Exclude the first option and stand aside.

The second option is to leave the other refugees behind and take Sakura and Ling to escape.

It is a good choice.

However, if the boulder completely destroys the mountain road, the entire terrain will collapse.

Qiao Qiao wants to take them to escape, and the probability of success is only 40%.

Only 40% probability... is still too low!

If they fail to escape, they will die on the spot with these refugees.

It doesn't matter if Qiao Qiao dies, because she can wake up in reality anyway.

Sakura and Ling have only one life in this world and cannot be resurrected.

It is better to be cautious here and choose the third option.

For Qiao Qiao, whose body has been transformed by Mobius, it is a bit difficult to take on the boulder weighing the weight of the tanker, but it is completely possible!

My option... the third one!

[You watched the boulder hit the refugees on the mountain road, and you were startled. You immediately changed your original route to Sakura and Ling and turned to rush towards the falling boulder. ]

[You used the spider silk jet device you developed to weave spider webs one after another at the location where the boulder fell, cushioning the speed and force of the boulder's fall. ]

[The falling boulder fell directly on the spider webs you had laid out in advance like a missile. ]

[With a "bang". ]

[The first spider web you specially made was as fragile as paper and was instantly torn apart by the boulder. ]


[The second layer...]

[The third layer...]

[The fourth layer...]

[After tearing through three layers of spider webs, the boulder finally showed a clear trend of decreasing speed on the fourth layer of spider web. ]

[Then the boulder tore through the fifth and sixth layers of spider webs. ]

[The boulder tore through the six layers of spider webs you had laid out like a dead tree, and finally reached the last layer of spider web. ]

[The last layer of spider web was stretched to the maximum extent like rubber when it bore the weight of the boulder. ]

[The entire web enclosed the boulder, and it was concave like the bottom of a bowl. ]

[The falling boulder and the twisted spider web were in a stalemate for more than ten seconds. ]


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