【But you have shown a lot of power and mystery since the first meeting, which makes Kosmo feel that you are very unfathomable. 】

【The ridiculous remarks made by you are more credible. 】

【Three huge Honkai beasts sandwiched cheese on two sides and attacked Sakura who was holding the Frost Prison Ice Sky. 】

【The next second, Sakura looked at the Honkai beasts with cold and fierce killing intent. 】

【The sword in her hand slashed out with lightning speed, and a cold wind gently swept through the space where the three Honkai beasts were like cherry blossom rain. 】

【There was a crisp sound of "Ding——!" 】

【Sakura put the Frost Prison Ice Sky back into the sheath. 】

【The girl drew the sword, swung the sword, and put it away with lightning speed and silky smoothness. 】

【With Kosmo's dynamic vision, he couldn't see her swinging the sword at all, let alone count how many times she swung the sword. ]

[As Ying sheathed her sword, the three huge Houkai beasts suddenly stopped their forward momentum. ]

[Kosmo saw with his own eyes that the space in front of Ying was cracked like cloth, with dozens of narrow and deep scars. ]

[The huge bodies of the three Houkai beasts were blown by the cold wind and instantly fell into ice. ]

[As dozens of deep scars in space bloomed like cherry blossoms, the bodies of the Houkai beasts were also split and cut by the sword light, turning into dozens or hundreds of pieces of frozen meat falling to the ground. ]

[Seeing Ying just draw her sword and sheath it, she cut open the space of more than ten meters in front of her, and instantly killed three huge monsters as big as tall buildings, Kosmo opened his mouth in surprise. ]

[After clearing the three Houkai beasts, Ying didn't care about the torn Houkai beast body at all, turned around and walked towards you. ]

[Looking at the imposing Ying, Kosmo's heart was pounding with excitement. He couldn't imagine that there would be such a powerful force in this world. 】

【"How did she... do it?"】

【"This is the power of a fusion warrior."】

【You looked at Ying Pingting's slender body, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of your mouth. 】

【"Fusion warrior?"】


【You nodded gently and said: "That is the technology developed by Dr. Mobius and me. By transplanting the genes of Honkai beasts into the human body, we can create extraordinary humans who can control Honkai energy. This is a 'fusion warrior'."】

【Kosmo looked at Ying with admiration and yearning, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva nervously, and muttered to himself: "Can I... have such power?"】

【"Of course."】

【Kosmo was deeply shocked by the power of fusion warriors. Under some strange circumstances, he expressed his deep yearning for fusion warriors. 】

【He thought it was just a foolish remark, and he regretted it as soon as he said it. 】

【But I never thought that you gave Kosmo an affirmative answer without hesitation, believing that he would definitely be able to become an outstanding fusion warrior like Ying. 】

【You looked at Kosmo with a strange purple light flashing in your eyes, stretched out your jade-like white fingers, gently stroked Kosmo's hair, and said: "Kosmo, if you want to protect this city, want to save the world, want to be a real hero, then you must master the power of collapse!"】

【Kosmo felt the coldness of your palm on his head, but for some reason, he felt extremely hot in his heart at this time, and he had no flaws to resist your touch. 】

【You stared at Kosmo, and deep in your eyes there was a surging obsession. 】

【There was a voice in your heart telling you that you must recruit Kosmo, who will be one of the twelve heroes of Pi in the future, but is still immature. 】

【"Kosmo, if you want to become a fusion warrior, then join my organization, the 'Truth Agency'!"】

【You let go of Kosmo's soft hair, stretched out your hand to him who was kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile: "My organization needs talents like you."】

【Hearing your words, Kosmo's heart was beating like a deer. 】

【He was confused by your words, and his heart was full of yearning for the power of the fusion warriors. 】

【After thinking for a moment, Kosmo gritted his teeth, held your five fingers, and said: "In order to protect this city, to save the world, and to become a true hero, I am willing to join your organization, the Truth Agency." 】

【Seeing Kosmo holding your outstretched hand and agreeing to join the Truth Agency, you really couldn't hide your excitement. 】

【You slowly lowered your head, the corners of your smiling mouth cracked all the way to your ears, and your heart surged: 】

【"Everything is as I expected!" 】

Chapter 449 The Crazy Scientist Combination of Mobius and Qiao Qiao

【After witnessing the collapse and the existence of the fusion warriors, Kosmo's worldview was completely shattered, and then reshaped——】

【Kosmo clearly realized that what you said was true. 】

【If I continue to be so unmotivated, sooner or later, the city I protect, the people I love, and even the whole world will be destroyed by the collapse. 】

【In order to protect the city, to protect the people he loves, and to protect the whole world, Kosmo knows that he must rely on your power and become a fusion warrior. 】

【After accepting the existence of Honkai, Kosmo immediately understood his situation and knew what he had to do next. 】

[After making up his mind, Kosmo grabbed the rooftop floor with both hands and clenched them. Then he straightened his chest, stood up, held your hand tightly, and said with tears in his eyes: "As long as I can protect this city, my important people, and this world, I am willing to do anything!\

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