Prometheus turned to look at Qiaoqiao and asked: "Since we only need to wait for two years, why do you look unhappy? Are you hiding something from me?"

"I didn't hide it from you deliberately." Qiaoqiao raised his eyes to look at Prometheus and said with a smile: "It's just... when you get a body, I'm afraid I won't be able to touch you."


Prometheus was startled, stepped forward and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

"The Stigmata Project is to invert the Stigma Space and the material world. The Stigma Space floats up to the material world, and the material world falls into the Stigma Space. In other words, consciousness will float up to the real world, and humans will fall into a dream." Qiao Joe looked at Prometheus and said calmly: "At that time, consciousness like you will become a rational form and roam the world, while humans like me will fall into an endless dream."

The bad news that Qiao Qiao said is that although it is difficult to obtain the core of the Herrscher, it is only to create a body that can accommodate Prometheus.

The good news is that although it is simple to carry out the Stigma Project, you only need to wait.

But in essence, that is not to transform Prometheus himself, but to smash the entire material world and transform the world into a model suitable for Prometheus to survive.

In that world, there will be no human beings, only 'ideas', products of consciousness like Prometheus.

Hearing this, Prometheus was stunned for a moment, and his originally cheerful mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

"You call destroying humanity good news?"

Qiaoqiao nodded: "Humanity was destroyed, but you were able to gain a body. Isn't this good news for you?"

Prometheus had long known that Qiaoqiao's way of thinking was different from ordinary people, but he didn't expect it to be so outrageous.

"In a world without you, even if I gain human form, it would be meaningless!"

Prometheus said with a cold face: "I hope to get a human form because I want to contact humans. If humans become extinct, wouldn't it mean nothing for me to become human?!"

Originally, Prometheus hoped to obtain an entity and become a human just to get in touch with Jojo and learn more about human beings.

But in order to become human and destroy human beings, Prometheus completely put the cart before the horse.

It wasn't good news at all, and it wasn't what she wanted to see.

"Whether the human race will be destroyed or not is not decided by the two of us at all, but by the great figures like Destiny, Counter-Entropy, and World Serpent. Even if I am destroyed, wouldn't it be nice for you to take my place and roam the world?"

"I don't want to be alone in a world without you and humans. I feel bored just thinking about it."

Prometheus said with sharp eyes: "If Kevin wants to launch the Stigma Project to kill you and destroy mankind, then I will go with you to deal with him!"

Hearing Prometheus's words, Qiaoqiao felt very surprised.

Although it was mainly to prevent the destruction of mankind, Prometheus was actually willing to give up the opportunity to obtain human form in order to protect himself...

Does this mean... I still have a little bit of status in her heart?

Qiaoqiao put down the newspaper in his hand and said with a slight smile: "Then...if you want to avoid the destruction of mankind and obtain a human form, you must obtain the core of the Herrscher of the current civilization."

According to the original plot development, the Stigma Project will eventually be destroyed by the invincible Kiana.

Of course, the premise is that Qiao Qiao doesn't mess around and create a bad ending where Kevin wins.

Prometheus also wanted to destroy mankind and obtain a body through the Stigmata Project, so the only solution was to seize the Herrscher's core.

Now that the goal is clear, the path is also clear.

Although it is difficult, Qiaoqiao is still willing to create a body for his companion.

Prometheus noticed Qiao Qiao's affectionate change, and seemed to become serious all of a sudden. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he said: "As long as Prometheus and the master join forces, there will be no enemy in this world that cannot be defeated. Nothing can be done." matter..."

"If it really can't be done..." Prometheus leaned into Qiaoqiao's ear and said, "The girl named Mei is also a Herrscher, we can..."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao's body froze, and he still kept a smile on his face, but there was murderous intent hidden in his eyes when he looked at Prometheus, and he said with a smile: "Pu Ya, if you dare to take advantage of Mei Yi, , I will transplant your consciousness into the monster that just collapsed."

Qiaoqiao's tone was full of murderous intent, and he was obviously serious, which made Prometheus shudder immediately.

The people at St. Freya Academy were like family to Qiao Qiao. If he moved, he might really be stuffed into the body of a monster.

Thinking of this, Prometheus swallowed in fear and said in a trembling voice: "That was just a cold joke on my part, just kidding!"

"I hope so..."

Qiaoqiao said with a smile, but his eyes glared at Prometheus very sinisterly, obviously as a final warning.

Seeing the look in Jojo's eyes, even Prometheus couldn't help but feel scared.

If he attacks Mei Yi, Qiao Qiao can do anything.

"Okay, let's not joke anymore."

Qiaoqiao changed the subject and said, "That's it for today. Let's pack up the experimental equipment."

During the consciousness transfer experiment just now, the soul steel body collapsed.

Qiaoqiao wanted to clean up the broken body, so he opened the experimental cabin.

Under Qiaoqiao's operation, the experimental hatch slowly rose, and streams of hot white smoke came out from inside.

Qiaoqiao looked towards the past with great curiosity, wanting to see what kind of monster the soul steel body had collapsed into.

But the next second, Qiaoqiao did not see the monster he imagined.

A doll with hair as curly as a croissant, petite body, and snow-white skin that looked exactly like Prometheus came out of it.


The duck puppet walked out of the thick white smoke, stretched out his hand to Qiao Qiao, and smiled slightly, as if to say hello.

Prometheus was shocked when he saw the little doll that looked exactly like himself.

"What is this?!"

Qiao Qiao was also stunned, shook her head and said:

"I don't know either..."

Chapter 358 Rita: Let us execute the traitor Qiaoqiao!

St. Freya Academy, training ground.

The girls, with slender figures and pretty faces, held weapons in their hands, shed sweat, and focused on the competition.

The light of Honkai energy shone like stars. The red light of the flames, the green light of the plants, and the brilliance of the springs reflected each other, rendering the training ground as dangerous and exciting as a real battlefield.

On the high platform of the training ground, Rita, wearing a white lace shirt and a black skirt, picked up the camera and pointed it at the Valkyrie below.

There was a "click".

Rita captured the Valkyrie's radiant looks forever in her photos.

"Second Lieutenant Himeko, Principal Theresa, Valkyrie's teaching work seems to be going quite smoothly."

"Of course~~"

The girl with a slender figure and a cute face proudly raised her chest and raised her head, and said with a sweet hum, "They are all students trained by me, and they are no less inferior to the trainees at Tianming Headquarters."

"This is not the most beautiful campus scene of St. Freya." Theresa said with a proud face: "Miss Rita, I will take you to the garden of our school building and let you see how the girls get along with each other on a daily basis. This is the teaching content that our school is most proud of.”

When Teresa founded St. Freya Academy, her purpose was not to train warriors to fight against Honkai.

More importantly, it allows those girls who endure cruel missions to feel the warmth of ordinary people and experience a beautiful life.

Rita looked at Theresa's cute and smug look, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and thought to herself: "With such a good principal, the students here must be very happy..."

But visiting the school garden was not on Himeko's itinerary.

You know, St. Freya Academy is nominally an organization that cultivates elite Valkyries.

If the girls' daily loose behavior were to be seen by Rita, it would definitely give the impression that they were not serious about teaching.

If it reaches Tianming Headquarters, the matter will be even bigger.

"Principal, you have an online meeting for first-year faculty and staff to be held today, so you should go back to the office first."

Jizi smiled and showed her white teeth, and said: "I will take Miss Rita to inspect the simulated combat center and equipment base first. After that, I will go back to the office to find you."

In order to prevent Theresa from causing trouble, Jizi pushed her away and then led Rita away.

Theresa's power as the principal has been basically eclipsed by Himeko and Qiaoqiao.

Teresa, who aspires to become an idol, has always been ignorant of things in the academy.

When I heard Himeko talking about the staff meeting, I had a vague impression in my mind. I didn't know whether it was true or not. I could only watch Himeko leading Rita away.

"What faculty meeting? Why didn't I know?"

Theresa returned to her office in confusion, turned on her computer and looked at her itinerary, only to realize that she had been deceived by Jizi again.

There are no staff meetings to be held today.

"That Jizi! She actually lied to me again. She must want to drive me away and take Rita to fish around!"

Theresa puffed up her cheeks in anger, took out the snacks from her desk, turned her grief and anger into appetite, and wolfed them down.

Potato chips, biscuits, chocolate... and other snacks filled Theresa's mouth, making her cheeks swell and look as cute as a hamster.

While enjoying the food, she watched the cartoon "Puella Magi Madoka Magica".

She had just watched the first episode and was deeply attracted by the cute and healing painting style. She found it very interesting, especially the warm and beautiful daily life between magical girls, which made Theresa yearn for it very much.

She is already looking forward to a happy ending.

But just when Theresa was watching the climax of the second episode, suddenly there was a sound of opening the door.

In the entire St. Freya Academy, except for her own niece Kiana, only her long-time friend Jizi dared to open the door and enter the principal's office without knocking.

Teresa used her skills of reading comics secretly under the covers for more than 40 years. In just 0.1 seconds, she hid the snacks in the cabinet and closed the anime web page.

She relied on her extraordinary reflexes and speed to elude Grandpa Otto's inspection.

At the same time, Himeko walked in with Rita who had finished her inspection.

Theresa was seen panting and sitting on the chair, looking very tired.

Seeing Theresa's tired look, Rita asked with a worried expression.

"Miss Theresa, you look very tired. Are you not feeling well?"

Theresa picked up a handkerchief and wiped her sweat, pretended to smile, and said, "No... I just did some exercise."

Rita saw no trace of the snacks, so she tentatively believed Theresa's story.

"Miss Teresa, you are indeed the granddaughter of the bishop. You are an example to all the Valkyries. Even during working hours, you always keep exercising."

Hearing Rita's compliments, Theresa felt a little embarrassed and said with a guilty conscience: "I...I'm not that good either..."

As the granddaughter of Bishop Otto.

If one day Bishop Otto dies, Theresa will be his only legitimate heir.

As a Valkyrie, Rita has always had a strong influence on Teresa, the future Bishop of Destiny.

So I didn’t see any flaw in Theresa’s words.

But Jizi saw the crumbs of snacks on the table and the computer that always kept the boot screen, and she secretly made a calculation in her heart.

Teresa...she must be eating snacks and watching anime during work hours again.

Jizi saw through it but didn't reveal it in front of Rita.

After all, she could tell that the inspection official sent by the headquarters had a good impression of Theresa.

As long as Rita maintains a good impression of Teresa, I believe the comments she will submit to the bishop will not be bad.

If he ruined his good impression of Teresa, he might get St. Freya into big trouble.

If Bishop Otto knew that his granddaughter was raised as a waste by Jojo here, he would probably shut down the entire Saint Freya...

In order to keep her job as a civil servant, Himeko decided to keep Teresa's secret.

"Principal, I have taken Miss Rita to inspect the important institutions and facilities of St. Freya."

Theresa glanced at Jizi with a very suspicious look, and teased with some dissatisfaction: "You don't want to be lazy on purpose and only show her part of the facilities."

Ji Zi's face suddenly stiffened when she heard this.

Theresa knew Himeko very well and her words were to the point.

Himeko did only let Rita see it, she wanted Rita to see part of it.

As for... those shameful facilities, Jizi naturally did not take Rita to inspect them.

"No matter what, Major Jizi is very serious and responsible, and helped me get familiar with the general situation of St. Freya Academy."

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