Hearing Klein's words, Mebius's mouth curled up slightly, and his expression gradually became warm and gentle.

Originally, she felt very depressed because Qiao Qiao loved Fu Hua and Carol and ignored her.

But after Klein's advice, she realized... Qiao Qiao might not be as indifferent to her as he seemed on the surface.

It's just that she hasn't torn off his cold disguise and see his true thoughts deep in his heart.

Thinking of this, Mebius felt better in his heart. He slowly stood up from the bathtub, smiled slightly and said: "Klein, you are right, I should not be confused by the surface of things... but should understand the other person's true thoughts."

Mebius believed that although Qiao Qiao brought Fu Hua and Carol back to the room, it was only out of sympathy as a doctor, not love from the heart.

She believed that although Qiao Qiao looked cold on the outside, he must still care about her deep in his heart.

Otherwise... he would not have gone through so much trouble to lure her into joining the Truth Agency with the immortality gene.

...Even if Ying, Padufils and Fu Hua joined the Truth Agency one after another and became Qiao Qiao's confidantes.

But she was the first one to be invited by Qiao Qiao.

In other words, she was the principal wife, and the other confidantes were just maids!

Under Klein's comfort, the originally depressed Mebius suddenly became happy again.

Seeing Mebius return to his original confident look, Klein's smile was extremely relieved, and he immediately changed Mebius into a new set of clothes.

After Mebius returned to his room, he suddenly heard the doorbell.

She opened the surveillance outside the door and found that it was a gray snake standing outside the door.

"Gray snake No. 00079, what are you doing here?"

Mebius said calmly.

Even... directly pointed out the other party's number.

Although the gray snakes all wore white masks with crossed daggers and black clothes, they looked similar.

But in fact, their appearance, gender, and personality are all different.

As their creator, Mebius could easily distinguish the differences between tens of thousands of gray snakes and accurately call out their numbers.

Hearing the greeting from the creator, Gray Snake No. 00079 seemed particularly respectful and bowed his head and said, "Lord Mebius, the Lord asks you to go to his room..."

Hearing the words of the gray snake, Mebius's mood, which had just recovered, was gloomy again. He curled his lips and said,

"He asked me to go to the room, so I have to deliver it to him obediently?"

Mebius said with an extremely ugly face, "I am the world's top scientist, not a servant who can come at his call!"

"Lord, I said..."

Gray Snake No. 00079 said with a stiff face, "If you don't want to go, then he will give the gene of 'immortality' to others."

Hearing this, Mebius, who had originally made up his mind not to compromise with Qiao Qiao, suddenly felt really good.


Mebius immediately said, "Since Qiao Qiao is willing to give a gift to admit his mistake, then as a big sister, I will reluctantly forgive him this time!"

Chapter 494 Qiao Qiao's 'reward' for Mebius

[In a laboratory in the underground headquarters of the Truth Agency. ]

[You drop a drop of green liquid on a piece of glass and hand it to the little white mouse in the cage. ]

[The white mouse smells the bloody smell, gropes and explores all the way, and finds the green liquid on the glass. ]

[It stands up its snow-white and soft body, looks around, confirms that there are no external enemies, then relaxes its vigilance and eats the green liquid on the glass cleanly. ]

[After the mouse eats the green liquid, some strange changes occur in its body. ]

[Ten seconds later, the poor mouse dies of intestinal ulcers. ]

[Seeing the miserable death of the mouse, you sigh with regret, and then throw the mouse's body into the entrance of the incinerator. 】

【"Experimental animals really can't withstand the power of Judgment-level collapse..."】

【After giving up animal experiments, you put Shesha's gene preparation under a microscope. 】

【With the help of a microscope, you can clearly see every cell in the blood. 】

【These cells are as dense as the stars in the sky, connected to each other through green tentacles, presenting a complex network structure. 】

【Each unit cell transmits weak airflow to each other through green tentacles. 】

【"Even if these super-mutation factors leave the body, they can still maintain such strong activity."】

【"Shesha's gene's survival ability far exceeds that of Garuda..."】

【"It's so wonderful! Shesha's gene is undoubtedly the key to human immortality!!"】

【"As long as the Shesha gene can be perfectly integrated, humans with 'infinite' life will no longer be a legend!"】

【Looking at the super-mutation factors under the microscope, you smiled excitedly. 】

【But soon... you gradually put away the smile on your face, picked up the super-mutation agent in the test tube, and muttered to yourself: "The corpse experiment and animal experiment just now all failed..."】

【"If you want to test the effect of the super-mutation agent, it seems that you have to experiment on living people..."】

[Even if you have the genes of Garuda, even if you already have the power of the Herrscher of Thunder, you will still be killed by others when you suffer a fatal injury. ]

[And Shesha's genes have the characteristic of 'resurrection'. Even if you die, you can be resurrected again and again. ]

[You look at the green liquid with curiosity, fear and desire. ]

[In the end, your inner curiosity about the truth and desire for immortality overcome your fear of the unknown. ]

[You pierce the syringe filled with super-mutation agent into your arm. ]

[As the green liquid enters the blood vessels, your whole body feels as cold as falling into a cold pond. ]

[The super-mutation factor of the Judgment-level Honkai Beast is frantically destroying your cell structure, causing your body temperature to drop rapidly. ]

[But soon, the changes in the human body environment caused by Shesha's genes disturbed the original Garuda genes in your body. ]

[As both Judgment-level Honkai Beasts, Garuda and Shesha are equally powerful and are mortal enemies. ]

[In order to cope with the erosion of the Shesha gene, the Garuda gene began to release a large amount of energy. ]

[As a result, your body was as cold as falling into a cold pond, and as hot as bathing in magma. ]

[The conflict between the Garuda gene and the Shesha gene made your body hot and cold, and extremely painful. ]

[You slid to the ground in pain, curled up, and bit the top of your tiger's mouth with your teeth in pain. ]

[A human being is very lucky to adapt to one Honkai beast gene. ]

[Generally speaking, a person can only obtain one Honkai beast super-mutation factor and cannot accept multiple super-mutation factors. ]

[Once an ordinary person accepts two or more genes, he will soon explode and die due to the conflict between genetic energy. ]

[Only some special people can accept multiple super-mutation factors. Not only will they not die, but they can also obtain the power contained in the super-mutation factors and complete their own evolution. ]

[That kind of special human is called "Chimera". ]

[The "Chimera Project" only exists in theory. ]

[During the initial stage of the Fusion Warrior Project, no one had ever injected multiple super-mutation factors into one person. ]

[In order to verify the feasibility of the ‘Chimera Project’ and to gain the ability of ‘eternal life’, you took the risk of injecting the ‘Shesha’ gene into yourself. ]

[Fortunately, the Garuda factor and the Shesha factor in your body, although restraining each other, also complement each other. ]

[Garuda’s gene energy is extremely powerful, but it is also easy to lose control, hurt itself, and set itself on fire. ]

[Shesha’s gene can give unlimited resurrection ability, but in the process of death and resurrection, very powerful energy is required. ]

[Garuda’s defect of easily hurting itself can be compensated by Shesha’s ‘resurrection’ ability. ]

[The energy required for Shesha’s ‘resurrection’ can also be supplemented by the energy of ‘Garuda’. ]

[After your body experienced the torture of ice and fire, the Garuda and Shesha genes in your body actually reached a very delicate balance. ]

[Gradually, the pain of ice and fire in your body slowly dissipated, and in its place... you felt your body was lighter than ever before. ]

[After fusing the 'Garuda' gene, the heat in your body that you could feel from time to time also dissipated. ]

[Your clothes were soaked, and you lay on the floor with a blank look in your eyes. Then you slowly got up and said to yourself: "Did the experiment succeed?" ]

["I successfully fused the two genes of 'Garuda' and 'Shesha'?!" ]

[The "Eternal Life" and 'Chimera Project' experiments were a complete success! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the 'Shesha Gene']

[Achievement: "Chimera". ]

[After fusing the Shesha gene, you couldn't wait to obtain the 'Power of Resurrection'. 】

【For example... find the masked, grumpy Qianjie and yell at him, or kidnap Dr. Mei and have sex with his beloved woman in front of Kevin~】

【Just as you were thinking about how to experiment with the resurrection ability of the Shesha factor, the door of the laboratory behind you slowly opened. 】

【Exit text mode...】

【Enter reality mode...】

Jojo sat at the desk and heard the sound of high heels hitting the ground. She raised her eyebrows slightly, turned her chair, and looked at the slowly opening door of the laboratory.

The door of the laboratory slowly opened, and a plump and graceful long-haired woman in a white coat walked in with the light behind her.

She wore an ordinary striped shirt on her upper body, paired with a mature black hip skirt, revealing a pair of greasy thighs in black stockings with beautiful curves.

You saw the second-in-command of the Truth Agency coming in person, and smiled slightly and said, "Dr. Mobius, what can you do to trouble you to come in person?"

"Qiao Qiao, do you like to ask questions even though you know the answer?"

Mobius glared at you fiercely, turned his face away, and said, "Am I here to take my reward?"


Qiao Qiao said with a blank face.

As a charlatan, he is used to making big promises and fooling others to work for him.

Because of the freeloader, Qiao Qiao felt a little surprised when he heard Mobius asking for reward.

I gave you a job out of kindness, but it's not enough, you still want a reward?

And seeing you pretending to be stupid, Mobius's face became impatient, and he said coldly, "Stop pretending..."

"I'm here to take the Shesha gene sample!"

Hearing Mebius' words, Qiao Qiao was stunned and looked at the super mutation agent that had just been injected beside him.

The super mutation agent inside was the last Shesha gene.

When Qiao Qiao heard Mebius' words, he turned pale and muttered to himself: "Oops... I was so busy doing experiments that I forgot that it was the gene sample left for Mebius."

Qiao Qiao stared at the empty super mutation reagent, and then glanced at Mebius who looked impatient, and smiled embarrassedly: "The last Shesha gene sample was used by me..."

"I also have Shesha's genes, so why don't you take me as a reward and take me back."


Hearing your words, Mebius made a sound of surprise, and then bit his red lips tightly and said:

"How could I take a man like you as a reward and take him home!"

Chapter 495 Qiao Qiao: Could it be... you want to get it for free?

Ever since he witnessed the death of his parents, Mebius has been eager to crack the code of immortality and get "infinite" life.

The reason why Mebius chose to leave the Fire Moth and follow Qiao Qiao to start a business was because he wanted to get the "Shesha" gene promised by Qiao Qiao.

Now, Mebius has helped Qiao Qiao build the Truth Agency and let him get the power of the Herrscher of Thunder.

Thanks to Mebius' help, Qiao Qiao was able to grow from a black market doctor to the leader of the Truth Agency and have the qualifications to challenge the Truth Agency.

As the initial shareholder of the "Truth Agency", Mebius felt that he deserved the "Shesha" gene in return.

But Qiao Qiao now clearly has the "Shesha gene", but he said that the gene sample has been exhausted, and only he has the "Shesha gene" in his body, which makes Mebius feel very dissatisfied.

Mobius frowned and said, "Qiao Qiao, hand over the Shesha gene quickly, that's what you promised me!"

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