Chapter 045: A brand new version that has never been van.

A killer who only thinks about retirement and a stable old age on the chessboard.

To be honest, Gozizi’s performance in the original work is not evil, but it seems too harsh, in order to make his children more inclined to himself, he isolated the red and black eye sisters, on the grounds that they could not huddle in the team to keep warm.

In fact, it is also true, except for the heroine of Chipu, who seems to be more independent, the other six children all regard Goziqi as the only relative, the only object of obedience, without any other relatives to rely on.

Namely, father.

Education, nurturing.

For eight years, Gozizi even freed his own daughter, devoting all his efforts to seven children.

Even for their personal personalities, graduation ceremonies were specially arranged for them to become killers.

Perhaps from the perspective of human nature, it seems cruel to let Chipu kill a sister who once had kindness to her, but from the perspective of the empire, that person is indeed a traitor who once betrayed the empire, and the graduation ceremony that Goziqi let Chipu carry out is precisely to kill the thief who betrayed the empire, which is not wrong in essence, but makes Chipu bear a sharper position and pressure.

In addition, Gozizi has never abused his children, and will try to teach them who they should be wary of, how to survive in what environment, and will not hesitate to spread their wings and become their protectors in the face of their irresistible enemies.

To be honest, apart from being a killer who does the dirty work of the empire based on his position, most of his actions as a father are qualified.


At the moment when he was killed by his best child, Akatomi, he did not have any hatred, but at that moment, he recalled the appearance of his children in childhood, and seemed very relieved.

Gozizzi was a good fellow, at least, Lucio didn’t think he was the kind of evil party whose character was hopelessly inferior in the strict sense, and most of the evil he did was just based on position and work.

On the other hand, the elite talents of the empire who have been carefully cultivated by the empire for eight years like Chipu can betray the motherland without hesitation under Najeta’s bull’s head and the mouth of the horse, and it is only a few who turn to the rebel party.

Is the revolutionary army really noble?

At least the intelligence that Lu Qiao has collected about the revolutionary army is not so thought, although it also has a glamorous side, but the power division formed in the early days of the internal has now been divided because more and more people have joined, maybe there are really some people who are in it to usher in the real prosperity, but from Lu Qiao’s point of view, those people are too naïve.

“Gozizi, you need to get stronger.”

Lu Qiao narrowed his eyes, instead of cultivating red pupils, Goziqi’s identity seemed to have more value worth cultivating, although he did not develop the hidden skills of the emperor tool, but as a killer, as a hunter, he was better than red pupils, and…

It can be a parasite hidden in the camp of ministers.

“Please show me.”

“I allow you to be my subordinate, to be my apostle.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

He looked very calm, but Lu Qiao laughed, “You may not understand the meaning of this sentence, I have a unique ability, when I grant you my apostle status, you have the possibility to become a general who is not inferior to Bud.” ”


General Bude?

Goziqi frowned slightly, looking at Lu Qiao, his eyes looked a little puzzled, but there was an abnormal fiery flash.

“Accept its power, Gozi.”

Throwing out the sword-shaped mark, Goziqi took it without any hesitation, and about ten minutes later, the blond man who had recovered his appearance of nearly seven or eight years old knelt in front of Lu Qiao and responded in a fanatical voice:

“My lord! No, O Lord! I will respond to your expectations and use this to overcome all your enemies and slay all enemies. ”

Not old and not dead!

A sword that grows infinitely.

A brand new version of Murayu that he never found before!

He knew that Emperor Gu had hidden skills, but he had never developed them, and it had always been a regret for him as an Emperor Gu envoy.

Now, because of Lu Qiao’s power, he clearly saw the conditions under which those abilities could unlock the lock, which was a stronger power, and far beyond the great power he imagined.


Lu Qiao laughed, the significance of subduing a Gozizi was very significant, the Imperial Assassination Organization was the only armed force in the hands of the minister besides Esders.

And his son, Sheila, can no longer form the so-called “wild hound”, the minister’s core armed force after two years, and now he has dismantled nearly half of it in advance.

“Take control of the Imperial Assassination Organization, increase the right to speak, in addition… Win the Huangquan Temple to become our strength. ”


Compared with Ernest, who has been separated by several generations, he is the second seat of the four ghosts of Rakshasa in the previous generation, and among the four ghosts of Rakshasa today, one is his former senior brother, one is his old friend, one is his senior brother, and the other is his biological daughter.

Compared with Ernest, the four ghosts of Rakshasa themselves are closer to him, and after winning the four ghosts of Rakshasa, it is just around the corner to get the support of the Imperial Fist Temple.

“Don’t let Ernestor notice that the woman Estes and he are still allies today.”

“I’ll pay attention.”

“The corpse on the ground, you should know who it is.”

“Sheila, Ernest’s son, I once educated him for a while, but… This kid, even me, would feel very sick. His face showed a look of disgust.

“Although I, Goziqi, am not a good person, I may torture a guy of unknown origin to extract a confession, and the descendants of those who must be killed during the mission will not hesitate to swing the blade, but even an evil person like me will feel that the innate evil in that kid makes people feel sincerely disgusted.”

“What about the truth?”

“He used to want to do something to my daughter Metz.”

…… It’s very scumbag.

With a sneer on his face, Lu Qiao kicked the corpse of Sheila at his feet away, and the corpse of this kind of guy felt a little disgusting even if he marched with the dead.

“The fool who can’t control the lower body, the original fate is to die from this stupid conceit…”

In the original work, he was directly killed by Lubbock, who only had one breath left, and the cause of death was also because of that conceit.

Just like now, the conceited Imperial Navy would not sanction him.

But –


“In the next life, be a good beast, dog thing.”

[First of all, the position can be recovered, the tool man must have the value of the tool man, give the red pupil apostle position, just another pit money, so, will arrange two professional krypton gold pig cubs. ] 】

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