Chapter 146: The Man Who Is About to Become a Hero.

The adventurers are a pack of weak chickens, what does it have to do with my gods.jpg

For Lu Qiao, this is probably this intuitive feeling now, compared with these gods who are star-level, the limit is just a group of wave-and-kill ants for city-level adventurers.

Lu Qiao couldn’t help but hold his forehead, the gods and adventurers were separated by a dimension… And now, a Warcraft of the British Dynasty has obtained a part of the power of the gods, and it has obviously become a level that is absolutely impossible for ordinary adventurers to compete with.

…… No wonder Apollo was willing to take the initiative to sacrifice himself and become a victim of the God Killer Gun.

Otherwise, that being cannot be defeated.

That’s probably the idea.

“It’s true to say it’s arrogance, but it’s true.”

The deeper into the tunnel, the higher the heat transmitted by the poisonous scorpions, and the temperature around it has risen to the texture of stepping on an iron pot at a distance of less than a hundred meters.

“Hot? Little sister in the country, can your spiritual costume absorb the heat here? ”

“So, why do you keep calling my middle and small sisters! You guy…”

Qin Li, who was dressed in a spirit costume, looked a little irritable, and his little face was full of displeasure, and he immediately spoke, “What I can absorb is the flame, even if the flame is absorbed, the residual temperature will not disappear quickly for a while, right?” A flame is a flame and object temperature is an object temperature. ”


If the temperature cannot be controlled, it can only seek a cooling solution, Lu Qiao snapped his fingers, using him as the center, supporting the field of cold air, and just when the two frozen puppets carried out the field, his compound eye had already parsed out part of the formula.

“Although it is not possible to directly freeze the target, the effect of direct cooling is still available.”

As we continued to go deeper into the lower layer, the influence of temperature became more and more intense, and the surrounding stone walls had already shown a texture that was almost melted, like a burnt iron.

“If you continue to move forward, I am afraid that it will become more and more unfavorable, Miss Toka, please start the demolition work from here.”

In the deeper areas, I am afraid that the average temperature will rise to nearly a thousand degrees, which is enough to directly ignite or even vaporize the human body, even if the elves and adventurers can resist, but the gods are now mortals in the flesh, and it is not a very suitable behavior to continue to go deeper with three gods.

“Demolition work? Leave it to me! ”

It seemed that the sword elf, who had long been a little eager to show his skills, took out his giant sword without hesitation, aimed it at the area in front of him, and swung his sword without hesitation.


With a roar, the chopping wave shot out, and the sound of collapse continued to be heard in front of the tunnel, and the ceiling where their group stood began to collapse, and Lu Qiao opened the protective field of the stopping force, bouncing off all the falling stones.

And deep in the tunnel that was constantly collapsing, after a while, there was finally a low neighing sound like a wild beast.

“Shitono, protect these gods.”

Lifting all the rubble overhead, Lu Qiao once again used the “Technique Reversal He” to clear a road that could continue to move forward, and after several consecutive times, after going deep for nearly two kilometers, he finally saw a dense army of reptiles shining with a scorching glow like magma.


In the most central area, a huge scorpion with a length of more than forty meters.

“That’s it, Scorpio.”

Just by looking at it, I feel that there is some burning texture of the eyeballs, and at first it is really impossible to find it hidden in the ground, and when you go deep underground, you can clearly witness the changes produced by this monster after absorbing the divine power of “Apollo”.


The low hiss seemed to convey some kind of hostility, and Lujo crossed the legions of small Scorpios and quickly approached the proximity of the giant Scorpio.

But the next moment.

Hundreds of heat rays suddenly shot out from all directions, Lu Qiao narrowed his eyes slightly, quickly used the teleportation ability, such a large number of ray attacks, the spell power that needs to be consumed is also extremely large, it doesn’t matter to resist the attack of a single target, thousands of attacks, and there are many formulas that need to be calculated, so——

He chose to avoid the ray’s attack.

However, the continuous rays still seemed to follow his movements and keep chasing.

“Good fellow.”

Lu Qiao’s brows furrowed deeply, the scorpion’s dynamic vision is very weak, and it should have been weaker in this strong light environment… But these scorpions can easily lock onto the direction he moves.

“If I remember correctly, scorpions sense the location of their prey through smell and touch.”

Quickly converged his fluctuations, Lu Qiao quickly withdrew from the battlefield, these guys as the Scorpion Guard Legion must be cleaned up first, those rays can almost reach the melting point of melted steel, for an ordinary LV5 adventurer is hit once, I am afraid that the part of the body that is hit will be vaporized partially.

“The temperature will continue to rise until it rises to the temperature close to the sun, the star…”

“The birth of stars inside planets is really a joke that makes people laugh at all.”

Avoiding the Scorpio Legion from a distance, Lu Qiao returned to the area where the elves and Hermes dependents were, and said in a deep voice, “This one is not simple, arrange for the gods to leave the scene first.” ”

The members of the Hermes clan all nodded, intending to leave the scene with Hestia and Hermes and Artemis, the moon goddess suddenly spoke, “… If the Scorpio continues to wreak havoc, the Nether should be directly destroyed. ”

“Although he is an unreliable younger brother, if he becomes the key to destroying the Nether because of his own reasons, that guy should regret it quite a bit.”

“So, please don’t hesitate when you face that guy. I will bear the sin of killing my fellow citizens…”

Lu Qiao laughed when he heard this.

“God Artemis.”

“The weapon is in my hand, and it will be thrown by me, and it is my hand that will stain the blood.”

“In this case, is it a little too contemptuous for me to throw this evil of killing others on a woman?”

“…… I don’t think so! ”

When the moon goddess seemed to be trying to explain her reasons, Lu Qiao had already turned around and carried the “God Killing Gun” behind him, and the calm voice once again fell into the ears of the moon goddess.

“And, I’m going to be a hero-”

“And not, sinner, isn’t it?”

[In the next volume, I will have a vote tomorrow, and this volume is not a few days away from the end… In the next volume, it should be the type moon, the god killer and the like…”

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