Training base.

Explosions continued.

Buildings collapsed and fortifications were destroyed.

All the soldiers present were shocked and terrified to the point of numbness.

They didn’t even have the thought of resisting.

One punch destroyed a building, and one kick pierced through several meters thick reinforced concrete fortifications.

Could they really fight against such a person?

Bu! This…Is he still human?

Half a minute later,

Li Yao finally stopped his crazy destruction.

Looking up at Li Yao who was slowly falling from the sky, Man Kuangzhi’s expression was extremely complicated.

“”Captain Man, this is one of the secrets I want to tell you.” Li Yao said calmly.

Taking a deep breath, Man Kuangzhi said solemnly:”I was wrong about this matter, Mr. Li, please accept my apology.”

Li Yao smiled and shook his head:”You are not wrong, no one can imagine that humans can do all this.”

“Yes, can humans do this?”

“Is this still a human being?”

Two questions flashed through Man Kuangzhi’s mind.

“Time is urgent, please contact Commander ��, I have something important to discuss with him.”

Li Yao said seriously:”It is best to have a government official present, because this matter concerns the future of Taixia and even the world!”

“I understand!”

Man Kuangzhi nodded solemnly, and then gestured to the helicopter group in the distance.

The armed helicopters that were on high alert saw the order and turned their heads back.

Not long after, several armored vehicles rushed up.

The chief of staff wanted to ask something eagerly, but was glared back by Man Kuangzhi.

“Pass on my order. All personnel present today are temporarily required to return to the camp and not go out.”

“All communications equipment will be confiscated.”

“The base is temporarily sealed off. No one is allowed to enter or leave. No one is allowed to contact the outside world without my order!”

A series of orders were issued, and the entire training base was directly under martial law.

After returning to the base, Li Yao was temporarily arranged to rest in the conference room.

Outside the door, two soldiers were on duty.

The entire base was shrouded in an inexplicable tense atmosphere.

In the office, Man Kuangzhi picked up the red phone and dialed

“Leader, this is Man Kuangzhi!”

A majestic and vicissitudes voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Kuang Zhi, is there something wrong?”

Kuang Zhi wiped the sweat from his forehead and said in a serious tone:”Leader, I have important information to report to Commander Kou!”

There was silence for a moment on the other end of the phone.

“I understand. Tonight at 8 o’clock, you come to the headquarters to report to Commander Wang in person.”

Man Kuangzhi said bitterly:”Can you ask Commander Kou to come to our base? Things are a bit complicated.”

“Kuang Zhi, what do you mean?”

The old man on the other end of the phone asked sternly.

“I have a video here, I sent it to you, you will understand after you watch it.”

Eastern Theater Command.

The old man was wearing a military uniform, with two general stars shining on his shoulders.

He turned on the computer, logged into the intranet, and then saw a satellite image.

After a moment, the old man’s cloudy eyes were full of horror.

“Man Kuangzhi, are you kidding me?”

The old man lost control of his emotions and asked,”How old are you?”

Man Kuangzhi said helplessly,”The incident is true, the video is also true, and the person is here with me.”

“Chief of the General Staff, this person said that he has top-secret intelligence to report to Commander Kou, which concerns the security of Taixia and the world!”

The old man was silent for a long time and said,”I understand, you wait for orders!”

After hanging up the phone, Man Kuangzhi felt that his back was soaked with sweat.

The powerful strength displayed by Li Yao severely shattered his worldview.

And this kind of almost superhuman personal force, how big is the matter that needs to be reported?

God knows!

Of course, he made this call after careful consideration.

It’s not that he didn’t suspect that Li Yao had other motives.

It’s just that this idea was denied by him after just a little thought.

If this kind of person wants to do something, does he need to go to such great lengths?

This person is a human-shaped nuclear bomb!

No, in terms of destructive power, it is more terrifying than a nuclear bomb!

Nuclear bombs can be defended, how can you defend him ?

If he really had malicious intentions, why not just wreak havoc in the city?

It is almost impossible to achieve a certain goal by assassinating the top brass of the Taixia Army.

In the conference room.

Jia Hui sat with Li Yao at the conference table.

The atmosphere between the two was a little cold.

Jia Hui looked at this familiar face and could not associate it with the polite young man half a year ago.

On the other hand, Li Yao was very comfortable and leisurely. He was playing a small game on his mobile phone.

The time came to half past seven.

Outside the gate of the base, a jeep slowly drove in.

Man Kuangzhi was standing at the door and saw the old man getting off the car, and hurriedly saluted

“Commander Kou, Chief of Staff Chu!”

The old man was wearing a Zhongshan suit, with gray hair and deep wrinkles.

He looked like an ordinary retired old man, but his eagle-like sharp eyes and awe-inspiring majesty showed his extraordinaryness.

Chief of Staff Chu took a deep look at Kuangzhi:”I have invited Commander Kou for you. You better not do anything weird to me!”

But Commander Kou said kindly:”Kuangzhi, where is the person? Take me to see him.”

At this time, Chief of Staff Chu hesitated and said:”Commander Kou, why don’t I go and see him first?”

Commander Kou waved his hand:”No need. For such a person, there is no difference between standing here and meeting him in person.”

“If he really has bad intentions, hiding is useless.”

“We Taixia soldiers, why should we fear life and death? Besides, I am very interested in the secrets he is going to provide.”

A few hours ago, at the emergency meeting of the headquarters, there was a heated discussion on whether Mr. Kou should come.

Although the video provided by Man Kuangzhi was shocking, no one had seen it with their own eyes.

Moreover, even if it was true, the reason why the other party asked for a meeting was worth thinking about.

After all, Mr. Kou had a special status and there was no need to meet him in person.

The subordinates should contact him first, and if there was important news, it would not be a bad idea for Mr. Kou to come forward.

However, Mr. Kou directly rejected all objections and came to the training base in person.

Base building, third floor, conference room.

Li Yao heard footsteps and stood up slowly.

The door opened.

A majestic old man walked in with a smile…….

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