollander also left Rita's arms. Her original weak and pitiful appearance suddenly disappeared, and she returned to her former heroic appearance...

Chapter 269 Rita’s request

Seeing Vera push the door open, Yulandel and Rita, who were hugging each other tightly, separated immediately.

Yulandel coughed twice in embarrassment.

Rita showed a gentle smile on her face, walked towards Vera and held her slender hand.

"Vera, you came at the right time. I have something to discuss with you."

After speaking, Vera was led out of the room by Rita without any explanation.

The Cathedral of Heaven's Destiny is the office and residence of the bishop. Usually, except for Qiao Qiao who can enter and exit freely, only his personal guards, secretaries, and maids are stationed there for a long time. Only during meetings and worship, the Heaven's Destiny nobles of the Senate can enter.

Seeing that her closest friend Yulandel was deeply in lovesickness and crying, Rita naturally couldn't bear to let her be so haggard, and was determined to help Yulandel enter the cathedral and meet her lover.

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