Watch the diners come and go.

Except for small children and ordinary tourists.

As far as the food suppliers are concerned, they all look old.

Be able to work with Far Moon Resort, or stay at Far Moon Resort.

It is a proof of economic ability.

If you just make a general breakfast, it is not enough to impress them at all.

Adventurous curiosity also requires full self-confidence.

In addition to the diners, there are also staff dressed in formal clothes.

Three-three-two-by-two stood around the corner of the stall.

These people are all staff members of Far Moon Resort.

Specially responsible for calculating the number of plates and reviewing the completion degree.

If someone wants to fool through, it is impossible to escape their eyes.

“Which one is better to eat?” It looks like some of the stalls are ready! ”

“Wow, a lot of beautiful and novel things, I really want to eat them all!”

“How can you eat it with such a big appetite, hehe, Xiaoya come with me, let’s go around and see.”

“This one looks good, there are better ones up front, right? Walk around and try it! ”


The first ten minutes of the first field.

Many people have a way of watching the overall situation first, and choosing the one that is most interested in tasting it.

This psychology is completely understandable, so Chiya is not in a hurry to quickly start cooking on the spot.

He needs to see the flow of people.

Naturally, I came to the handwriting.

He believes that as long as he waits, there will be a flow.

After all, by her side, she has a monster talent from Yuanyue!

Where Erinah is there, are you worried about the lack of diners?



Surveillance room backstage of the Grand Ballroom.

Silver Dojima sat in the main seat and observed the students’ performance from various cameras.

360-degree rotatable automatic adjustment, and the clarity of the picture is the best effect.

Even without going out, Dojima Silver can see any young chef he wants to follow.

In the venue of Zone A, there are indeed many players with strength.

“Sena, call out all six I just said and put them on the big screen.”

Dojima Silver said to the assistant beside him.

After hearing it, the assistant immediately operated on the computer.

On the larger six monitors, the magnified picture is directly displayed.

Kobayashi Chiye!


Cut Alice!

Kohei Sojin!

Megumi Tasho!

Mito is charming!

“Chef, do you still need to take a look at the others?”

“The monitoring equipment can put a large screen for eight people at the same time!”

Assistant Sena reminded from the side.

Dojima Silver waved his hand and said:

“No need, it has nothing to do with quantity.”

“There are only so many jade talents in the entire A area.”

“It’s enough to watch the fight between them.”

In the past few days at the Far Moon Resort, the performance of all the students has been seen in the eyes of Dojima Silver.

Which students have a high overall quality.

There are even greater possibilities.

You can tell at a glance.

Thankfully, Chiye’s small team plus three secretaries themselves, all of them were included in the scope of key observation.

From this point of view, there is no problem for the three women to get a place in the fall tryouts.

“Chef, there’s one more thing, please look here.”

“This one is not on our invitation list.”

“To be fair, are you going to take her off the scene?”

The assistant asked, pointing to a screen with a girl in wide clothes and hats.


Dojima Silver followed the assistant’s hand and looked over.

In the monitor screen, I did see a girl figure with a disguise.

“Hahaha, you said it was her.”

“Just let her go, there is no need to stop her.”

“With her thirst for food, she will eat all the dishes in Area A.”

“This will not affect the final addition, so there is no need to worry.”

Dojima Silver explained.

“Eat it all over the scene?”

“There are so many dishes in Zone A, it’s impossible to eat them all, right?”

Sena said in surprise.

In his consciousness, it was impossible to imagine that someone could have such attainments in this aspect.

Dojima Silver replied:

“Others may not be able to do it, as the second seat of the Ten Masters of Yuanyue.”

“I definitely have the strength to do it, and the appetite.”


Zone A buffet supply stall.

“Wow, what a fragrant taste, is it an omelette beef patty yes?” I ate in Miyagi Prefecture! ”

A young girl passed by and stopped directly in front of Mito’s glamorous stall.

Several playmates who came with the girl followed and looked at Mito’s glamorous stall.

As long as the first customer opens the market, Mito Yumei will not worry about the taste.

“A few beautiful beauties, would you like to come and try them?”

“Special omelette with an added surprise in small talk.”

“As long as you taste it, you will not regret it!”

As long as it is beneficial to sales, Mito Yumei can seriously do it.

Being part of a team in a thousand nights.

If you can’t deal with this challenge, you really don’t have the face to face Thousand Nights.

Fortunately, Mito’s glamorous personality is cheerful.

The authentic breakfast dishes can withstand the test of the market and quickly attract the attention of many customers.


One row away, in front of another stall.

Looking at the crowded customers, Tashoe clenched his cold hand.

In places with so many crowds, attract guests for your own cooking.

This kind of thing has never been done before.

But this time, she had a reason why she absolutely could not back down.

Several middle-aged uncles and aunts walked by.

Tashoe plucked up the courage and loudly sold:

“Uncle and aunt, good morning!”

“How about a steaming oden?”

“If you eat oden for breakfast, your body will definitely be warm, so take good care of your body!”

In addition to showing your own sincerity.

Tasshoe understands exactly who his audience will be.

This is particularly important and requires additional attention.

“Oh? Oden, in the Far Moon Resort, can you still see such an authentic snack food? ”

“Speaking of which, it seems that we haven’t eaten it for a long time, do you want to try it?”

“Let’s have a bowl for us too, it looks really good!”

After a simple call, there were more customers around the table.

Tasuoe’s face was full of smiles, and her heart was very stable.

“Megumi, I also want an oden, let me try your craft!”

A familiar voice came from the front of the stall, making Tasshoe couldn’t help but raise his head.

“Senior Sister Gentian!”

“You, how did you get in?”

Tian Suoe looked at the Xiaolin gentian that suddenly appeared, and couldn’t help but say in surprise.


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