"This is a secret tempura rice bowl. There are lobster tempura, snow crab tempura, fish tempura, and there are many more! Try it!" Makijuro said while putting two The tray was put down.

Naturally, Qi Bai would not be polite, he took a big mouthful of tempura rice bowl which was about the size of a basin.

I have to say that Makijuro's craftsmanship is very good, the tempura is very crispy, and the tempura sauce is also very delicious, and the mashed radish added is just right.

This craft can go to open a shop!

However, it's impossible to think about it. The salary of an ordinary member of the Ghost Killing Team is around 20w.

Zhu's salary can be as much as he wants, and it seems impossible to open a shop or something.

"Damn it! It's so delicious!" Qi Bai sighed.

Being able to make rice like this shows how much effort Makijuro has put in.

Kyoujurou, Makijuro, and Senjurou on the side put their hands together and said softly, I'm going to start, and then they picked up the tempura rice bowl and ate it.

Regarding this habit, Qi Bai expressed that he did not understand it, as he did not have this habit.

Although because of this incident, I was reprimanded many times by Urokodaki Sakonji.

The four of them kept silent, ate their food and drank the miso soup, and it was all gone in a short time.

Putting down the empty bowl, Qi Bai rubbed his belly, got up and prepared to leave.

Makijuro reached out his hand to stop him.

"Qi Bai, it's getting so late, don't leave, stay for one night!"

After hearing this, Qi Bai refused, "No, Uncle Makijuro, this mission is in a hurry, I have to go back to report safety, next time, next time for sure!"

Seeing that Qi Bai had made up his mind, Makijuro didn't stop him and let Qi Bai leave.

Qi Bai, who was walking on the road, rubbed his belly.

I kept thinking about the tempura rice bowl made by Makijuro in my mind.

Speaking of which, the three of them are so edible. Could it be that Rengoku Ruhuo is so tired from cooking?

It's possible if you think about it.

Just when Qi Bai praised his bold idea, the crow belonging to Qi Bai suddenly landed on his shoulder.

Qi Bai said hello when he saw it.

"Good evening, Jay, why are you so leisurely today, don't urge me to do the task."

After hearing this, the crow said: "Good evening, there is no task today, so I didn't urge you to do it."

"However, how can you understand me and talk to me, other ghost hunters can't do this!"

Hearing this, Qi Bai frowned.

Why can I understand what the crow said? It's very simple, because I have completed a task, and the task reward is the beast whisperer.

Qi Bai can understand the words of other animals except the crows.

But these are impossible to tell the crow drops!

"This, it's natural, it's that simple!"

Listening to Qi Bai's words, the crow didn't really believe it, but which crow would reject a member of the Ghost Slayer Squad who could communicate with him?

At least I won't refuse.

One person, one bird, just chatted without saying a word.

The topics were very complicated, from how the crow joined the ghost killing team, to what kind of girlfriend the crow planned to find, they would chat about almost everything.

With the company of the crow, at least walking at night is not so boring.

While chatting happily, the crow's voice stopped abruptly.

Before Qi Bai could ask what happened, the crow jumped up and flew up, looking around vigilantly.

A few minutes later, the crow returned to Qi Bai's shoulder again.

"Be careful, I feel the breath of ghosts around, and the ghost's breath is very strong and very close to us!" The crow spoke in a tone full of fear.

"Huh?" Qi Bai immediately became vigilant after hearing this.

"Okay, I see, then you leave first, lest it will affect you when I fight with the ghost!"

After hearing this, the crow nodded, flapped its wings and flew away into the distance.

Just when Qi Bai was about to start his qi journey, trying to get rid of the ghost, a black shadow swished towards the crow.

Before he had time to think, a golden light wheel instantly condensed in Qi Bai's hand, and he threw it towards the black shadow.

The golden light wheel instantly split the black shadow into two.

Qi Bai, who thought it was over, suddenly had the hairs all over his body standing on end, and subconsciously threw himself into the woods beside him.

As soon as he was lying on the ground, he heard a loud noise.


Then a shock wave hit, rustling the surrounding trees.

Qi Bai got up from the ground with a look of shock.

"Damn it! What's the f*ck? Is this a grenade? Why did it explode? Did it come?"

Naturally no one answered Qi Bai's question.

"I didn't meet the gorgeous brother Uzui Tengen, did I? It seems that only ninjas can hold explosives like this!"

After thinking about it, Qi Bai felt that it was unrealistic. Just now, the crow mentioned that there was a ghostly aura, but he didn't say that there were other people around.

So, this thing can only be a ghost.

However, it seems that the only ghost who can use explosives is Pei Lang.

That guy was originally a samurai, who had studied hard for many years, but when it came to actual combat, he was shot and killed by the opponent.

Since then, Dao's heart was damaged, and he gave up his own bushido and turned to firearms.

To sum up, one is a sentence.

grown ups! Times have changed!

Gun fast within seven steps! Seven steps away, the gun is fast and accurate!

Thinking of this, Qi Bai immediately became vigilant.

Pei Lang's blood ghost technique is a shadow, so it can be said that it is impossible to guard against!

Nara Shikamaru from the Naruto Theater next door called him an expert.

Qi quickly circulated in the body, blessing Qi Bai's body.

For this kind of enemy, Qi Bai didn't want to tangle with him, and if conditions allowed, he would run away directly.

It's reasonable to run away if you can't beat it, right?

At the next moment, the three shadows flew towards Qi Bai, and Qi Bai made a 360-degree Thomas turn, kicking the three shadows away.

Boom boom boom!

The kicked black shadows fell elsewhere and exploded.

Qi Bai, who kicked the shadow away, was lost in thought.

"Huh? Something's wrong, the touch of that thing is not a grenade or a ninja bomb!"

"It feels more like a plant root! But a plant root that can explode? This f*ck is Plants vs. Zombies?" Thinking of the end, Qi Bai wiped his cold sweat helplessly.

The round shadows are probably potato mines, it's a real hammer!

At this moment, the surrounding situation suddenly changed again.

I saw countless vines growing out of the ground, The next moment the vines entangled Qi Bai like a snake.

Seeing this, Qi Bai finally understood.

What I met was not Uzui Tengen, the gorgeous brother, or Pei Lang, the second in the string, but a ghost who can manipulate plants!

And this ghost is very doggy!

His main body does not know where he is hiding!

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