People Are Dying, If You Don't Do It, You Will Feel Uncomfortable

Chapter 44 Shocked Kyoujurou For A Whole Year

Back on the street, looking at the big sun in the sky, Qi Bai smiled and left Asakusa without looking back.

It seems that this trip to own has gained a lot. I picked up a maid and got the medicine to cure Rengoku in advance.

Speaking of maids, what should Mukago be doing at this time?

The picture came to Mukago here.

An unconscious Mukago lies on a bed, flanked by Tamayo and Yushirou in white surgical gowns.

At this time, Tamayo is injecting a lot of unknown drugs into Mukago's body.

The face of the unconscious Mukago showed pain from time to time.

And Qi Bai had already left Asakusa at this time, rushing to the home of Rengoku Shinjurou.

It's not too far from Asakusa to Rengoku Shinjurou's house, and Qi Bai arrived after a while.

Knocked on the door, waited a while, and no one opened the door.

Qi Bai could only shout loudly: "Kyoujurou? Are you at home? It's me! Qi Bai!"

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement.

Qi Bai had no choice but to turn around and leave when Rengoku Kyoujurou's voice came from the courtyard.

"Excuse me, Mr. Qi Bai! I'll be right there!" After saying that, Rengoku Kyoujurou opened the door.

Before Qi Bai could speak, Rengoku Kyoujurou said: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Qi Bai, I was taking care of my mother just now, so I didn't hear your voice."

Qi Bai didn't care about this.

"It's okay like this, have you had breakfast yet?" Qi Bai asked.

"I've eaten! If you haven't had breakfast, I can prepare some food for you, sweet potato rice!" Rengoku Kyoujurou said, leading Qi Bai into the yard.

Hearing that Rengoku Kyoujurou wanted to prepare food for himself, Qi Bai waved his hand and refused.

"No, I've had dinner too, by the way, what about Uncle Makijuro? I have something to ask him."

"Father has gone to work."

"It looks like this..."

Qi Bai agreed and fell silent.

Now he suddenly felt a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say to Rengoku Kyoujurou.

Can't you tell him to practice hard and try not to die in the hands of Akaza in 10 years?

Hey, I'm afraid I have some kind of illness so I said this to Rengoku Kyoujurou.

Qi Bai was embarrassed, but Rengoku Kyoujurou was not.

After pouring a cup of tea for Qi Bai, he picked up his wooden sword and continued to practice.

And said: "Mr. Qi Bai, can I trouble you to teach me my swordsmanship!"


In other words, Rengoku Kyoujurou was going to guide him to practice last time.

Still the same problem, I can't teach Rengoku Kyoujurou because I don't know swordsmanship at all.

"I...actually, Kyoujurou, I don't know any swordsmanship."

Rengoku Kyoujurou, who was swinging his sword, stopped in disbelief when he heard Qi Bai's words.

"No way?! Mr. Qi Bai, if you don't know swordsmanship, does that mean you also don't know how to breathe? But if you don't know both, how did you pass the final selection?!"

"Ahem..." Qi Bai coughed twice, trying to hide his embarrassment.

And Rengoku Kyoujurou also noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "I have no other meaning, Mr. Qi Bai, I'm just surprised by this incident!"

"It's nothing, I really don't know swordsmanship, nor do I know how to breathe." Qi Bai said awkwardly.

"Then...then..." Rengoku Kyoujurou didn't know what to say at this time.

In the end, it was Qi Bai who spoke and took the initiative to take over the conversation.

"This matter, what should I say."

"I don't have the aptitude to learn breathing techniques or swordsmanship, not at all, but my Fist Technique aptitude is still pretty good! Hahaha!"

Rengoku Kyoujurou was shocked when he heard this.

Fist Technique?

This... this, can this work?

"Mr. Qi Bai, how does Fist Technique eliminate evil spirits? You know, to eliminate evil spirits, they can only be eliminated by beheading their heads with Nichirin Blades."

"If you use other methods, the evil spirits can regenerate non-stop, and there is no way to kill them, unless you wait until the sun rises, but in that case..." Rengoku Kyoujurou's voice became smaller and smaller until he couldn't hear it .

Seeing Rengoku Kyoujurou's appearance, Qi Bai wanted to laugh a little. It is rare for Rengoku Kyoujurou to be embarrassed.

You know, our Yanzhu Dage is always optimistic!

Qi Bai smiled, and then explained: "Actually, you can think of it this way, Kyoujurou, I can beat the ghost to death with my fist, and then Nichirin Blades will cut off his head when he regenerates!"

Shock was written all over Kyoujurou's face when he heard this.

It seems to be saying, it can still be like this!

When Qi Bai saw Kyoujurou's appearance, he scolded himself secretly, why didn't he change the subject in advance, if this would distract Rengoku Kyoujurou, it would be bad!

Think about it, Rengoku Kyoujurou in the future changed the breath of flames to hammering ghosts with his fists. That scene was really beautiful.

Simply unimaginable! Really a huge disaster!

"Cough cough cough, Kyoujurou, where is your Little Brother? What is he doing?" Qi Bai hurriedly skipped the subject and asked about Qianshourou.

"Little Brother is with mother." Rengoku Kyoujurou replied, but his eyes were a little erratic.

Qi Bai didn't say anything after hearing this, and fell silent, afraid that what he said would really lead Kyoujurou astray.

But Qi Bai didn't know it was, the sentence of smashing the ghost with his fist and beheading the ghost with Nichirin Blades left an indelible impression on Rengoku Kyoujurou's heart.

Just as the atmosphere became more and more silent, Rengoku Shinjurou's voice came from outside the door.

"Hahaha, I'm back!"

When Rengoku Kyoujurou heard it, he hurried over and opened the gate.

"You are back, my lord father! Mr. Qi Bai is here!"

Rengoku Shinjurou rubbed Kyoujurou's hair and said, "Qi Bai is here!"

"Just right, I brought back sweet potato rice and salt-grilled sea bream, let's eat together!"

As he spoke, he walked into the yard, put down a huge package on his body, and took out a bento from it and put it on the table.

"Qi Bai, didn't you go back to Mount Sagiri last night? Why did you come back suddenly? You look like you haven't slept all night?"

As soon as Rengoku Shinjurou finished speaking, Qi Bai let out a big yawn.

"Ah, something happened. I didn't return to Mount Sagiri. I went directly to Asakusa and brought back the medicine for Aunt Ruhuo."

Rengoku Shinjurou was very happy and excited when he heard Qi Bai said that he had brought back the medicine for curing Ruhuo.

"Really! Qi Bai! I didn't expect you to go to get the medicine overnight. Thank you so much! I... I don't know what to say."

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