Hearing this request, Qiao Qiao was also stunned.

"If the bishop doesn't want to feed me, that's fine... But these days, I can't sleep well for your safety, and I always wipe my tears quietly in the middle of the night..."

Hearing Rita's words, Qiao Qiao's conscience was condemned.

After all, it was her fault first, and Qiao Qiao was embarrassed to refuse Rita's request, so she could only follow her temper and satisfy her coquetry.

So, Qiao Qiao scooped up a mouthful of pudding with a spoon.


Qiao Qiao made a sound to signal Rita to open her mouth.

Seeing this, Rita smiled, opened her mouth slightly, revealing her white teeth, and her slender and soft tongue gently lifted up, biting down on Qiao Qiao's spoon, sucking up all the pudding.

After tasting the pudding, Rita covered her red lips, looked at Qiao Qiao with a bright smile, and said with great satisfaction, "It's... delicious~~"

Qiao Qiao looked at Rita's youthful and bold behavior like a girl, and felt bitter in her heart.

I don't know if she is really innocent or pretending to be a girl to deliberately stir my heartstrings.

According to Qiao Qiao's understanding of Rita's character, it is definitely the latter.

After taking a bite of pudding, Rita was still not satisfied. She looked eager to try, as if she had some bad ideas.

"What do you want to do? Do you want me to feed you?"

"No, no..." Rita smiled and bit her mouth: "It's so boring for me to eat alone. Next, let Rita feed the bishop."

"Ah... Feed me pudding?"

Qiao Qiao looked around and said: "I'm not a child. I don't need others to feed me. I can eat by myself."

Seeing that Qiao Qiao was unwilling to obey, Rita smiled and said: "If the bishop doesn't want to eat pudding, then Rita will feed you something else... Do you want Rita to feed you blood... or milk?"

As she said, Rita slowly pulled down her red sweater, revealing her smooth neck and the whiteness on her chest.

Qiao Qiao was caught off guard by Rita's bold move, and her face flushed as she pulled back her slender hand that was pulling down her sweater.

Rita's face was always smiling, but her words and actions were naked threats to Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao was forced to accept Rita's request.

"Okay, you are the master today, I will obey your wishes."

After Qiao Qiao's affirmative answer, Rita showed a satisfied smile at the corner of her mouth.


Rita smiled and put the spoon with pudding into Qiao Qiao's mouth, calling softly.

Qiao Qiao really couldn't refuse, so he could only open his mouth obediently and accept Rita's feeding.

After Qiao Qiao obediently ate the pudding, Rita showed a very satisfied smile.

On the street of Manchester, Qiao Qiao and Rita fed each other, as if they were not a bishop and a maid destined by heaven, but an ordinary intimate couple.

After finishing the pudding, Rita took Qiao Qiao's hand again, pointed at the Ferris wheel slowly turning by the river, and said: "My Lord Bishop, please accompany me to ride the Ferris wheel next."

"Ah... We are not here for tourism."

"Just accompany me for a trip..." Rita said coquettishly: "From the Ferris wheel, the view of Manchester is really beautiful."

Qiao Qiao really couldn't resist Rita, so she had to be dragged by her to the river to buy tickets.

Rita just stepped into the Ferris wheel cabin and found an excellent viewing seat to sit down.

Qiao Qiao sat opposite Rita with a lack of interest.

He had no interest in the scenery of Manchester.

It's better to say... He hated this city very much.

Because here are the most painful memories of his life.

His sister Lilith was buried here.

For Manchester, Qiao Qiao used to wish it to perish.

It was not until he became the Bishop of Heaven's Destiny and fell in love with Rita that he let go of his annoyance.

But Manchester, which Qiao Qiao hated in the past and has no interest in now, is a hometown that Rita has reunited after a long absence and never forgets.

Rita sat by the window, looking at the scenery of the city.

The whole city was covered with ice and snow, as if it was wearing new clothes, covered in silver.

The surface of the river formed mirror-smooth ice, like a bright and beautiful belt, running through the city.

Under the reflection of the sun, the whole ice and snow were shining like stars, beautiful and moving.

Rita was immersed in the beauty of Manchester, smiling so hard that she couldn't close her mouth, and a strange light flashed in her purple eyes.

Qiao Qiao didn't like the scenery of this city, but her eyes were attracted by the beautiful smile on Rita's side face, and she couldn't look away, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

Maybe... the scenery of this city is not as bad as I imagined.

Qiao Qiao thought to himself, smiling and admiring Rita's exquisite and beautiful side face.

When the cockpit passed the highest point and slowly descended, Rita suddenly spoke, waking up Qiao Qiao who was lost in thought because of looking at Rita.

"Bishop... come and have a look."

Rita's voice was very urgent, like a child who had discovered a secret base and wanted to share it with friends.

Qiao Qiao turned around and walked forward curiously, wanting to see what good things there were.

But when Qiao Qiao got close to Rita, he could only see the ordinary snowy city scene of Manchester.

Qiao Qiao was about to ask Rita what was going on.

Rita smiled slightly and blew a breath of hot air on the cold window.

In an instant, countless tiny water droplets condensed on the originally cold window.

She looked at Qiaoqiao with a smile.

"Master Bishop, come and paint with me."

Hearing Rita's request, Qiaoqiao felt a little weird, but because of the guilt in his heart, he still couldn't disobey her wishes, so he obeyed.

Rita drew a tall, thin arc on the window, and Jojo followed suit.

When the two arcs intersected, Qiaoqiao was surprised to discover that the arcs drawn by each of them were half of love.

When the two meet, they become a perfect love.

Qiaoqiao realized that he had fallen into Rita's scheme and looked at Rita in surprise: "What kind of tricks are you playing?"

Rita looked at Qiaoqiao with a smile and said, "Mr. Bishop...this is Rita's heart for you."

Hearing Rita's confession, Qiaoqiao was slightly startled.

Rita had talked about herself before, but Qiaoqiao never responded.

Qiaoqiao liked Rita from the bottom of his heart, but whenever he thought of his dead sister, he felt a dull pain in his heart and could only say coldly:

"Rita...it's better if you don't like me..."

Rita was stunned by Jojo's refusal.

This is Rita's first love, falling in love with a man wholeheartedly.

Like ordinary girls, she yearns for the perfect love story in novels.

But Qiaoqiao's cold answer completely shattered Rita's fantasy.

"Why..." Rita murmured in disappointment: "Didn't you also say... that you like me?"

Recalling Qiaoqiao's true confession to her in the past, as well as her kisses and various other things, Rita seemed to have a hole in her heart, and despair gradually emerged.

Rita lowered her head and whispered, "Could it be that...what you said to me back then were all lies to me?"

At this time, the Ferris wheel returned to the ground, the hatch slowly opened, and Jojo also walked out. He looked back at Rita who was motionless and said, "Rita, let's go back to the church."

Rita raised her face when she heard this. She knew that as long as the day was over, she could return to the church.

So...Qiaoqiao is still the aloof bishop, and she is an ordinary Valkyrie.

The miracle of Qiao Qiao being completely obedient to him and accepting any request could only happen today.

"I... don't want to go back to church yet."

When Qiaoqiao heard Rita's answer, the smile on her lips disappeared immediately, and she asked with some confusion: "Why?"

Rita looked at Qiaoqiao's eyes with sparkling tears and said sincerely: "I have another wish, I hope you can help me realize it!"

Chapter 310 Welcome...to the Domination Theater

Rita took out the camera she had prepared for a long time from her shoulder bag and said with a smile:

"Qiaoqiao, before the date ends, let's take a photo together."

Qiao Qiao made an appointment with Rita in order to make up for the deception of cheating death and the mental burden caused by missing for many days on Rita.

Today I will do my best to fulfill her wish.

Seeing Qiaoqiao nodding in agreement, Rita smiled cheerfully and couldn't wait to ask the passers-by around her to take photos.

The kind pedestrian took the camera, pointed it at Qiaoqiao and Rita, and shouted a warning.

"You two, please be ready."

Rita ran straight back to Qiaoqiao, with a smile as warm as the sun on her lips.

Rita's smile was perfect, but Qiaoqiao's face was cold.

The person who took the photo reminded: "That boy...smile~smile~"

As for pretending to smile, that is what Qiao Qiao is best at as the Bishop of Destiny.

Qiaoqiao smiled, showing her white teeth, exuding an atmosphere as warm as the sun.

"Mr. Bishop, do you think you are a celebrity and are holding a press conference?"

Rita teased him: "That smile is too fake."

Qiaoqiao had already used his best business smile. He thought the disguise was perfect, but was mercilessly ridiculed by Rita.

Is my smile too fake?

Zun Du Fake Du O.o

Qiaoqiao suddenly felt strongly shaken by her proud acting skills.

In fact, Qiaoqiao's smile is really perfectly disguised and beautiful, with almost no flaws at all.

But it's just because it's so flawless that no one would smile so beautifully, so it seems fake.

Rita looked at Qiaoqiao who didn't know how to smile for a while, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised: "Qiaoqiao, just relax your body."

As soon as she finished speaking, Rita's hands hugged Qiaoqiao's arms tightly.

Qiaoqiao felt the softness of Rita's body, smelled a fresh and elegant fragrance, her eyes flashed with a strange light, and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

The uncle holding the camera caught the moment when Qiao Qiao smiled and pressed the shutter in time.

"Thank you for your help, thank you for your hard work!"

After the photo session was over, Rita couldn't wait to step forward, take back the camera in Good Samaritan's hand, and take out the photos she had just taken.

The moment she saw the photo, Rita felt extremely happy and smiled.

In the background of the photo, the frozen riverside shines like stars under the sun.

The huge Ferris wheel towered into the sky. Qiaoqiao and Rita had happy smiles on their faces and cuddled up to each other, just like a real couple.

Looking at this photo, Rita smiled crazily.

Qiao Qiao also came forward. Seeing the finished product, she was very satisfied. She nodded and said, "You look really good when you smile."

Hearing Qiao Qiao's praise, Rita smiled shyly. She looked at the photo with intoxicated eyes and said, "...I really hope that the two of us can be together forever like this."

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