【“I won’t listen! I won’t listen! You are such a jerk!” Ling ran to Ying’s side, hugged her arms affectionately, stuck out her tongue at you and said, “Brother Qiao, you are just a toad wanting to eat swan meat! You live in my house and you still want to hook up with my sister!”】

【Hearing Ling’s words reveal Qiao Qiao’s thoughts, Ying lowered her head shyly and said angrily, “Ling, don’t talk nonsense...”】

【Although Ying’s words were somewhat blaming, her tone was light and light, without any anger, but rather revealing a little shyness and happiness, a bit of a cover-up. 】

【After speaking, Ying raised her eyes and glanced at you with a blushing face, looking very shy. 】

【Being caught in Ling’s thoughts, you blushed and defended yourself, “I didn’t... I just thought you were my sisters!”】

【“Eh... Is this true?”】

【Ling said with a sly smile, with a look of disbelief on her face. 】

【When Ying heard your words, the corners of her mouth that were originally slightly raised suddenly shrank, and she said in a somewhat depressed tone: "Ling... I told you not to talk nonsense, Qiao Qiao is a foreigner, and he will eventually return to his hometown. How could he like a country girl like me?"】

【Ling, who was originally full of bad intentions, was shocked by Ying's angry reaction, and suddenly wilted like an eggplant hit by frost, and said honestly: "I'm sorry... Sister, I didn't mean it..."】

【You saw the little emotion in Ying's heart, and quickly opened your mouth to express your loyalty. 】

【"Ying, this is such a beautiful place, how can I bear to leave? You and Ling are so good to me, how can I bear to abandon you?"】

【Your face is serious, and you swear: "I swear, wherever you two are, I will be there, and I will never abandon you!"】

【Hearing your words, Ying suddenly turned from sadness to joy, and smiled slightly, but then looked at you very hesitantly. 】

【"Qiao Qiao, you really won't lie to me?"】

【"I swear to God, if I abandon you two sisters, I will die!"】

【After hearing your promise, Ying finally felt relieved, tears streaming down her eyes. 】

【What she was most worried about was that you would abandon them and return to your homeland for your own fame and status. 】

【Now that you have made such a vow, although she doesn't know whether it is true or not, she would rather believe you, even if she is deceived, she is willing. 】

【"As long as Qiao Qiao is willing to stay with me...even if we are not lovers, but just siblings or friends...I will be satisfied..."】

【Ying wiped away the tears of emotion from her eyes and said with a smile: "Don't swear so hard...I believe you, even if you leave one day, I want you to be healthy and happy..."】

【Hearing Ying's loving look, you smiled slightly, feeling very happy, nodded happily, and said: "Okay, okay, I will listen to you!"】

【The heat between you and Ying rose rapidly. 】

【And Ling was sandwiched between the two of you, looking at your deep friendship, feeling bitter...】

【"Could it be...my first love is going to end before it even begins?"】

Chapter 375: Full warehouse and heavy pressure on Ying stocks

Oh my god...

This is too sweet.

Ying stocks are rising, almost reaching the limit.

I will directly pull up Ying stocks, lose everything, and then add leverage

Childhood sweetheart + moonlight...

Can we lose this wave?

On the contrary, Ling's stock is about to hit the limit...

Wow... My lovely Ling is so pitiful.

I don't want you to taste the bitterness of a broken heart.

But your sister is too strong. How can I resist the charm of childhood sweetheart + moonlight in this simulation?

Red bean paste private Marseille! (Bow)

[Ying finally chose the luxurious kimono with cherry blossom pattern, while Ling chose the kimono with wave stripes and summer style, and left the clothing mall. ]

[Of course, you, Mr. Qiao, will pay for both ladies' bills. ]

No, no, no...

What do you mean Mr. Qiao will pay for it.

We should thank Dr. Mebius for his investment.

Without Mebius's research and development funds.

How can I be where I am today, Qiao Qiao?

[You and Ying went home talking and laughing, while Ling walked by her side, looking unhappy. 】

【But you didn't really care about Ling's changes. After all, at this time, you only had Ying in your eyes. 】

【After returning home, Ling changed her attitude and stopped acting like a spoiled child and wanted to sleep with you. 】

【Instead, she took Ying to the next room to sleep. 】

【When she pulled Ying out of the room, Ling pulled down her eyelids maliciously and made a face at you. 】

【You don't know how you offended Ling, the eldest lady. 】

【But she was originally a child, crying and making trouble, with mood swings, making people unpredictable, so you didn't take her subtle changes to heart. 】

【On the contrary, after Ying and Ling left, you had a space to be alone, and you could do things that were not convenient for girls to see, and only boys could do. 】

【In the long night, you lay in the bed, tossing and turning but not wanting to sleep, always feeling that you should do something to calm down...】

【Next...your choice is...】

【Option 1: Do a thousand push-ups to divert your attention. 】

[Option 2: While there is no one around, take out Sakura’s photo and shoot her. 】

[Option 3: Write a love letter to Sakura and give it to him at an appropriate time. 】

Why do you do a thousand push-ups to divert your attention? Is it Qi Xingyu?

Take advantage of the fact that no one is around and take a look at the photos...

What's the point?

Don't beat around the bush, just go to the next room now and shoot Sakura.

With Sakura's current attitude, she probably wouldn't refuse, but would be quite cooperative.

Puncture the window paper, get married next year, have children the year after that, and it will be the end.

It's a pity that there is no such option...

Then I can only choose the third option... just write a love letter and give it to Sakura.

In this way, we can date immediately, end the relationship next year, and have children the year after that.

happy ending!

But...this is a villain life simulator, will things go so smoothly?

Qiao Qiao had a vague feeling... After arriving at the Far East Island, things developed too smoothly.

I guess there are still some clues.

[You tossed and turned in the bed, unable to suppress your feelings for Sakura, so you stood up directly, turned on the desk lamp, found a very beautiful piece of letter paper with a green bamboo pattern printed on it, poured your heart's love into the tip of your pen, and wrote Sakura wrote a 500-word love letter. 】

[After writing the love letter, you decided to give it to her during this year’s summer festival when the fireworks are in full bloom. 】

[That fireworks was the starting point of your love for Sakura. 】

【It will also serve as the finishing line of love between you and Sakura. 】

[After writing the love letter, you felt at ease, lay on the quilt, and fell asleep to the accompaniment of the chirping of cicadas. 】

[When you wake up again, it will already be noon. 】

[It is summer vacation, so you are going to clean the shrine as usual and prepare for the summer festival. 】

[But when you walked downstairs, you found Mr. Gong Si and a group of old people from the village gathered in the living room, watching TV intently. 】

[They approached the TV as if they were myopic. They wanted to stick to it and watch it. They looked at it very seriously, as if their eyeballs were about to fall off. Their mouths were so big that they couldn't even say a word. It looked like Very surprised. 】

[You looked at the stunned expressions of the palace minister and others, and were very curious about what the TV was reporting, so you looked up and saw a man standing on the podium playing on the TV. His temples were slightly frosted, and his face was like a knife. Generally, he has clear outlines, but his figure is very tall and straight, and his body is extraordinary. 】

[When you see the familiar man on TV, your eyes suddenly widen. Although they have been separated for a thousand years and his appearance has aged a bit, you still recognize him at a glance. He is your father: Marquez Ni Buchadnezzar. 】

[The moment you looked at your father, you were stunned in place, listening carefully to the content on the TV. 】

[...Morgan, the princess of the British Empire, is not qualified for the position of emperor due to her young age. From today on, she officially resigned from the position of emperor and ceded it to the head of the empire: Marcus Nebuchadnezzar! 】

[As soon as the knight next to him finished speaking, your father walked to the podium like a meteor and announced to all the nobles and soldiers present. 】

["From today onwards, the British Empire ceases to exist, and the glory of Nebuchadnezzar's Empire will last forever!\

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