People Are Eating Halberds: Exit At The Beginning Of The Game TōTsuki Gakuen

Chapter 100: The Rice Hammer! Personality Change "Naniwa Shirayukihime"

"The highest level halberd reward order?!"

Li Qing at Qingli Restaurant, after listening to Ji Zhiguo Ningning's narration, probably understood why the two of them were so frowning and worried.

Since the bounty rewards are too crazy, in less than an hour, this matter has already been maxed out on the forum.

It is also for this reason that Ji Zhiguo Ningning and Xiao Lin Longdan stayed upstairs for so long, discussing this, discussing the strategy and method that Qingli Restaurant might deal with this reward order.

"Speaking of which, the commander-in-chief offered such a generous reward, even I couldn't help but feel a little eager to move. Why don't we play Li Qing, and you deliberately lose to me?"

Little Lin Long dared to blow his bangs, not like a fake hyperactive tease.

"Sister Gendan!!" Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was a little anxious.

"Hi~, hi~, I just don't want everyone to be so tense, I want to liven up the atmosphere." Little Lin Long pouted boldly.

Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo retracted his gaze and said: "However, from this we can see how crazy this reward is [even senior sister Gendan who likes salted fish and useless said she was tempted... .

"Salted fish?..." Xiao Lin Long blinked his eyes, feeling that this was not a good word, blew his bangs again, sat on a chair, hugged his knees, and looked up at the sky.

"So Li Qing, in this situation, it is very difficult for us to ensure that senior Eishi Tsukasa, who is the first seat, will not do anything. Of course, it is even more difficult to ensure that those Tōtsuki's outstanding graduates in history will not come because of this bounty. What should we do if we take action against Qingli Restaurant?"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was worried, no matter what he thought, he felt overwhelmed, facing such an exaggerated reward order, he was a little out of breath.

Li Qing smiled slightly, and from the beginning to the end, she didn't even change the gesture of hugging her shoulders, shook her head, and said with a smile: "If they want to come, let them come.

"Oh~??" Little Lin Long suddenly regained his spirit, sitting cross-legged on a chair, staring at Li Qing with great interest.

"Li Qing." Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning interrupted and reiterated, "Senior Eishi Tsukasa is not an ordinary cook. Stronger!"

"I know~, but, how do you know that I'm not as good as them?" Li Qing smiled disapprovingly.

"Tsk tsk!" Little Lin Long daringly opened his mouth, staring at Li Qing with a pair of eyes, gradually began to shine, a word in his heart roared crazily: Ling Chef! Ling Chef! Spirit Chef!!

"How do I know that you are not as good as them?..." Ji Zhiguo Ningning was stunned by this question, and after a long time, he subconsciously muttered, "Senior Eishi Tsukasa is the most powerful chef in history. One of the most outstanding first seats, outstanding graduates and seniors..."

"Then, before that, let's move forward. Before you came to Qingli Restaurant, did you ever think that you would be defeated and become mine?" Li Qing asked with a faint smile.


Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's pretty face turned red all of a sudden, and he hurriedly gave Li Qing a look, this guy is making a pun, right?

However, putting aside the hidden meaning, the day she came, of course, she never thought that she would be defeated by Li Qing.

Even on the day I came here, my heart was full of contempt for Li Qing, and I just os: How could a mere Tōtsuki dropout from the first grade be her opponent?

After being defeated, the os in my heart is: Impossible, impossible, impossible! Why is this guy's cooking power so strong?!

.......I see. Ji Zhiguo's Ningning's face was finally less worried, but it was still hard to believe that Jianqing's pressure was even more exaggerated than those of Hou Yingshi.

After all, according to rumors, Eishi Tsukasa-senior, as well as some outstanding graduates from the past, have already stepped into that level!!


"Is there any more?"

There was a sound of sweating and cooking rice, in addition to being cold, there seemed to be a strange naivety in the voice.


"Is anyone else eating?"

Xiao Lin Longdan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning were both attracted by the voice, and they all turned their heads to look.

I saw Nakiri Alice, who was wearing a maid outfit, as if she was going to tear her clothes, was also standing there, holding a tray in her arms, looking at the dining table in front of her with a pretty face "full of desolation...

One bowl, two bowls, three bowls!

The three bowls of different sizes were all empty!!

Little Lin Longdan and Ji Zhiguo Ningning immediately recognized what the three bowls were used for.

Vance Tofu Soup! Emperor Fried Rice! Hundred Crab Noodles!

But now, to be eaten so clean by a single person?

His eyes moved up slowly.

It's not the seven-foot strong man in the imagination, and it's not the bloated big stomach king in the imagination. On the contrary, it turned out to be a top-notch beautiful girl with short silver hair and a beautiful face like an entertainer!!



Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning and Xiao Lin Long swallowed their saliva in unison, obviously, they were both shocked by Kong Yinzi's strength.

Including Nakiri Alice standing in front of the empty silver dining table, it was because she was shocked that she didn't come back to the counter for a long time.

Originally, I ordered the entire menu for Kong Yinzi at once, just to vent my anger and take revenge on the diners who have a bad personality.

Unexpectedly, the empty money was really eaten up!

Every meal in Qingli Restaurant is not too big, but it is definitely not small either. Whether it is Wensi Tofu Soup, or Bai Crab Noodles and Emperor Fried Rice, it can completely satisfy the food intake of an adult man.

Empty silver.....

Again, I ate all of them!!!

The lobby on the first floor of Qingli Restaurant suddenly became surprisingly quiet, with no sound at all. This kind of quietness is simply terrifying!

The empty money for the question was not full, so he frowned, tilted his head and asked Li Qing directly: "Boss, I'm not full, I want to eat more!"

‥ Ask for flowers 00


Li Qing coughed twice, calmed down the shock on her face, and said helplessly, "Miss Kong Yinzi, you have eaten a lot. Although the food is good, please don't be greedy."

Kong Yinzi stood up in a little surprise, and asked: "You actually know me? Are you my fan? Then I'll sign for you, and you can make me Wensi tofu soup and emperor fried rice, don't worry, I will pay."

The corner of Li Qing's mouth twitched.

If the time goes back to more than 10 minutes ago, ghosts will believe that the beautiful girl with a blank face and as cold as a piece of ice will show such a statement!

Moreover, even if those chess fans with empty money see it, I am afraid that they will only be surprised, shouting excitedly as if it is Chinese New Year, right?

Hey, hello! When will the proud and cold queen 'Bai Xue Ji' show such a naive side?

"This is the terrifying power of food!"

Li Qing shook his head dumbfoundingly and declined again: "Sorry, actually this restaurant has rules, one person can only order one portion of the same dish.


"Then what should I do? I'm not full yet." Kong Yinzi rubbed his obviously distended belly, talking nonsense with his eyes open.

In fact, if you are full, you must be full, and even a little bit full, but once you eat it, you can hold it tightly.

Because of her greedy mouth, now she has almost completely forgotten the collapse of losing chess, and only wants to eat with all her heart!

"Let's wait until the evening. Qingli Restaurant will still be open at night. As long as Miss Kong Yinzi comes early enough, you can eat." Li Qing smiled.


Kong Yinzi, who had a bad personality, pondered for a while, and asked Wu, "Can I stay in the restaurant until the evening and leave after eating?"


This is a conditioned rebuttal from Xiao Lin Long and Nakiri Alice.

Li Qing and Ji Zhiguo Ningning glanced at these two guys with weird eyes.. They refused so quickly! Is this, after all, they became the person they hate the most?

"Ah~! Qingli Restaurant is open!"

"My God! Why is it so early today? Brothers, hurry up! Otherwise, you will be sanctioned by boss Li Qing's food limit again!"

"I must eat emperor fried rice today!!!"

"Get out of the way, Wensi Tofu Soup is mine!!"

"Feng Shui turns, today is finally my turn to be the first to see that Qingli Restaurant is open? I want to eat white crab noodles, bastard!"

Outside the restaurant, there were suddenly very chaotic shouts.

Kong Yinzi turned her head and took a look. For some reason, the cold and indifferent temperament on her body slowly returned. Her eyes were slightly cold and she said to Li Qing: "Then I will come back at night."

After finishing speaking, Kong Yinzi walked out quickly, took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the sign of Qingli Restaurant. A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he left the restaurant completely. .

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