[Congratulations to the host for destroying the fleet of the United Government and obtaining 1,000 crystals. ]


Destroying an entire fleet, but only getting 1,000 crystals.

It's basically the same reward as conquering a Fire Chaser Moth.

The entire fleet must have at least thousands of lives.

You know...the Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor destroyed the Pacific Fleet of the United States.

The evil deeds of Qiao Qiao destroying the fleet are almost the same as the impact of the air raid on Pearl Harbor.

The result...getting 1,000 crystals?

The reward mechanism of the villain life simulator is too intriguing.

The amount of reward obtained has nothing to do with the number of kills.

From the fact that a thousand lives are equivalent to one Fire Chaser Thirteen Heroes...

The amount of reward obtained has nothing to do with the number of kills, but with the impact of your actions on future generations.

[After destroying an entire United Fleet, you slowly turned around and looked down at the three women in the building. 】

【Mobius, Hua and Carol...】

【You looked at the three of them, your eyes changed slightly, and then you raised your hand and snapped your fingers again. 】

【A flash of lightning penetrated the cloudy sky, and split a dark and strange black hole in the void. 】

【A narrow shadow passed through the void. 】

【A pair of clear eyes emerged in the darkness. 】

【Under the gaze of Mobius' amber eyes, a flat triangular head covered with green scales slowly emerged from the darkness. 】

【A huge and narrow green snake, as if leaning on its master, coiled around you and gently spit out its snake tongue. 】

【This giant green snake is the companion of the Third Herrscher, the Honkai Beast - Shesha. 】

【The moment he saw 'Shesha', Mobius was like a child who saw a treasure, with a strange light flashing in his eyes. ]

[Mobius had seen that Shesha, who possessed the power of ‘eternal life’, was a being more precious than any treasure. ]

[Mobius was born in a broken family and watched her parents leave. She deeply understood the fragility of human beings, so she spent her life pursuing the truth of ‘infinity’ and longing for eternal life. ]

[And now, the way for Mobius to gain eternal life is right in front of her, making it difficult for her to control herself. ]

[You stroked the creature you created like a master, and whispered beside it: “Bring up all three women below.” ]

[The moment the order was received, Shesha’s thick and long body quickly approached the ground like a cloud, and opened its bloody mouth with a snake tongue. ]

[Seeing the giant snake open its bloody mouth and want to swallow people, Mobius and Hua were stunned and turned around and ran away. 】

【"What's going on? Didn't the giant snake listen to Amon? Why did it attack us!"】

【"Do you even need to ask?!" Mobius turned pale with fear, biting his red lips tightly and said, "It must be that bastard Amon, who ordered the giant snake to eat us alive!"】

【Shesha, who fell from the sky, first swallowed the unconscious Carol into his stomach, and then rushed towards Mobius and Hua. 】

【After all, Mobius and Hua were mortals. Even if they ran away with all their strength, they could not escape from Shesha's bloody mouth. 】

【Shesha swallowed Mobius and Hua directly into his stomach like a whale. 】

【Shesha actually swallowed Mobius, Hua and Carol directly. 】

【After completing the order, Shesha flew back to your side loyally like a pet. ]

[You raised your right hand, which was wearing a black glove, and snapped your fingers. ]

[Instantly, the space behind you changed again, and a huge black hole appeared. ]

[You slowly approached the black hole while watching Shesha. ]

[Your body slowly disappeared under the swallowing of the black hole. ]

[At the moment when you completely disappeared, Shesha's huge and narrow body also sank into the black hole with you. ]

[After Shesha sank into the black hole, the space that had originally broken into the big hole returned to calm. ]

[The dark clouds lingering over the city slowly dissipated, and the sacred and warm light once again shone on the vast land. ]

[As you left with Mobius and others, the disaster of the falling stars seemed to have never existed, and the whole earth fell into silence. ]

[Only the meteorites that smashed deep pits in the high-rise buildings and the city ground, and the wreckage of the fleet rising and falling in the ocean can prove the existence of the third collapse. ]

[You use the Second God Key to open the space door leading to the headquarters of the Truth Organization. 】

【In the underground headquarters of Dusk Street, a dark and chaotic black hole appeared in the air. 】

【A black combat boot suddenly appeared from the black hole and stepped on the black and white tiles. 】

【Back in the empty underground headquarters of Dusk Street, you stretched lazily, and the Onimusha armor that embodied the power of domination also turned into particles of light and disappeared. 】

【As you returned to the headquarters, a huge green-scaled giant snake also showed its true form in the dark wormhole. 】

【It was like the legendary giant snake Apophis born in the dark, with a chilling huge snake shape, winding and circling in the spacious underground space, lowering its head to gently lick your cheek. 】

[After feeling the coolness on your cheek, you seemed to have thought of something and said to Shesha, "Hurry up, let Mebius, Hua and Carol out.\

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