Tōtsuki, food halberd vs. battlefield, between moon and sky!

"Ah la la~! Crazy! Crazy, crazy, really crazy! Isshiki Satoshi-senpai, in the end, actually chose the same sushi that Saito-senpai made!"

"It's irrational! Senior Isshiki Satoshi, you're so irrational! How can you choose Saito-senpai's strengths and come head-to-head?"

"Kawashima, I have a hunch... woohoo~, the handsome Isshiki Satoshi senior, this must, must suffer the ultimate fiasco!!"

Rei Kawashima stood in the center of the host stage, explaining loudly, her voice was undulating and full of emotion, and every word easily touched the hearts of all the audience on the scene.

Especially when she shouted loudly, Isshiki Satoshi, in the end she also chose the same dish as Saito Zongaki.. Sushi, the audience broke out into low cheers uncontrollably.

"Senior Isshiki, he actually..."

"I even chose sushi as a dish, how could this be?"

"This choice is a little too irrational. As we all know, the fifth seat, Saito Zongmei, is best at sushi!"

"On the contrary, although Senior Isshiki doesn't have any particularly famous dishes, at least I have never seen him make sushi.

"How can we fight this? My suggestion is, Isshiki Satoshi should just admit defeat, Shoutong is really no match!"

"However, to be honest, the theme of this halberd feast, 'Tuna', is indeed too beneficial to senior Saito Zongming."

"That's right, when I mention tuna, I subconsciously think of sushi. So, even if Isshiki-senpai makes other dishes, it will be a losing game, right?"

"It's over. It looks like we're really going to lose miserably in this halberd-eating match. Once senior Yise loses, we don't know how Senior Ruishan will ridicule him next."

"If senior Ruishan speaks, how can it be a question of ridiculing senior Isshi alone? Don't forget, we have all become loyal customers of Qingli Restaurant."

"Damn! I feel so conflicted, what should I do? Suddenly, I want Saito-senpai to win, to prove my power as Tōtsuki, but at the same time, I don't want Isshiki-senpai to lose, otherwise we will really love and shamelessly pretend to be Li in the future. restaurant?"

"Me too, it's so painful, woohoo~"

"Who isn't?"


Only Ezuya Eizan, who was lying on a chair in a very forward position and in a very arrogant posture, rubbed his face and sneered: "Hey~! Isshiki Satoshi! How dare you choose sushi! If you don't lose, who will lose?"

Far away on the jury table.

Nakiri Leonora hugged the bear in his left hand, pinched his white chin with his right hand, smiled and squinted his eyes at the two on the cooking table, and said softly: "At least from now on, both Isshiki and Saito's knife skills are perfect. , the movement is also extremely fast, clean and neat!"

"However, it is too irrational for Isshiki Satoshi to choose sushi to compete with Saito Zongaki." After all, the choice of Isshiki Satoshi is too irrational.

"That's true. After all, there is a huge gap between the top five seats and the bottom five seats of Tōtsuki Elite Ten today."

Nakiri Leonora, unintentionally, revealed a great fact, "The members of the last five seats are the most numerous, and their cooking skills are not at the peak of the second rank, but the members of the first five seats... ah!"

Zang Mu Shi Nai sighed softly: "The first three seats all have top-notch cooking skills that can reach the first rank with casual play, even the fourth and fifth seats, they are in their respective fields of expertise

It also has absolute first-class cooking power!"

"So, this time, Yishi is really irrational. If he chooses the cuisine he is best at, he may be able to find a breakthrough on the food halberd, and there may be a chance to touch the limit of the first rank...Of course , Even so, it is very difficult to win." Nakiri Leonora lamented.

"Well, Department Chief Leonora is right. Even so, he barely touches the limit of the first grade. On the other hand, Saito, the moment he chose to start making sushi, he was destined to be above the first grade. .” There was a bit of anticipation in Zang Mu Zi Nao’s eyes.

Tasting first-class cuisine, this is something that even senior culinary celebrities like them will feel excited and excited about.

After all, the deliciousness of Yipin Cuisine is really good! Great! Super good!

As long as you take a sip, you will instantly burst into flying joy, surprises and endless aftertaste!

"Leonora, Zangmu, tell me, what level of culinary skills has the kid at Qingli Restaurant opened across from me, Tōtsuki?"

There has been no sound. Of course, it can also be said that Nakiri Zuoxian, who has been silent since coming to Yuetianjian, suddenly said.


"Commander, what did you say?!"

Nakiri Leonora and Zang Mu Shino were taken aback, a little caught off guard, and looked at Nakiri's left immortal guard in astonishment.

How could this demon king of food come out so suddenly?

Could it be that right now, the battle of the dignified Elite Ten No. 2 is not enough to attract his attention? Really?

"Hehe, I'm really looking forward to it, but it's a pity that I still don't have time to taste it today, anyway, I will definitely go tomorrow!"

Nakiri Zuoxian Gatekeeper was self-conscious, and said something to himself, then raised his head, grinned, and expressed his dissatisfaction roughly, "Isshiki and Saito are not ready yet? I'm hungry!"

...... Right away, at least Saito, in terms of sushi making, seems to be close to the end of 493. " Zang Muzi said.

Nakiri Leonora's eyes flickered a few times, because Nakiri's Zuoxian gatekeeper mentioned it again, and she couldn't help thinking of her daughter's perdition, as well as the words of her niece Erina tonight.

"It seems that it is really an amazing small restaurant. Now that even my father values ​​it so much, it is really necessary to go there in my free time."

Nakiri Leonora secretly made up her mind, raised her beautiful eyes, and put on a smile, but heard the sudden noise in the venue.

"Saito-senpai is done!"

"As expected of the best sushi dish, it was completed in such a short time... Isshiki-senpai, it looks like he's still busy.

"It's over, there really isn't any suspense this time."

"Damn it! My damn, contradictory mood... Saito-senpai wins for me! .. No, it's Isshiki-senpai, cheer up, we're all relying on you!"

"There is no suspense, probably, it has already lost."

Amidst the countless noises, Saito Zongming walked to the judges' seat with three dishes, and arranged them one by one.

Saito Zongming, who trimmed the eye-catching mohawk hair, folded his shoulders and closed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "My dish, tuna ten pieces, Xiaoyu Hongyu sushi is ready, please taste."

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