“Kobayashi Chiye? He he he, isn’t he a thousand nights that are often seen in magazines? ”

“This looks right! The only talented young chef in the Nordic cuisine world! ”

“Little Emperor of Food! His title is the Little Emperor of Gastronomy! ”

“Oh my God! Oh my God! That teenage monster whose multi-dish dishes were included in WGO turned out to be the younger brother of Senior Sister Xiaolin? ”

“awsl! The real person is more handsome than in the magazine, and I didn’t think that I would have to take classes with the little emperor in the future, ahhh! ”


The sensation in the classroom, Qianye has long been mentally prepared.

In recent years, I have been attending events in the culinary world on my own.

Wherever you go, there will be exclamations and heated discussions from your peers.

It’s just a small scene of dozens of people, and there is nothing to care about.

As soon as he entered the door, Chiye browsed all the students at the scene without a trace.

He didn’t see Alice, a girl with short snow-white hair, and he was slightly relieved in his heart.

Even if it is a matter of morning and evening to face face, Qianye still does not want to come up, it is a scene of turning over old accounts and calculating love history.

Of course, he was immediately recognized by the classmates on the scene.

I believe that Alice, who is in other classes, will receive the news that she has come to Yuanyue in half a day at most.

Even if Alice is not seen.

But there are still many familiar figures in consciousness.

These students are also the existence of small protagonists in the halberd world.

In addition to living your own private life in the future, it seems inevitable to deal with them.

In particular, some young chefs looked at themselves quite unfriendly and hostile.

“Wow, I didn’t expect me to be so tall and handsome.”

“Qianye, let’s briefly introduce yourself to everyone first!”

Shiomi Jun looked up at Chiye and said with a surprised look in his eyes.

Seeing Qianye nodding, she immediately waved her hand and signaled the scene to calm down.

“Hello everyone, I am Kobayashi Chiye, a freshman who just passed the examination today.”

“In the future, I will be classmates with you, please take care of me!”

Qianye behaved very modestly, without the slightest arrogance and unruly momentum.

The most ordinary self-introductions were well received on the scene and caused a burst of heated discussions.

At a well-organized cooking table.

A red-haired boy with scars on his eyebrows, his hands wrapped around his body.

Looking at the people around is like looking at a monster, looking at Qianye’s eyes, which are also full of doubts.

Kohei Sojin!

Bold and talented Yuanyue first-year student.

His arrival was originally a sensation.

But compared with the arrival of a thousand nights in front of him, it is still not a grade.

“Takme, what’s wrong with everyone?”

“Isn’t it just a transfer student? The younger brother of the second seat of Shijie? ”

“What’s so surprising about this, hahaha, Shijie’s younger brother must be very strong?”

Kohei Sojin looked puzzled and asked the two brothers beside him, one thin and one fat.

The Aldini brothers, the older brother Tucker beige hair is thin, and the younger brother Isami has fat black hair.

When it comes to the level of cuisine and strength, Takmi is even better.

He himself is the heir to the Italian restaurant Trattoria Aldini.

His cooking skills have been honed in the restaurant early on.

He and Kohei Sojin are not acquainted with each other, and they have an inexplicable friendship with each other.

In class, the two brothers casually said two words, and then agreed to form a group.

Living in a public restaurant, Kohei Sojin has no idea what is happening in the culinary world.

Takmi is completely different from him, and he knows all the internationally watched geniuses of his age.

Even if they don’t know them all, a young genius like Qianye should know his name.

“Kohei, you guy really doesn’t have any common sense!”

“Thousand Nights, the little emperor of Nordic cuisine!”

“Sweeping the Nordic cuisine world, I don’t know how many famous restaurant chefs have been beaten!”

“Haven’t you seen him in magazines, on the news?”

Takmi said in disbelief.

Kohei scratched his face and said

“Actually, I don’t usually read much, the news is more boring, not interested, hahaha.”

As Takmi was about to reprimand, Kohei Sojin continued

“According to what you said, this new master should be very strong, right?”

“If I can defeat him in the halberd duel, I will definitely become famous faster, right?”

“Senior Isshiki will accept my challenge to bet on the position of the top ten, right?”

“Hey, hey, hey!”


Kohei Sogen’s brain circuitry is very abnormal.

In his heart, he fantasized about taking Thousand Nights as an enemy and quickly increasing his reputation and status.

“Don’t daydream, you and him are not at the same level at all.”

Takmi said like a shock.

On the podium, after the sensation of self-introduction subsided.

The whispered private chat between Shiomi Jun and Chiya also ended.

“Okay, that’s pretty much what the course is.”

“Qianye, welcome to your arrival, go and choose to form a team with your classmates.”

Hearing this, Qianye nodded and took two steps towards the podium.

“Dear students, which group is two people? Can you add me one? ”

What I didn’t expect was.

This sentence of Thousand Nights was spoken.

The scene fell into turmoil again!


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