[In order to obtain confidential scientific research results, you often break into the computer database of the country or institution and steal the knowledge you need. ]

[This time, you used hacking technology to break into a rather mysterious, treacherous, and powerful organization - "Fire Moth". ]

[Seeing the contents of the Fire Moth database, you felt like you saw a treasure. Your originally calm face changed, and your eyes flashed with excitement. ]

["Awesome!" ]

[Looking at the contents of the database, you laughed like a child who picked up a beautiful shell on the beach. ]

["Qiao Qiao, why are you laughing so happily all of a sudden?" ]

[Your sudden laughter made David feel very strange and frowned. ]

[Generally speaking, you will only be as excited as you are now when you encounter new cases and do bad things. ]

[For example... when installing a military-grade prosthesis for David and found that his body's endurance was different from that of ordinary people, Qiao Qiao laughed excitedly as if he had found a cute little white mouse. 】

【Hearing David's question, you stared at the tablet and smiled and said, "I found a treasure."】


【After all, David was born in poverty and was particularly eager for money. 】

【When he heard that there was money to be made, David immediately became excited and asked, "Is it another rich man who came to you and asked you to perform surgery?!"】

【Hearing this, you shook your head and said, "It's just the reward for helping people perform surgery, which is not a treasure at all. I hacked into the backstage of an organization called 'Fire Moth' and found some very interesting things!"】

【While driving the sports car, David said with interest, "What valuable things are there in the backstage of the mysterious organization? Is it a treasure map, or a valuable corporate secret?!"】

【David was like a wolf that smelled meat, and he couldn't resist the desire for money in his heart. 】

【"Haha!" You laughed excitedly and said, "I found the secret research results of this organization!"】

【David became more and more excited when he heard that it was the scientific research results of the mysterious organization: "How much can these scientific research results be sold for?"】

【Hearing this, the smile on your face froze, holding the tablet in your hand, and said: "If this kind of military-grade scientific research results are announced, it will bring me a fatal disaster. I don't plan to sell it for money."】

【Hearing this, David was like a deflated ball, and said angrily: "What, you don't sell it for money, isn't it just a bunch of useless data?"】

【David had just dropped out of school and was hired by Qiao Qiao as a worker. 】

【As a worker, his life goal is very simple... just to make money! Get women! Get children! 】

【When he heard that these research results could not be sold for money, he immediately lost interest like a wilted eggplant. 】

【As a scholar, you naturally understand the value of these scientific research papers, which is far from being comparable to tens of millions of wealth. ]

[David's family was not good. After his mother, who depended on him for everything, passed away, he had no money to pay for tuition and had to drop out of school. ]

[If you hadn't helped David, he would not be working in your black clinic now, but would be stealing or robbing on Dusk Street. ]

[And you were born in a wealthy family, both of your parents are university doctors. ]

[You were influenced by your parents and later by Mobius, and you also wanted to become a scholar and change the world with technology. Unlike David, you didn't care about money, but loved scientific research results. ]

[Looking at David who had no interest in scientific research papers, you rolled your eyes at him and said, "The content of these scientific research papers is 20 years ahead of the world. How can tens of millions be compared to it?" ]

[Hearing this, David just tilted his head disapprovingly. He didn't want to be a scholar like you, he just wanted to make a living by your side. He had no interest in scientific research results that were 20 years ahead of the world. 】

【David drove a convertible sports car and laughed, "I only like money and women, and I have no interest in these data."】

【Perhaps due to the influence of his living environment, David values ​​money as his life and is loyal to his desires, just like those self-degrading street urchins on Dusk Street, which makes you feel quite speechless. 】

【In your opinion, money is only a means, not a goal. 】

【You think that a life like David who is loyal to money but has no goals is meaningless. 】

【But since David has already regarded money as his life goal, you are not going to object. 】

【David's life is his own. He has to decide what he wants to fight for and what he should do. Even if you persuade him and impose your thoughts on him, it is meaningless. 】

【You lowered your head in silence and continued to look at these extremely precious scientific research papers. 】

【Among them, you found a study involving biology, theology and mysticism. 】

【The research object is - Honkai beast. 】

【The research topic is - Super Mutation Factor. 】

【Seeing this extraordinary creature born from the collapse, your heart was deeply shocked and you couldn't help swallowing. 】

【Seeing the research on super-mutation factors, you felt extremely excited and even your throat became thirsty. 】

【Because you clearly know that this research is the power you have always dreamed of, which can change the world. 】

[You read the research content on the tablet carefully like a child picking up shells on the beach. Soon you realize that this paper is well-organized, deeply researched, and extremely valuable! ]

[You can't help but sigh in your heart that the author of this paper is simply a genius! ]

[Just as you sigh at the value of this paper and the author's talent, you suddenly find a complex golden pattern printed on the corner of this research, like a scaly snake. ]

[This double-ring interlaced pattern has no starting point and no focus, and seems to symbolize "infinity." ]

[Seeing this pattern symbolizing "the principle of infinity", you feel very familiar and frown slightly. ]

[Then you turn to the last page of the paper, which is printed with a photo of the author of the paper. It is a beautiful woman in white clothes, with skin as white and shiny as jade, and long green hair. ]

[The moment you see this green woman, past memories suddenly emerge in your mind. ]

[With just one glance, you recognize this green-haired beauty as the world's unparalleled genius scientist-Dr. Mobius. ]

Chapter 394: Cynical Qiao Qiao

[You look at the green-haired beauty printed on the last page of the ‘super-mutation factor’ experimental paper, and memories of the past suddenly come to your mind. ]

[In the past, in the laboratory, you were Dr. Mobius’s best assistant, helping her complete many dangerous experiments. ]

[As an experimental subject, you have been injected with various experimental reagents, often feeling the pain of being bitten by thousands of ants, and often hovering on the edge of death. ]

[But every time the experiment is successful, you will feel extremely happy when you think that the experimental results can add convenience to the future of mankind. ]

[In the two years with Dr. Mobius, you have felt incomparable pain and incomparable happiness. ]

[But no matter what... Mobius is your guide on the road to ‘scholar’. ]

[But later, Dr. Mobius clearly promised you to hand over her long green hair to you as a souvenir. ]

[But she suddenly changed her mind and sent you on a plane to the Far East. ]

[Until now, you have not been able to forgive Dr. Mobius for betraying you. ]

[At this point, the hatred you have for Mobius in your heart cannot be eliminated by a bright green hair. ]

[If Mobius wants to ask for your forgiveness, he must pay a heavier price than giving up all his hair. ]

[Yes, you will never let go of Mobius who teamed up with Marquez and betrayed you. ]

[This time, you not only have to cut off her green hair, but also cut off all the hair on her body. You even have to take away her body fluids, DNA, cerebral cortex, and body parts for experiments to resolve the hatred in your heart. ]

Qiao Qiao:......

Snake is now facing a difficult boss.

Now he not only wants to cut off Mobius's green hair.

In order to do the experiment, they also wanted all her hair, body fluids, DNA, cerebral cortex and body parts...

Wouldn't this mean that the snake would be plucked out of the skin?

In this simulation, Qiao Qiao is just a 16-year-old child. How could he have such a strong desire for revenge?

But think about it, Qiao Qiao has experienced too much betrayal in this life simulation.

When she was young, her mother was persecuted to death by the ignorant masses because she was infected with a mysterious virus.

Her father could not accept her mother's death and directly abandoned Qiao Qiao.

When she was twelve years old, Qiao Qiao met Dr. Mobius, a scholar.

But she was betrayed by her and her father and was sent to the Far East as a hostage.

When he was fourteen years old, his father Marquez, without any concern for the safety of his own son, declared war on the Far East.

Qiao Qiao almost died on the island country, and what was even more painful was that he was completely separated from Sakura.

Qiao Qiao experienced several wars at a young age, was suppressed by the people, betrayed by relatives, almost died, and even lost his loved ones. His personality must have changed dramatically...

An ignorant boy became as weird and perverse as he is now, hating the injustice of the world.

His desire to become a scholar and change this rotten and dying world is also related to his deep persecution and hatred of the injustice of the world.

[Looking at the bright and beautiful green hair of Mebius on the tablet screen, your eyes became unusually deep. You reached out and gently stroked the hair of Mebius in the photo. Your face flushed a little, and your breathing became much heavier. The corners of your mouth curled up slightly, and you said: "Aunt Mebius... Your green hair is still the same as before... It is softer and smoother than silk, brighter and more beautiful than roses, and more dazzling than gems. I must get your hair and bury my face in your long hair to breathe the fragrance!\

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