At the edge of the training ground, the senior executives of Taixia looked at the ruins in front of them. They were shocked and heavy-hearted.

This demonstration broke all doubts!

It also shattered their worldview!

Originally, some people even had other ideas in their minds.

At this moment, they all disappeared.

Kou Bianjiang looked into the distance with a serious look. Although he had watched the video several times, he could still feel the strength of Li Yao when he saw it with his own eyes.

Of course, he also admired him.

With Li Yao’s strength, even if the RR virus broke out or the monsters invaded, he would be safe and sound. He could even appear as a savior at the most critical moment of Taixia, enjoy the respect of everyone, and master the supreme power.

But he didn’t, he chose to self-destruct.

At this moment, in addition to admiration, he also felt a little fortunate.

If Li Yao didn’t announce this news, what would the consequences be?

Taixia still exists, but how many innocent compatriots will lose their lives in this disaster?

Thinking of this, his originally heavy mood was slightly relieved.

At least, there was a glimmer of hope in the originally gloomy future.

And this glimmer of hope was brought by Li Yao!

At this time, Li Yao controlled the flying knife and returned to the edge of the training ground.

Looking at the expressions on everyone’s faces, he did not have too many emotions and asked calmly:

“Just now, I have demonstrated the combat power from warrior level to war god level. You should have seen it clearly.”

“However, don’t be discouraged. Although the monsters are scary, our human warriors are also very powerful. Monsters have lords, and we have gods of war.”

“In this disaster, we are the victors in the end!”

Kou Lao sighed:”Mr. Li is right! Although the future is bumpy, we humans did not become extinct in the end!”

“Besides, now that Mr. Li has told us the news in advance, we are prepared and may even be able to rewrite history!”

Everyone smiled when they heard this.

Those who can stand here are all mentally strong.

They quickly adjusted their emotions.

Fear and fear are useless.

They still have time to prepare and have the opportunity to change history!

At this time, Director Qin of the National Security Bureau asked:”Mr. Li, excuse me for asking a question. Ha”

“It is indeed shocking that the monsters of the future can resist the attacks of guns and cannons. However, our modern technological weapons include not only guns and cannons, but also nuclear weapons.”

“If we use nuclear weapons, can we destroy these monsters?” When asked this question, others also cast inquiring eyes.

Yes, humans still have an ultimate weapon of mass destruction, nuclear weapons!

The power of guns and cannons is not enough to deter monsters, what about nuclear weapons?

Li Yao explained:”Director Qin’s proposal has been verified in the future.”

“It turns out that nuclear weapons cannot solve the monster crisis”

“In the future, humans faced a monster invasion and chose to launch nuclear weapons. However, only a dozen kilometers from the center of the explosion point destroyed the monster.”

“The other monsters did not perish, but instead accelerated their mutation under nuclear radiation, giving birth to even more terrifying lord-level monsters.”

After hearing this explanation, Director Qin did not have much emotion, but just nodded calmly.

“Thank you for your answer. This news is very important to us!”

Seeing him like this, Li Yao couldn’t help but look up to him.

Being able to be so calm, Director Qin’s firm mind is amazing.

After the presentation, the group returned to the conference room.

After sitting down, Li Yao said:

“The threats posed by monsters are mainly lord-level monsters and monster tides.”

“In the future, there are three main ways to deal with monsters.”

“The first is to build a survival base, gather the population in the base city, and use superior manpower and firepower to defend the city.”

“The second is to train human warriors to fight against monsters.”

“A god-of-war warrior can slaughter tens of thousands of beast soldiers and generals, which is as effective as tens of thousands of soldiers.”

“Correspondingly, a lord-level monster can destroy a city of tens of millions of people. Even the firepower of a division cannot kill a lord-level monster.”

“The third is to develop higher-level technological weapons. The current bullets are not strong enough to penetrate the monster’s defense. Therefore, the power is not enough. We need a higher-strength alloy bullet to create armor-piercing bullets to effectively kill monsters.”

“Against lord-level monsters, weapons such as artillery and missiles are of little use. High-frequency laser weapons are needed to be effective.”


Li Yao explained the information in detail.

There was silence in the meeting room, and everyone listened attentively to Li Yao’s explanation.

After Li Yao finished his narration,

Kou Bianjiang asked,”Mr. Li, I have a few questions.”

“Mr. Kou, please speak.”

Kou Bianjiang did not hesitate to ask directly,”Is there any information on the alloy material you mentioned?””

“In addition, ultra-high frequency laser weapons are still in the theoretical stage with current technology, and it may take several years to make substantial progress.”

“Third, the monsters evolved after being infected with the RR virus. Can we just hunt all the animals and solve the problem of monsters at the source?”

This idea is quite novel.

For a while, many people were speculating on the feasibility of this idea.

Li Yao thought about it and explained:”Regarding alloy weapons and laser weapons, I don’t have any information yet.”

“However, I have asked the Bolainas Group to start research and development in this area. The Bolainas Group has some relationship with me. If our Taixia military has detailed information on these two projects, you can give it to me. I promise to jointly develop and share the results.”

Hearing this, Kou Bianjiang was a little surprised.

The Bolainas Group is the world’s largest arms dealer.

If they have already started the development of laser weapons, it is possible.

“In addition, Mr. Kou’s idea of killing all animals to solve the problem of monsters from the source is feasible to a certain extent, but it cannot fundamentally solve the crisis of monster invasion.”Mr. Kou asked puzzledly:”Why?”

“Because of the number!”

Li Yao smiled slightly:”The number of animals in the world is an astronomical figure. Even if we can deal with all the animals in Taixia, what about those in other countries?”

“What about the ocean?”

“In the future, although we have established a base city, we have entered a stalemate with the monsters.”

“But they will still be threatened by monsters, because the largest group of monsters comes from the ocean!”……

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