"Long time no see, Douma." Kokushibou responded.

Immediately, Kokushibou answered Akaza's question.

"Your question, let me answer you, Akaza, the purpose of becoming stronger is very simple, to climb that mountain, that's all."

"Akaza, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Akaza nodded and said nothing.

He understood what the big mountain of Kokushibou was, and his answer was no problem.

However, Akaza knew that he still hadn't found his own goal.

The two names of Qingzang and Lianxue kept echoing in his heart.

Who are they...why do I feel like they matter.

When Akaza was full of thoughts, another voice sounded.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, why did Master Muzan suddenly summon the upper strings..."

It's a winding four, a half Heavenly Dog, a winding that...well, Muzan doesn't even like.

While he was talking, a jar with patterns rolled over and stood on the ground.

From the jar, a strange-looking ghost emerged.

What does he look like? The mouth grows in the eyes, the eyes grow in the mouth, and there are several small arms above the head.

He also has the words Winding Five engraved in his eyes.

Yes, he is the fifth of the first string, Gyokko, an alien ghost.

"I don't know, Lord Muzan hasn't summoned us for 80 years!"

"It's terrible, it's terrible, it's one hundred and three years, an inescapable number!" Half Heavenly Dog interjected.

Gyokko wanted to say something else, when a girl's voice full of excitement suddenly sounded.

"Ah~ Master Muzan! Master Muzan! We will see Master Muzan soon!"

"Okay, okay, Little Sister, don't look like this." A hoarse and ugly voice sounded to soothe the speaking female voice.

After hearing this, Douma greeted with excitement.

"So it's the sixth Gyuutarou brother and sister. It's been a long time since I saw you. Have you tried hard to eat people recently~"

Gyuutarou just wanted to answer after hearing this.

Kokushibou's expression suddenly became serious, and he opened his six eyes.

"Master Muzan... is here!"

With a melodious sound of Pipa, the house turned for a while, and the figure of Kibutsuji Muzan appeared in the Infinite City.

Seeing Muzan coming, Akaza immediately abandoned the thoughts in his mind, and knelt down on one knee to worship along with the other four.

As for Kokushibou, he does not kneel, Kibutsuji Muzan has always regarded him as a partner, so he just bows slightly.

Watching everyone winding up, Kibutsuji Muzan said lightly: "It's been a long time since I held a winding meeting..."

"Today, I only have one thing to say, about you... Akaza, your defeat!"

After hearing this, Akaza lowered his head immediately.

The remaining five of them showed surprised expressions after listening to it.

And Douma even said directly: "No way~ Your Excellency Akaza, how could you be defeated~"

Kokushibou raised his head and stared at Akaza with his six piercing eyes.

On the forehead of Akaza who was stared at, there was a drop of sweat unconsciously.

The camera returns to Qi Bai.

At this moment, Qi Bai had already finished his meal and was standing in the heavy snow wearing a single shirt. Opposite him, stood two figures.

They are Sabito and Kyoujurou respectively.

Looking at the two, Qi Bai hooked his hands, "Come on, let's do it, don't say I won't let you two, in my eyes, you two are really too weak!"

After Sabito heard this, his face was filled with anger.

"Qi Bai, you dog! I will beat you to death with Kyoujurou today! Let me tell you, Kyoujurou and I have already developed the ability!"

Qi Bai just nodded slightly at this, with the appearance of a generation of Great Master.

Just kidding, after I have the origin of the body, whether it is Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist, Beidou Divine Fist, or the main output Yuandouhuang Fist.

Oh, and a little transparent Whirlwind Iron Fist.

These messy Fist Techniques have come to a great integration, and I can say that I have taken them by hand.

The five qi seeds take root and germinate in one's five internal organs, and the Five Elements grow together and grow endlessly, making one's qi close to infinity and becoming stronger all the time.

But fighting qi is a thing of the past, now Qi Bai only has the purest qi.

Qi has infinite magical effects, and Fist Technique is a medium to exert the power of Qi.

"Hey, forget it, the purity of the two of you is still too low! It's still not enough, you take action first!" Qi Bai said helplessly.

After Sabito heard this, a word "底" appeared on his forehead.

Without hesitation, he directly hit Qi Bai with a breath of water. One-shaped water surface slash towards Qi Bai.

And Kyoujurou responded loudly: "Okay, Qi Bai Dage, I'm going to attack!"

"Breath of Flame. One Type. Shiranui!"

Two knives, one water and one fire, cut towards the sides of Qi Bai's head.

After Qi Bai saw it, he nodded slightly, Sabito and Kyoujurou, the combination of these two people is really amazing!

Immediately, Qi Bai stretched out his hand, grabbed the wooden swords of the two men firmly, and threw them out with one blow.

"I said, you two are too weak!" Qi Bai mocked.

"Bastard!!!" Sabito said angrily.

"Breath of Water, Hachi no Takitsubo!"

In Sabito's view, Qi Bai is good in everything, but the mouth is really annoying!

X chapters!

Holding the wooden knife, Sabito slashed towards Qi Bai's head fiercely, and Qi Bai raised his arm to block the strike.

In the next second, four jets of water gushed out from the ground and directly rushed Qi Bai into the sky. Sabito took this opportunity to leave Qi Bai.

Shouted to Kyoujurou again: "Kyoujurou! You come!"

After hearing this, Kyoujurou nodded vigorously, and then used the breath of flame.

"Breath of Flame. Three Types. Vientiane Flame!"

Accompanied by the flames, a top-down slash came towards Qi Bai.

In this regard, Qi Bai didn't bother to dodge, and let Kyoujurou cut himself.

There is no other reason, because these two people are really too weak!

There is a huge difference between myself and playing Akaza!

The brake activation hole is not activated for nothing, although it only temporarily increases the combat power, but it is life!

As a result, a small amount of power remained in Qi Bai's body, making him a lot stronger.


With a muffled sound, Qi Bai fell to the ground intact.

And Kyoujurou pulled away from Qi Bai.

Looking at Qi Bai, Sabito gritted his teeth and said, "Hmph! I knew it would be like this, Kyoujurou, let Qi Bai try our combination skills!"

After hearing this, Kyoujurou showed a trace of hesitation on his face, "This is not good! It will be very dangerous!"

And Sabito said: "It's okay, it's not that you don't know, Qi Bai is very strong!"

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