Chapter 406 Klein: Dr. Mobius' lips are so soft and fragrant~~~

British Empire, West District of Camelot City.

A crashed transport plane lay quietly in a dark corner like a dead dragonfly.

On the outside of the crashed transport plane, a seriously injured soldier had red eyes. He lost himself in the fantasy created by the Moon God Soma, confused the boundary between illusion and reality, and regarded his companions as monsters.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of gunfire continued to echo.

The huge body of the Moon God Soma was hidden in the darkness of the hole in the transport plane. He watched the killing of the Fire Moth Warriors with cold eyes, and bursts of evil sneers came out from the corners of his mouth.

Under the control of the Moon God Soma, the most powerful commander among the Fire Moth Warriors killed six subordinates with his own double guns.

The Fire-Chasing Moth warriors, wearing armor and covering their faces with masks and helmets, held weapons in their hands, with hideous faces and eyes full of fear, and fell into a pool of blood.

Seeing the last human kill all his compatriots, Su Mo sneered and said, "Very good, very good! You did a good job. Thank you for helping me get rid of all the enemies. Next... I order you... to commit suicide!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Moon God Su Mo looked at the commander's eyes flashing with a strange red light.

The commander who survived at last didn't know what was going on with him, and the voice of the Moon God Su Mo kept echoing in his heart.

"Yes! Master!"

Under the control of the Moon God Su Mo, the commander raised the gun like a puppet and pointed it at his head.

"Bang!" A gunshot.

The commander of the Fire-Chasing Moth secret force pulled the trigger and ended his life as the Moon God Su Mo commanded.

Seeing the blood of the seven Fire-Chasing Moth warriors splattered on the spot, the Moon God Su Mo proudly raised his long neck and smiled, revealing his sharp teeth.

"Thanks to that human named 'Qiao Qiao', I heard the voice of God, and I can feel that my power has become much stronger."

The Moon God Su Mo showed a smug smile. He didn't expect that he resisted the backlash of the 'Eye of Domination', not only was he not injured, but he also gained stronger power.

"But... a mere human dared to take the power of God for himself. It's too hateful. I must kill that human completely."

Although the Moon God Su Mo heard the voice of Prometheus and fell into confusion for a while, in the final analysis, he obeyed the true will of the collapse of this world, not the weak clone of 'Prometheus' in Qiao Qiao's body.

The cold consciousness of the collapse of this world seems to be aware of the existence of 'Prometheus'.

So, the consciousness of the collapse is ordering the Moon God Su Mo to kill Qiao Qiao, who is hosting 'Prometheus' in his body, so that the clone of the collapse can return to the origin.

"I must kill that human for the God of Collapse!"

Now, the Moon God Soma wants to kill Prometheus, who is the incarnation of the Collapse Will but has surrendered to humans, and his host Qiao Qiao more than revenge on Mobius.

At the same time, the news of the death of seven Fire Moth Warriors was also transmitted to his companions at the first time.

In the depths of the intricate tunnel, the only four remaining Fire Moth Warriors saw that seven life coordinates were lost on the lightning map.

This means... including their commander, seven Fire Moth Warriors died.

A young warrior in his twenties, wearing night vision goggles, took a deep breath when he saw the bad news displayed on the watch instrument.

"What is going on? Is it the Hydra poison leaking... or is it that the spiritual type Collapse beast escaped from the prison?"

The four warriors were in the tunnel, searching for scattered parts, and knew nothing about the tragedy in the head cabin.

As far as they knew, the crashed transport plane was loaded with many dangerous items from the Mobius laboratory.

Any carelessness in handling any of these could lead to the annihilation of the entire team.

The young soldier tried to contact the seven missing soldiers, but there was only noise on the communicator, with no response at all.

But after the contact failed, the young soldier could only turn to look at the cherry-haired girl wearing a fox mask behind him and said.

"No. 12, you contact Dr. Mobius immediately and find out what happened in the transport plane's cabin."

Hearing the young soldier's words, the girl wearing a fox mask to cover her face nodded slightly, and then said:

"I understand, No. 9, but should we go to the cabin to check the situation first? Maybe the commander and the others are still alive?"

"Are you crazy?"

The young soldier No. 9 was surprised to hear this and said: "That was a serious accident that killed seven soldiers. It might be a powerful virus leak. Although the Fire Moth pays us a high salary, we have to find a way to save our lives. We can't risk our lives for work, right?"

The young soldier reiterated: "Listen to me, contact Dr. Mobius now, and don't move until there are further instructions."

Hearing the young soldier's words, the girl nodded slightly and immediately contacted the Mobius Laboratory with the communicator in her hand.

"Dr. Mobius, I am a member of the 8th Squadron of the Fire Moth Secret Operations Force, codename: Forget Me Not. Please reply to this message."

As the girl held up her unit and codename, a response came quickly from the other end of the communication.

"Is it Miss Sakura? I am Dr. Mebius's assistant 'Klein'. The doctor is conducting experiments. If you have any questions, you can tell me and I will convey them to you."

A holographic image appeared from the communicator in the hand of the girl holding the knife. The person she could communicate with was not the mature Dr. Mebius, but a green-haired girl wearing a white eye patch, with tired eyes and sickly pale skin.

She recognized the girl with the codename: Forget-Me-Not at just one glance as the girl that Mebius had rescued from the Far East Kingdom - Sakura.

Sakura looked at Klein, whose eyes were tired and seemed to be going into coma at any moment, and said with great concern: "Miss Klein, are you feeling well?"

Hearing Ying Nuanxin's concern, Klein blushed slightly and said a little shyly: "I am helping Dr. Mebius calculate experimental data. I haven't slept for four days, ah~~~"

Klein yawned tiredly, looked at Sakura very happily and said, "Thank you, Miss Sakura, for your concern. However, your problems are more important right now. If you need any help, just let me know."

Hearing this, Sakura's face under the mask became serious and serious like a samurai, she nodded and said:

"Our team is recovering the items left behind by the crashed transport plane in the high-speed rail tunnel in the west area of ​​Camelot City. However, seven of our companions have lost contact at present. We want to know from Dr. Mebius what is in the cabin. What things?”

Hearing this, Klein's happiness at seeing Sakura suddenly turned sharply. He found the list of items on the transport plane and said with a livid face: "It's too bad..."

"That transport plane carried a lot of dangerous objects, including emperor-level Honkaimon, the highest-level viruses, and dangerous reagents in the experimental stage... and all kinds of things, all Mebius "The doctor's invention, I have to go to Dr. Mebius to explain the situation."

Klein seemed to realize that the transport plane crash was not something she could handle by herself, so she quickly started shaking people off.

"Dr. Mebius, come and listen to Miss Sakura's communication!"

"What's wrong? My sweet little Klein?"

Mebius, who heard Klein's call, walked to the communication device while drinking coffee.

Unlike the carefree Mebius, Klein, a worker, was already suffering from the accident of the transport plane.

"Doctor...your special plane transporting experimental products crashed!"

Hearing this, the originally leisurely Mebius suddenly changed his expression and nervously asked Sakura on the other end of the communication:

"My transport plane crashed, so the experiments inside are okay?!"

"That is the result that I spent a lot of time and energy to create. There must be no mistakes in the mission!"

"Doctor... there are already deaths on site, why are you still only focusing on the results of your experiment?"

"My little Klein, of course my scientific research results are more important than a few human lives!"

Hearing Dr. Mebius's words about treating human life as nothing, the faces of the staff at the scene, including Sakura, changed slightly.

Anyone who works hard on the front lines but is treated as a dispensable consumable by people working in offices at the back would feel unhappy.

Compared to Mebius, who is outspoken and has zero social skills, Klein, as an assistant, is obviously more understanding of the world.

She smiled sheepishly and said: "I'm sorry, fellow combatants on the scene, Dr. Mebius is not a bad-hearted woman, and she definitely does not mean to despise your lives. However, in order to fight against the common enemy of mankind, Honkai, the transport aircraft The research results are really important.”

In the face of the great cause of fighting against Honkai and saving billions of human lives and civilization, the twelve lives of a mere secret force are indeed nothing.

In particular, most of the people who merged with Fire Moth's secret force were desperadoes and had already put their lives on the line.

They can completely understand what Klein said. Mebius's experimental results are obviously more important than their lives.

"...Klein, you did a good job! You deceived them into giving their lives and brought back my precious experimental results!"

"Doctor! Please shut up, okay?!"

Klein had a look of despair on his face. She had finally managed to fool...or...persuade these people, so why did she say something hurtful at this time?

Although Dr. Mebius is a genius in technological research and development, when it comes to dealing with people, he is such a pig teammate that even Klein can't help him.

"Ahem..." Sakura coughed twice, pretending not to hear what Mebius just said, and continued: "Dr. Mebius, Miss Klein, we want to know the current interior of the cabin. situation so as to formulate the next course of action.”

Hearing Sakura's words, Mebius smiled slightly.

As long as she can bring back the valuable experimental results from the transport plane, she is willing to do anything.

"It's easy to detect the situation at the scene. That transport plane is equipped with my flying robot. As long as it is started, you can see the situation at the scene."

Hearing this, Sakura and others all smiled.

Sakura said in a deep voice to Mebius on the other side of the communication: "Okay, then I will wait for your information and instructions."

Before getting the exact information, in order to avoid dying tragically like the other seven soldiers, the remaining members of the secret force, including Sakura, chose to stand still and wait for Dr. Mebius' information and instructions.

In order to get back his experimental results as quickly as possible, Mebius smiled at Klein and said softly: "My cute little Klein, please help me connect to the flying robot on site."

As Mebius's assistant, Klein has long been accustomed to being bossed around by her. He nodded numbly and said: "Okay, doctor!"

Soon, Klein relied on his superb computer technology to successfully connect to the flying robot in the cargo hold of the transport aircraft.

"That's great, Doctor."

Klein smiled happily: "Although many flying machines were damaged when the plane crashed, there seems to be one that is well preserved!"

"Well done! My cute little Klein, quickly search the situation in the cabin, especially the super-changing reagent I just developed. There must be no mistakes!"

After hearing Mebius's words, Klein muttered dissatisfiedly: "Compared to the unfinished reagents, the missing combatants are more important!"

Klein is Dr. Mebius' third assistant and one of her most valuable understanders in the world.

Klein has always been responsive to Dr. Mebius' requests, and in contrast, Mebius is also very doting on his most beloved assistant.

She didn't want to see her assistant die in an unknown corner again, but there was nothing she could do.

"Okay, okay." Mebius fondly poked Klein's face, which was as cold and smooth as an egg, and said, "Just do as you say, first look for my precious scientific research results, and then Find missing persons."

Dr. Mebius's persistence in his scientific research results gave Klein a headache. He could only sigh softly and said: "Yes, Dr. Mebius, I will definitely find your valuable scientific research results!"

"That's great...I knew little Klein wouldn't make me sad."

Hearing this, Mebius happily approached Klein and kissed her on her pretty face as if giving her a reward.

After being kissed by Dr. Mebius, Klein suddenly turned slightly red.

She was like a virgin being toyed with by her elder sister, her heart was beating loudly, and she said with a blushing face: "Bo...Doctor, what are you doing?! It's my job to help you deal with things." That’s what an assistant should do!”

Although Klein appeared to be serious and serious on the surface, in fact, when she was kissed by Mebius, her heart was filled with turmoil. Her heart was pounding like a deer, and her groggy head suddenly woke up.

She secretly rejoiced in her heart: "Hey... Doctor, her lips are so soft and fragrant~~~"

Klein had a crazy thought in his mind.

At the same time, Klein controlled the microrobot to fly out of the warehouse.

As soon as the robot flew into the warehouse, a beautiful boy with short black hair, a handsome face, a strong and tall figure, and purple eyes as clear as gems appeared on the screen.

"Who is this beautiful boy? Why is he appearing around the crashed transport plane?"

Klein did not recognize the boy on the screen. She asked with confusion, but did not hear a response from Dr. Mebius.

With surprise, Klein turned to look at Dr. Mebius beside him.

However, he found that Mebius was standing in front of the screen as if he was petrified. His green eyes were strangely bright, staring at the beautiful black-haired boy on the screen.

The moment he saw the boy on the screen, Mebius's originally calm heart stirred up huge waves.

At first glance, she recognized the beautiful black-haired boy on the screen as her first assistant, Qiao Qiao, who was supposed to have died on the battlefield in the Far East four years ago.

Chapter 407 Mebius: Call me sister and I will let you...

The unconscious Fire Chasing Moth warrior had his hands cuffed by Qiao Qiao and then put in a black cloth bag.

He wanted to take the experimental subject he had finally obtained out of the tunnel and return to his clinic to conduct brain experiments.

Just as Qiaoqiao put the bag containing the experimental subject on his shoulder, a huge roar sounded.

Strong Honkai energy can roar like a violent wind.

Under the action of collapse energy, rocks fell from the walls and roof of the tunnel, causing the ground to tremble slightly like an earthquake.

When the earthquake subsided, Qiao Qiao looked in the direction of the sound, her eyes full of fear, and thought to herself: "It seems that the seven fire-chasing moth warriors have met the moon god Soma... I You have to sneak away as a courtesy!"

Qiao Qiao knew that Moon God Somo had just used the 'Eye of Dominance' to control him, but failed. It was not that Qiao Qiao was stronger than Moon God Soma at this time.

It was because of the protection of Honkai consciousness in his body that he rebounded the mental attack.

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