After Rengoku Shinjurou heard this, he put down the lunch box slowly. There were tears in his eyes, but he kept holding on so that the tears did not fall.

"You're right, Ruhuo's time is numbered, but I never want to admit it."

Qi Bai listened quietly, and after Rengoku Shinjurou finished speaking, he asked, "Then what's wrong with Aunt Ruhuo?"

"You must have invited many doctors. Those doctors didn't give a definite cause? Didn't prescribe the right medicine?"

After hearing this, Rengoku Shinjurou wiped away the tears that were rolling in his eyes, and then said: "The doctor said that after giving birth to Senjurou, he hurt his body and caught a cold."

"There has been recuperation all the time, but it's getting worse and worse. It just doesn't get better, and then it becomes what it is now."

"Like this." Qi Bai nodded.

After hearing Rengoku Zhenshoulang's words, Qi Bai already had some ideas in his heart, but he still had to see the situation of Rengoku Ruhuo with his own eyes to be sure.

So Qi Bai put forward an own request.

"Uncle Makijuro, can I go and see Aunt Ruho? After all, I have to see the patient to determine what the cause of the disease is. Such an inference is not very accurate."

For Qi Bai's request, Rengoku Zhenshoulang was very hesitant and wanted to refuse.

On the one hand, he doesn't trust Qi Bai very much, on the other hand, his wife's condition is really bad.

Looking at Kyoujurou at the side, he looked back at the room, and finally agreed to Qi Bai's request.

"Okay... Qi Bai, you come with me, but you must move gently, Ruhuo's body is very weak now."

"En." Qi Bai agreed, and then followed Rengoku Shinjurou into the room lightly.

After passing the living room, the three came to the bedroom, and as soon as they entered the bedroom, Qi Bai saw Rengoku 瑠火 lying on the tatami.

How to say that, anyway, Kyoujurou is completely inherited from Makijuro, and has nothing to do with Rengoku Ruhuo's gentle appearance.

Once again, the genes of the Rengoku family are powerful!

"Ruhuo, Ruhuo." Rengoku Shinjurou called softly.

Lying on the tatami mat, Rengoku Ruhuo slowly opened his eyes after hearing this.

"What's wrong, Makijuro?"

Rengoku Ruhuo's voice was very gentle, and his eyes were full of love and reluctance when he looked at Makijuro.

After lightly supporting Rengoku, Makijuro said: "I found a doctor for you, he is my junior, Mr. Ryotaki's disciple, let him show you."

However, Rengoku Ruhuo refused.

"No, Makijuro, I'm very aware of the own situation, I...cough cough cough..." Before finishing speaking, there was a cough, and Makijuro hurriedly patted Rengoku Ruhuo's back.

Qi Bai at the side knew that it was time for him to come out, if he didn't speak, he would lose his chance later.

So he said: "Aunt Ruhuo, my name is Qi Bai, I'm here to treat you, don't rush to refuse, please let me read it first."

Rengoku Ruhuo looked at Makijuro, then at Kyoujurou, and finally nodded slightly in agreement.

After getting the consent, Qi Bai imitated the appearance of traditional Chinese medicine and began to feel the pulse of Rengoku 瑠huo, which really seemed to be the same thing.

But in fact, Qi Bai knows nothing about medical skills and is blind.

However, Qi Bai is not afraid at all, because Qi Bai has omnipotent qi!

Things that can be solved with qi are nothing! A trace of qi escaped from Qi Bai's body and entered Rengoku's body along his fingers.

After the qi flowed around the body in Rengoku, Qi Bai did not take back the qi, but scattered the qi to nourish the body.

At the scene, Qi Bai already knew all about the situation of Rengoku Ruhuo.

As Rengoku Shinjurou said, Rengoku’s fire was indeed caused by the loss of energy and weakness after giving birth, coupled with the occasional cold, which infected the lungs, and finally turned into a very serious tuberculosis.

However, there is one thing that is giving Qi Bai a headache.

I don't have any problems with hurting my vitality. Own Innate Qi is a professional counterpart.

But tuberculosis, this disease was almost hopeless in the Taisho era.

The current medical treatment is underdeveloped, and there are no corresponding antibiotics. Self-energy can at most relieve the symptoms, and it is unrealistic to completely cure it.

Just when Qi Bai was thinking hard about the Meditation, Rengoku Ruhuo comforted softly: "There is no need to be like this, I still know the situation of my own very well, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Qi Bai waved his hands and said, "It's not that it can't be cured, but other problems." After speaking, he continued to think.

All kinds of ways are flashing through his mind.

Turning Rengoku into a ghost is definitely not an option! Don't ask why.

If you are looking for Tamayo, it seems that Tamayo's medical skills are not able to solve this problem.

As for our Kochou Shinobu, please she's just a child right now.

Who else is a better doctor than Tamayo...

A name suddenly appeared in Qi Bai's mind.


He is almost a mysterious guy, only as good as his medical skills!

But this guy Izumo is very unreliable!

Just when Qi Bai was thinking about the feasibility of Izumo, Makijuro couldn't bear it anymore and woke Qi Bai up.

"Qi Bai! Qi Bai! What are you talking about! Is it true that you can save Ruhuo!"

Qi Bai was so shaken by Makijuro that all thoughts were lost.

"Stop! Stop! I'm going to throw up! Stop!"

After Makijuro heard this, he stopped with a look of embarrassment.

After the dizziness eased for a while, Qi Bai said: "I can tell you with certainty, I can save Aunt Ruhuo, but I can only save part of it."

Both Makijuro and his son understood the previous words, but the latter was very puzzled by the fact that they could save one.

What is part of saving?

Seeing the puzzled look of the two, Qi Bai explained: "I can solve Aunt Ruhuo's weakness, but I can't help her other part of the disease."

"Of course, if Ruhuo Aunt's body is not weak, he can still last for a year or so."

Hearing Qi Bai's words, Rengoku Zhenshoulang was very excited.

"Really! Really! Qi Bai, please save Luhuo quickly!"

Kyoujurou on the side also said: "Please, Mr. Qi Bai, save mother!"

The voices of the two of them were too loud, which made Qi Bai feel a headache.

"Stop, stop!" Qi Bai said hastily. "I know, I will save it, but you two must understand that the other part of the disease is the key!"

"If you leave it alone, Rengoku will still die after a year or so!"

At this time, Rengoku who had been silent all this time spoke up.

"It's okay, it's good to be with their father and son for a while longer, I'm content."

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