Taixia National Television.

The government spokesperson issued a press release on the adjustment of Taixia’s development plan for the next five years.

The main content includes ten points.

“First, in order to protect people’s livelihood and improve national treatment, Taixia will invest 100 trillion yuan in domestic infrastructure construction and build six central city clusters, relocate people living in the six city clusters, and provide free housing.”

“Second, in order to cope with the impact of the R virus, Taixia purchased medical supplies worldwide”

“Third, in order to ensure the living standards of the people, Taixia will significantly increase the share of grain imports in the next five years….”

“Fourth, Taixia is negotiating with the Soviet Union, the Emirates and other countries to increase energy imports….”

“Fifth, the economic policy is fully tilted towards the domestic market, and Taixia intends to sell its overseas assets…”


Ten policies have been released, and the world is in an uproar!

As one of the two overlords of the Blue Star today, every move of Taixia will be carefully interpreted by the intelligence departments of various countries.

Even if it is just a post in the official media that the moon is very round during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Countless people will think that the Taixia military will launch a military operation in a certain sea area in the east during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Not to mention the national policies announced at the press conference of the government spokesperson of this authoritative media.

These ten policies are so frightening.

One year’s GDP is used to invest in infrastructure construction?

Selling overseas assets?

Purchasing food, medicine, and energy?

Is this to isolate from the world?

Live your own life?

If these policies are taken out separately, they may think that there may be something wrong with Taixia’s government affairs.

But when they are combined together, people think there must be something wrong!

For a time, intelligence organizations of various countries took action.

Various secret wars kicked off, led by America, Europe and other countries, and began to want to get the reason why Taixia did this at all costs.


This news is currently only known to a few people at the top level.

Even the heads of the departments below have only received the order to execute, and have no right to ask the reason.

This is the case abroad. There is even more noise in China.

On the Internet, there are disputes and surging.

For a time, Taixia actually showed some signs of being out of control.

In the so-called end of the world, all kinds of monsters and demons have appeared.

In some places, criminal cases are frequent and fraud gangs are rampant.

Fortunately, the national security and police departments have made plans in advance.

This farce lasted less than a week before it was completely quelled.

After many attempts, the intelligence organizations of various countries still could not obtain intelligence from Taixia, so they could only temporarily stop.

The international situation is changing.

Before the countries can find the reason behind Taixia’s action of cutting off the source of funds, they are overwhelmed by the huge benefits.

As one of the two major world hegemons today.

Taixia has a huge amount of economic resources.

Since Taixia connected with the international community decades ago, its international influence has been increasing day by day.

At this time, Taixia tilted its economy towards the domestic market, and sold off a large number of overseas assets, attracting countless financial groups and oligarchs to scramble for them.

The huge profits have made them lose their minds.

Including the sale of transportation, technology, industry, construction, electronics and other companies.

Trillions of assets were immediately converted into food and energy, which were continuously transported to Taixia.

The aircraft carrier fleet that was originally sailing in the ocean also began to withdraw, and major military bases began to relocate.

The energy generated by the operation of Taixia, this huge country, is very amazing.

Of course, these news have nothing to do with Li Yao for the time being.

He received a scientific research team from Kyoto University, which studies ancient civilizations.

The leader is an old professor with gray hair.

Professor Wang pushed his glasses and said very politely:”Mr. Li, I have been ordered to send these materials over, please sign for them.”

Looking at the two large boxes of documents, Li Yao asked with some anticipation:”Mr. Wang, is there any news about the things I asked about?”

Mr. Wang nodded and said:”Some, but I’m not sure”

“I started studying ancient civilizations fifty years ago, but over the years, there has been no major progress. Even the existence of ancient civilizations cannot be confirmed.”

“Of course, it’s not all in vain.”

“Based on our explorations in Taixia over the years, we have identified three places where we think there may be traces of ancient civilization ruins.”

“only…These places are extremely dangerous. Our team lost many people and was unable to conduct a detailed investigation.”

Li Yao’s expression did not change much after hearing this news.

The remains of ancient civilizations do exist. Most of these remains are alien spaceships.

These alien spaceships have their own defense systems and even form a Jedi.

This is recorded in the Devouring World.

For example, the mechanical spaceship in the Bermuda Triangle is a spaceship of an immortal-level strongman. With the current technology of mankind, it is simply a delusion to want to open it. For example, the ancient civilization remains in Shennongjia are a Zerg mother nest of the realm master level. If he touches these two things, he will die.

Therefore, he only hopes that the coordinates provided by Professor Wang are the ancient civilization remains that are easier to open.

“Mr. Wang, could you please tell me the coordinates of these ancient civilization ruins?”

Mr. Wang said solemnly:”At present, we have three places suspected to be ancient civilization ruins. The first one is the forest in Shennongjia, which is full of poisonous miasma and extremely dangerous.”

“In order to explore this area, the military lost a platoon of soldiers.”

“Later, we couldn’t get in, so we gave up.”

Li Yao was a little helpless.

He didn’t dare to mess with this Zerg nest now.

“The second is the uninhabited area in the northwest Gobi Desert, where ancient human remains were suspected to have been discovered. My mentor led a team to the site.”

“However, they encountered a sandstorm and were all buried underground!”

As he spoke, a trace of sadness flashed across Old Wang’s eyes.

Li Yao was also a little disappointed. It would take a lot of effort to excavate this vast uninhabited area.

“The third place is in Kunlun Mountain.”

Old Wang continued:”Thirty years ago, a company of ours stationed in Kunlun Mountain suddenly lost contact.”

“The military sent a helicopter to search for it, but it crashed due to magnetic field fluctuations.”

“Later, a large number of personnel were dispatched to participate in the search and rescue, and finally the survivors were found.”

“According to the survivors, they were attacked by unknown beasts and their base was destroyed.”

“According to our dissection of the beast’s remains and the DNA sequence, it is completely different from the species on Blue Star. We will conduct a 10-mile investigation around the place where the incident occurred.”

“However, the magnetic field there was chaotic, three search helicopters crashed, and it was icy and snowy, so human power was simply not enough to search, so they had to give up temporarily.”……

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