It’s unimaginable that he actually dared to kill the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance? !

Chapter 350: Pseudo-Walter: I killed myself!

To everyone's surprise, Qiaoqiao did not worry about the power of anti-entropy and directly broke Walter's neck.

Walter fell to the ground like a puppet with broken strings.

Seeing this bloody scene, Serina's eyes widened in fear at first, but soon a smile appeared on her face, and her eyes looked strange at Qiaoqiao.

She wanted to cut Walter, the terrorist, into pieces.

Jojo broke his neck, which was considered revenge for the insult suffered by Serena.

After the gravity wall blocking the way forward disappeared, Mei hurriedly caught Serena hanging in mid-air.

"Miss Serena, are you okay?"

Mei hugged Serena, who was wrapped in several pieces of rags, with a sympathetic expression on her face.

Serena can still feel the pain from the wound, but compared to being tortured and humiliated by Walter, the end now is much better.

She gritted her teeth and said with firm eyes, "Don't worry, my life is not in danger."

"Compared to me, how is Bruce doing now?"

Serena was very worried about her unconscious twin brother.

With the support of Mei Yi, she wrapped a few pieces of rags and came to Bruce's side. She squatted down and felt his pulse to confirm that it was still beating. Then she took a breath and said with a bright smile: "It's really too much." alright..."

Serena was originally just an ordinary student at Ryuzakura High School, but she ended up being involved in a fight for the dark side of the world and almost lost her life.

Fortunately, Jojo arrived and killed Walter, and she was able to save her life.

After confirming that Bruce was okay, Serena's body collapsed and she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Mei Yi supported her and prevented her from falling directly to the ground.

Meiyi helped the half-dressed Serina and walked to Qiaoqiao.

Serena looked weak and looked weak and pitiful. She bent down and thanked Qiaoqiao: "Thank you for saving my life."

Qiaoqiao saw that Serena was weak, her clothes were in tatters, and her supple and greasy skin had blood-red wounds clearly visible.

Seeing this, Qiaoqiao couldn't help but feel pity. She took off her black coat and put it on her body to cover her exposed skin and wounds.

After feeling the warmth from the coat, Serena's face turned slightly red. She looked at Qiaoqiao with a slightly strange look in her eyes and said shyly, "Thank you."

She clutched Qiaoqiao's black coat tightly, as if she liked it very much.

Qiaoqiao just replied politely: "You're welcome. It is my duty to deal with the bad guys who use Honkai to do evil and to help ordinary people who are harmed by Honkai."

Qiaoqiao didn't lie. As a student of St. Freya, he was a warrior of destiny.

It is indeed his duty to deal with reverse entropy and help ordinary people who have been harmed by Honkai.

But in Serina's eyes, Jojo was the benefactor who defeated Walter and saved her life. She had some inexplicable feelings for this stranger whose face she didn't even know.

After being rescued, Serena felt at ease, but Mei was a Valkyrie who knew about the existence of Honkai.

Naturally, he knew that things had just begun after he rescued Serena.

Walter Joyce, leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance and First Herrscher, is dead.

Anti-entropy will never let the murderer go.

Thinking of this, Meiyi couldn't help but look at Qiaoqiao with a little more worry, and said with a heavy face: "Hero, thank you for saving us, but... you killed Walter Joyce, this But what should I do? You will not let go of reverse entropy."

Hearing Mei Yi's words, Qiao Qiao seemed relaxed and at ease, as if he was not afraid at all.

Under the white mask, the corners of Qiaoqiao's mouth were slightly raised, and he said leisurely: "Who... said that I killed Walter Joyce?"

Hearing this, Serina and Mei were both stunned. They didn't understand what he was talking about.

Apart from the dead Walter, there are only Serena, Bruce, Mei and the masked man here.

Walter was killed by the masked man, and both Mei and Serina witnessed it with their own eyes.

If it wasn't him who killed him, who else could it be?

Are we supposed to take the blame?

Looking at the confused Serina and Mei Yi, Qiaoqiao walked a few steps leisurely and said: "You also saw it with your own eyes. It was Walter himself who said, 'Kill him if you have the guts.' He took the initiative to seek death." , he was the one who died in the end. He obviously committed suicide, what does it have to do with me?”

Heaven and earth can be used as lessons.

It was Walter who wanted to die.

Walter was also the one who died.

It was Walter who killed himself.

What does it have to do with me, Qiaoqiao?

Serena and Mei were both confused by Qiaoqiao's weird logic, and both felt that what he said made sense.

In the end, Meiyi came to his senses, shook his head, and said seriously: "Your sophistry cannot convince the anti-entropy people at all. They only need to check the body and check the surveillance, and they will know the murderer immediately."

According to Jojo, Walter himself has done many evil things, and his death now is completely retribution for his many unjust deeds.

It has nothing to do with myself.

But I also know that reverse entropy will not just give up.

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao reached out and patted Mei Yi on the shoulder, comforting her and saying, "Don't worry about this. I had already thought about the aftermath when I started to kill Walter."

Hearing this, Yayi immediately calmed down, her eyes lit up, and she asked curiously: "What can you do."

Qiao Qiao leaned down and gently lifted the chin of Walter's body, and said in a cold voice: "Since Anti-Entropy will not rest until the murderer is found, I will find a scapegoat."

Hearing this, Serena and Mei's faces suddenly changed.

They were afraid that the scapegoat mentioned by the masked man was themselves.

Qiao Qiao noticed the little emotions on Serena and Mei's faces, and immediately laughed: "Haha, don't worry, I spent so much effort to save your lives, how could I hurt you?"

Hearing this, Serena and Mei also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they thought too much.

If this masked man had any bad intentions, he would not help them at the beginning and let Walter kill them.

Why go to so much trouble?

"Then who is the scapegoat you are talking about..."

Qiao Qiao's face under the mask smiled slightly, and said insidiously: "A person that Anti-Entropy dare not provoke."

Hearing this, Serena was confused, and Mei also blinked in confusion.

There are many capable people in the world of collapse.

But there are few people that Anti-Entropy dare not provoke.

Could it be... Bishop of Destiny?


Meiyi hurriedly tried to stop the masked man from framing others. If Bishop Otto was really used as a scapegoat, things would only get worse.

But Qiao Qiao ignored Meiyi's words and focused her eyes on a certain place in the air.

Prometheus, who was only visible to Qiao Qiao, was floating in the air. When he noticed Qiao Qiao's sight, he frowned slightly and said, "Master, do you want me to modify the surveillance video for you?"

For Prometheus, an artificial intelligence that can invade any network, modifying the surveillance video of this school is as easy as drinking water.

Qiao Qiao nodded and whispered, "Well, just modify it according to my requirements."

Then, Qiao Qiao whispered his requirements in Prometheus's ear.

When she first heard Qiao Qiao's request, her face was very gloomy and doubtful, but as Qiao Qiao sorted out the matter, Prometheus's face suddenly became clear, and he said softly: "Yes, Master, I will do as you wish."

After getting Prometheus's response, Qiao Qiao smiled slightly, as if everything was under control.

But Mei and Serena couldn't see Prometheus at all.

From their perspective, Qiao Qiao had been talking to the empty void, as if chanting some spell.

Then, as if the spell was successfully completed, he smiled slightly, and the scene was quite weird.

Chapter 351 Mei's Secret

After Qiao Qiao instructed Prometheus, Mei supported Serena and walked forward, asking: "What do you want to do?!"

Under Mei's close gaze, Qiao Qiao slowly walked to the body of Walter Joyce, reached out and touched it twice, smiled slightly and said: "Do you still need to ask? Get rid of my criminal traces first."

As soon as the voice fell, Qiao Qiao's five fingers extended a fine silk thread.

As Qiao Qiao's fingers manipulated the silk thread, Walter's body also moved like a puppet.

Seeing Walter's body move again, Serena was frightened and shrank behind Mei.

Mei also became nervous instantly, drew out the sword in the sheath, and was ready to fight at any time, but she soon realized that Walter Joyce in front of her did not have the breath of a living person, but was a corpse that could move.

After realizing that it was Qiao Qiao who was manipulating Walter's body, Mei asked in a panic, "What are you doing?"

Under the mask, Qiao Qiao's expression seemed to be full of playfulness as if he was playing a prank.

He manipulated the silk thread in his hand carefully, and said with a sinister and cunning smile on his lips: "Don't you understand? Of course, I want to use other people's criminal traces to cover up the fatal injuries I left."

Hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Mei's eyes widened in surprise.

Could it be that he... can control other people's corpses?

Tianming has various Valkyries, who have completely different abilities based on factors such as talents, stigmata and armor.

Mei had heard that some Valkyries can control the dead and make them act according to their wishes.

But this should be a very high-level ability, which can only be achieved by becoming an A-level Valkyrie.

Although she didn't know the identity of the masked man, judging from his voice and body shape, he should be a man.

It was surprising that a man could use such a high-level ability.

But judging from his effortless killing of Walter just now, it is not surprising that he can use high-level supernatural powers.

Qiao Qiao just obtained the core fragment of the Ruler of Domination from the fifth life simulation, and just happened to test the power of domination contained in it.

Walter's body was moved again under the control of the power of domination.

Of course, the power of the Ruler of Domination is not just to control the bodies of others, but also to use the abilities of others.

Qiao Qiao's fingers gently manipulated the silk thread, and Walter Joyce was like a puppet, allowing Qiao Qiao to control him, raising his right hand and condensing the collapse energy.

Seeing this scene, Mei and Serena looked a little scared, as if they saw Walter himself.

They both cast their eyes on Qiao Qiao who was manipulating the corpse, their eyes were very confused, and they didn't know what he was doing.

But Qiao Qiao looked at the collapse energy in Walter's palm becoming stronger and stronger, not only did he not feel a trace of fear, but he showed a very happy smile.

"Yes, that's it, let me see your ability again."

Qiao Qiao manipulated the silk thread while speaking.

With the manipulation of Qiao Qiao's silk thread, the collapse energy in Walter's palm gathered to the extreme.

Suddenly, a crack was torn in the air, and as the crack continued to spread, the space seemed to have broken into a huge black hole.

Qiao Qiao manipulated Walter's body to create a pseudo-black hole.

Seeing the appearance of the pseudo-black hole, both Selina and Meiyi were extremely terrified.

You know, if this ability is not handled well, it will swallow the entire school building.

"What are you doing?! Stop the pseudo-black hole quickly!"

Meiyi even shouted to stop Qiao Qiao at the terrifying destructive power of the pseudo-black hole.

But Qiao Qiao saw the pseudo-black hole, but he was not panicked at all, but couldn't help laughing wildly, the corners of his mouth almost cracked to his ears, and he said with great satisfaction:

"It's great! Let me see how powerful the pseudo-black hole is!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qiao Qiao ignored Meiyi's dissuasion and did not close the black hole. Instead, he continued to manipulate the silk thread to expand the black hole.

Mei watched the black hole grow bigger and bigger, and her eyes seemed to be covered with a shadow and filled with fear.

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