Qi Bai shrugged and didn't say anything, after all, he was Fractionated Divinity, so there was nothing he could do.

Seeing that Qi Bai was silent, Yushirou didn't say anything, and brought Qi Bai to the gate of the villa.

Just when he was about to enter, Yushirou stopped suddenly, and Qi Bai who was following behind almost didn't brake the car.

"Damn, what are you doing, can you squeak when you stop!" Qi Bai said angrily.

But Yushirou suddenly turned his head and said with a serious face: "Wait a minute, you will meet the most beautiful, gentle and best Master Tamayo!"

"You must be polite! Don't be clumsy, you hear me!"

Looking at the serious Yushirou, Qi Bai nodded helplessly.

I'm really convinced by Yushirou, the old six!

Immediately, the two entered the gate of the villa and came all the way to Tamayo's room.

Yushirou knocked lightly on the door, walked in, and said softly, "I'm back, Master Tamayo!"

A gentle voice came from the room, "Thank you, Yushirou!"

Until then, Qi Bai didn't see Tamayo's appearance clearly.

I have to say that real people are far better looking than anime.

Black hair, purple pupils, wearing a purple kimono embroidered with flowers, white skin, not that pale, very beautiful.

"Hey! Don't look at Master Tamayo like that, you are very rude!" Yushirou poked Qi Bai and said angrily.

Regarding these words, Qi Bai directly ignored them.

See what you can do? You can still lose a piece of meat.

Seeing Qi Bai, who was ineffective in dissuading him but even more presumptuous, Yushirou clenched his fists tightly, looking like he could explode at any time.

At this moment, Tamayo got up and said, "I'm sorry to call you over so late, I haven't introduced myself yet."

"My name is Tamayo, and the child's name is Yushirou, I hope you can get along well!" He pointed to Yushirou.

"Also, Yushirou and I are both ghosts, but don't worry, we don't eat people!"

Seeing Yushirou's expression, Qi Bai silently rolled his eyes, can this get along well? I just looked at it a few more times, and I looked like I was going to kill me!

Qi Bai ignored the latter sentence directly, after all, he had already known both of them.

But Tamayo introduced himself, and Qi Bai couldn't be worse, and said: "My name is Qi Bai, a member of the Ghost Slayer Team, um... Yushirou and I still get along very well!"

"I know that if I want to eat human hands, Yushirou has already done it to me, so why wait until now."

As for getting along with Yushirou...seriously speaking, it's a good match!

Tamayo smiled after hearing this, she had a nice smile.

But Qi Bai just glanced at it and didn't look at it again. If he kept looking at it, Yushirou might say something again!

I still listen to the system, and I will give him a fatal blow soon!

"I'm going to make tea, Yushirou, please treat Qi Bai for me first!" After speaking, Tamayo turned and left.

Only Qi Bai and Yushirou were left, staring wide-eyed.

The atmosphere at this time was a little dignified.

Looking at Yushirou, Qi Bai decided to break the dignity first.

So he said first: "Yushirou, who do you think is the most beautiful woman?"

Yushirou replied without hesitation: "Of course it is Master Tamayo!"

"Like this." Qi Bai nodded.

"I want to say, isn't Tamayo the best looking?" Qi Bai asked again.

"Are you kidding, Tamayo-sama is the most beautiful, the best-looking!" Yushirou roared.

Qi Bai waved his hand, looked directly at Yushirou, and said in a word: "Tamayo is not the prettiest, and she is ugly!"

At the moment of making a fool of himself, Yushirou instantly petrified, but he reacted quickly.

He slapped the table and got up, grabbed Qi Bai's hand, and roared: "You bastard? What are you talking about! You said Master Tamayo is ugly! You want to die!"

And Qi Bai waited until the system prompted.

【mission completed! 】

Facing Yushirou's anger, Qi Bai took his time and pointed behind Yushirou.

"Miss Tamayo, are you back?"

In the next second, Yushirou sat there obediently, as if nothing happened.

Seeing Yushirou like this, Qi Bai couldn't help showing a smirk.

"I lied to you!"

Yushirou:? ? ?

Damn it, this person not only called Mr. Tamayo ugly, but also made fun of himself! Unforgivable!

"Qi Bai! You damn it guy, I'm going to beat you to death today!"

But Qi Bai pointed behind him again.

"Miss Tamayo, let me help you!"

Yushirou didn't believe this at all, "I don't believe you!"

But Tamayo's voice really came from behind him.

"Yushirou, what are you doing! Don't use violence! In this way, I will be angry!"

Hearing this, Yushirou felt bad all over, and sat down immediately.

Seeing this scene, Qi Bai showed his white teeth to Yushirou.

Yushirou was so angry that he wanted to eat Qi Bai.

Tamayo returned to his seat and poured a cup of tea for Qi Bai, and only then did he talk about today's topic.

"Qi Bai, do you know why I came to you today?"

Qi Bai shook his head, "I don't know, in fact, I'm also very curious what you want me to do, you know, before that, we never knew each other!"

Tamayo smiled and said: "Well, indeed, we did not know each other before that."

"Do you still remember what happened in this alley two and a half months ago?"

Hearing this, Qi Bai understood that it was really aimed at him and Izumo!

After thinking about it, Qi Bai said: "I only remember a general idea. I ran into this alley and almost hit the wall. A middle-aged man grabbed me."

"I don't know after that, I passed out in a coma."

Tamayo nodded after listening.

"Well, it seems that you really don't know what happened next, so let me tell you."

Qi Bai sat up straight, waiting for Tamayo to speak.

However, without waiting for Tamayo to speak, Yushirou said, "Master Tamayo, let me tell you, take a break."

Qi Bai:...

How about a few words, as for rest!

"After you fell into a coma, that middle-aged man injected you with an unknown drug!"

Unknown medicine?

That should be the special nutrient solution that Izumo said.

Speaking of the special nutrient solution, Qi Bai suddenly remembered the so-called potion for improving the body in his mouth.

"Then, he watched you!" Yushirou said again.

This is also normal, and you have to observe it after taking medicine!

But Yushirou's next words directly shocked Qi Bai.

"After a few minutes, a flying ghost came from the sky!"

Hearing this, Qi Bai's scalp tightened, that ghost was probably sent by Muzan to hunt down own!

"But this ghost, killed by that middle-aged man, with a wave of his hand, without using Nichirin Blades."

"What!" Qi Bai slapped the table and stood up, with a look of disbelief.

You can kill ghosts without Nichirin Blades!

This, this is directly confusing!

At this moment, Tamayo spoke.

"So, we also want to know who he is, so we asked you to come here."

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