Chapter 445 Mebius: Kosmo? But that's it!

Cosmo intercepted the communication between the police officers. Wearing a black mask and driving a black motorcycle, he blocked the path of the bank robbers in advance.

As the target black SUV gradually emerged, Kosmo held the Colt pistol in his hand, pointed it at the vehicle's tires, and pulled the trigger.

‘Bang! ’ a loud noise.

The tires of the robber's vehicle were directly blown out by Kosmo's bullets.

Seeing the robber's vehicle slowly stopping, Kosmo immediately accelerated his motorcycle and rushed towards the other party.

The three robbers saw a motorcyclist rushing towards them and immediately got out of the car.

Now the tires of the black off-road vehicle are damaged...

Without the transport vehicle, the three of them will soon be caught up by the police.

Kosmo's actions completely disrupted the robbers' plans and made them angry.

Moreover, Kosmo blew out their tires and did not turn around and run away immediately. Instead, he sped towards the three of them, which made the robbers grit their teeth in anger.

"Didn't you run away...but came towards us?"

"Exactly! If you blow out our tires and cut off our way of survival, we will kill you to vent our anger!"

The three bank robbers had their tires punctured and had no way to escape. They hated Kosmo so much that they immediately aimed their guns at Kosmo riding a motorcycle.

"Bang bang bang——"

A series of gunshots rang out, and bullets from three pistols rained down on the Cosmo on the road.

A rain of bullets hit the black motorcycle directly, bursting the gasoline tank.

The entire motorcycle exploded like a barrel of explosives, and the entire ground was shaking.

Seeing a black cloud rising on the road, the three bank robbers smiled as if their revenge had been avenged.

"Hahahaha! He actually dared to blow out our tires. I thought he was some kind of powerful person, but this is what happened...?"

" idiot looking for death!"

"Let's grab another car and escape!"

Seeing the black clouds rising, the three robbers felt that the motorcyclist would definitely die, and began to laugh and plan a new escape method.

But the next second, the smile on a robber's face suddenly froze.

The robber who held the bank employee hostage was shot directly through the head by a bullet, and blood spurted out from the black hole in his head.

Upon seeing this, the bank employee who was the hostage quickly escaped from the robbers' control and fled into a nearby store.

Seeing their companions killed, the remaining two robbers were first shocked and then angry.

They had no time to pay attention to the escaping hostages, but turned to look at the dark clouds in the sky.

The two robbers looked at the sky intently, and suddenly saw a figure falling from the sky.

It turns out... before the motorcycle was exploded by the robbers' bullets, Kosmo jumped into the air first and avoided the explosion of the motorcycle.

He took advantage of the fact that the three robbers thought he was dead and were careless, and shot the robbers who were holding the hostages in the air.

After seeing that Kosmo was still alive, the remaining two robbers hated him with hatred.


"Kill, kill, kill! Kill him!"

The two robbers, full of murderous intent, aimed at Kosmo's figure and pulled the trigger.

But Kosmo had been a vigilante for a long time, so it was easy to deal with these two robbers.

He stretched out his hands quickly and ran in a 'Z' shape on the street, closing the distance between him and the robber while moving on the snake skin to avoid bullets.

Just as the robber was emptying his magazine, Kosmo was already hiding under one of the robbers unscathed.

Kosmo directly raised his leg and kicked away a robber who was changing his magazine. He held a gun in his other hand and pointed it at the other robber.

"Bang!" a gunshot sounded.

In the blink of an eye, Kosmo took down the remaining two robbers.

With the danger eliminated, Kosma surveyed the devastated streets.

After seeing that two of the robbers were dead and one was injured, and the only one alive lost the ability to resist, a proud smile appeared on his lips.

"Not bad!"

Cosmo put away his gun and walked towards the hostage hiding behind a billboard with a smile.

His face wearing a black mask showed a smile as warm as the sun, and he said to the hostage: "It's safe now, are you not injured?"

Seeing Kosmo who saved his life, the hostage who was originally trembling with fear burst into tears. He held Kosmo's outstretched hand and said, "Thank you for saving me!"

After calming down the hostages, Kosmo turned and left the scene.

With sirens blaring, several police cars and ambulances arrived at the scene late and picked up the three robbers and hostages.

High above the street, Qiaoqiao stood in front of the glass window of the building, looking at the background of Cosmo leaving the scene.

"Wow! That's amazing!"

Behind Qiao Qiao, Padofelis saw Kosmo's strong skills, and her eyes flashed with golden light: "He is indeed the person that Boss Qiao likes. Not only is he kind-hearted, he is always heroic and righteous, but he also has such powerful skills."

Sakura, who had fair skin and a delicate face, nodded slightly and said with awe, "His marksmanship is indeed not bad."


A haughty and contemptuous laugh came from the shadows in the corner.

Mebius looked at Kosmo's background and said with disdain: "He's just a mortal... He can only bully a few ruffians. With his skills, let alone Qiaoqiao and Ying. A top-notch fusion warrior, even ordinary fire-chasing moth warriors can completely defeat him."

After hearing what Mebius said, Padophilis and Ying fell silent.

From the perspective of ordinary people, Kosmo's skills are indeed good, enough to support him in the secular world.

But if he encounters a master who uses Honkai energy or a Honkai beast, he will be beaten like a martial arts master encountering an immortal cultivator.

Although Mebius' words are venomous, every word makes sense.

Qiao Qiao also agrees with this.

Kosmo's current skills are excellent among ordinary people, but facing Honkai beasts, he is like a lamb waiting for his cubs, with no power to resist.

Moreover, as far as Qiao Qiao knows, this city will soon be invaded by Honkai.

In the original plot, the city that Kosmo tried his best to protect was destroyed in a collapse.丗

"Mobius is right. If Kosmo is satisfied with his current mortal strength and does not continue to evolve and gain stronger power, he will soon be defeated in the invasion of the collapse and lose everything..."


Hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Mobius, Sakura and Padufilis were all surprised.

Although they all saw that Kosmo's strength was vulnerable to the fusion warriors.

But none of them, like Qiao Qiao, saw that Kosmo would eventually watch the city fall due to his lack of strength and be powerless.

Mobius looked at Qiao Qiao with a solemn face, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Qiao Qiao... What do you want to do to that young man?!"

Qiao Qiao looked at Kosmo who fell into the shadow of the street, with a firm look in his eyes, and said:

"I think it's time to let Kosmo know the truth of this world... Let him join the Truth Agency and usher in real evolution!"

Chapter 446 Qiao Qiao: Kosmo, everything you protect will eventually be destroyed!

[Deep in the dark streets, the boy wearing a black mask looked around vigilantly. After confirming that no one was chasing him, he relaxed and took off the mask, revealing his slightly immature face. ]

[Then he took off his hero jacket, revealing the green shirt underneath. ]

[No one would have thought that the famous "vigilante" who was doing justice everywhere in the city was actually an ordinary boy who could be seen everywhere in the city - Kosmo. 】

【Kosmo looked at the scarred black mask in his hand, as if he saw the hostage he had just rescued, and a gentle smile appeared on his lips: "I have helped many people along the way... In this way... Am I a little more like a hero?"】

【Speaking of this, Kosmo, who was originally a little complacent and relaxed, suddenly woke up, shook his head and said:】

【"No... How can I be proud and complacent just because I helped a few people?"】

【Kosmo's eyes became solemn, and his face was solemn and said: "Recently, there are more and more illegal crimes in this city. I must work harder than before to protect the citizens!"】

【During this period of time, Kosmo worked during the day and turned into a vigilante at night, fighting crime everywhere. It can be said that he worked very hard. 】

【But even if Kosmo kept fighting crime, the crime in this city has only increased. 】

【Recently, there have been frequent murders in the city. The murderer's killing method is very cruel, like a beast treating prey, destroying the body into a bloody mess. 】

【However, despite such frequent and brutal murders, neither the police nor Kosmo could find the murderer, and they could only leave it as a headless case. 】

【Kosmo also vaguely realized that there was an incredible danger hidden in the darkness of this city. 】

【Kosmo's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked a little uneasy, but soon, the uneasiness on his face was replaced by determination, and he said in a deep voice: "No matter how sinister the darkness behind is, I must protect the citizens of this city!" 】


【Kosmo had just made up his mind secretly when he suddenly heard a burst of applause. 】

【Hearing the applause, Kosmo showed horror on his face, immediately put on the mask, turned his head, and shouted sternly: "Who is it?" 】

【Kosmo's sharp eyes passed through the light of the street lamp and looked into the deep and strange darkness of the alley. 】

【Suddenly, a boy in a black coat walked through the darkness. He had a delicate and handsome face, an elegant and upright figure, and a sickly pale skin. He exuded a noble and elegant aura. 】

【Kosmo recognized the black-haired boy in front of him as the one who helped him out in the bar before. 】

【You came to Kosmo with a smile on your face, clapping and saying:】

【"What admirable courage."】

【You smiled at Kosmo wearing a mask, tilted your head, and said:】

【"You don't have to pretend in front of me, Mr. Kosmo."】

【Hearing that you exposed his disguise, Kosmo simply stopped pretending and took off the mask on his face, revealing a young face. 】

【Kosmo looked at you warily and angrily said, "Who are you? Why are you following me?"】

【"I forgot to introduce myself." You nodded to Kosmo gracefully and said, "My name is 'Qiao Qiao', and I'm a scholar."】

【"The reason I followed you is to help you who are confused."】

【Kosmo sneered contemptuously, not taking your words seriously at all, and said, "I'm not confused, so I don't need you to help me."】

[Kosmo raised his gun and pointed it at your shoulder, saying in a cold voice: "Don't treat me as... a helpless young man wandering in the middle of the night who can be easily fooled by you.\

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