People Are Eating: I, The King Of Hunters!

Chapter 127 Neo HQ, Joya's Meeting

"As expected of an ingredient with 100% cell purity, the increase is amazing!"

Taking back the character panel, Su Yun was excited.

The capture level of the king shark is much higher than that of the red Nitro.

But in fact.

The cell purity is probably only 10%-20%.

Therefore, the effect after eating it is not as great as that of Hongni.

Of course, it does not mean that the higher the cell purity, the higher the biological capture level.

There are many complex factors involved, which cannot be generalized.


Su Yun and Jiro chatted while eating.

Su Yun asks why Kijiro apologized to Guines.

As the conflict with the wolf father was resolved.

So Jiro has nothing to hide from this matter.

Frankly speaking of his past with Guines.

Only then did Su Yun understand why Jiro behaved inconsistently.

After hearing what Jiro said, Su Yun's mind changed sharply.

He was worried about what excuse he would use to call Jiro and the wolf king near the neo headquarters.

This time it was time to give him a chance to find a reason.

After thinking for a while.

Ten said: "Uncle Jiro, tomorrow we will go to the Stipa Grassland to practice acupuncture!

"Stipa Grassland?

Jiro thought for a while, nodded and said, "There is an island with the largest number of creatures in the Second Continent, and the average capture level is only 1,200, so it is indeed the best place for you to practice acupuncture.

"Then it's settled!

Su Yun smiled slightly, then said, "Can we call the wolf king together?"

"You mean Guines?"

Jiro frowned and said, "As soon as Gines passed by, wouldn't all the creatures in the stipa prairie be scared away? Then how do you practice acupuncture? 35

Su Yun gestured with his fingers: "The Stipa Grassland is at the very edge of the second continent, near the sea. Once the wolf king passes by, the creatures there will definitely not run into the sea, but will only choose to escape to the northeast island next door. superior.

"The number of creatures in the Northeast Island is also very large, and the level is not high."

"My purpose is to gather the creatures of the two islands to practice acupuncture, so that the practice can be more efficient.

"And you also know that I learn things very quickly, and it's perfectly fine if you don't teach around.

"Just taking this opportunity, you can also recall the past life with the wolf king in the Stipa Grassland, and repair the relationship between the two sides. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone!"5

"I felt the awkward atmosphere between you and the wolf king just now, to be honest, I am worried for you!

"Uh, this is... The big acupuncture is indeed the more creatures in the same area, the better the practice."

Jiro was a little moved.

But more still hesitant.

Repairing a relationship with Guinness always sounds weird.

In his opinion, it is enough to lift the estrangement.

"Uncle Jiro! The wolf king can't speak! How can you be so sure that he has forgiven you?"

"This is the pain of tooth extraction! If it were me, I would remember this kind of hatred for the rest of my life!

"In my hometown, there is a word called "Tooth Repayment", which means that if your teeth are broken by others, when you drink water, the water will swell out, and others will make fun of you when they see it. This is a great shame. It is revenge that must be avenged!

"Think about it again, if your teeth were pulled out, can you forgive others so easily? Certainly not!

"You are a reasonable human being, not to mention the most dangerous Eight Kings in the food industry?"

"So, if you want me to say, tomorrow I will create a chance for the two of you to be alone, and you can just apologize to the wolf king!

"Otherwise, precious opportunities will be missed like this!

"You don't want the wolf king to secretly hate you in his heart, right?

Su Yun turned on the shattering thought mode like an old woman.

After hesitating for a long time, Jiro finally reluctantly agreed.

"Very well, then it's settled!"

After a long sigh of relief, Su Yun and Jiro exchanged good nights and went to rest.

Su Yun came to the bottom of a big tree, and her expression like a goddess just now became serious and serious.

He wants to take advantage of this evening to arrange the plan more carefully.

Soon, the night passed.

Early the next morning, it was still dark.

Su Yun and Jiro had already woken up.

Jiro didn't sleep well last night.

Neither did Su Yun.

Both had faint dark circles under their eyes.

As agreed yesterday, they called Guines and came to the Stipa Grassland together.

As for the process of coming, it is also very simple and rude-

Su Yun and Jiro came to Guinness's back, and Guinness jumped lightly.

They teleported there.

As soon as they landed, many nearby creatures rolled their eyes and passed out.

As for the slightly stronger creatures, they can still bear it, and they hurriedly ran to the Northeast Island.

Su Yun excused herself to poop, but in fact, she launched into the sky to investigate the location of neo's headquarters.

neo's headquarters is in a hollowed-out volcano.

It was very conspicuous on the northeastern island of the plain terrain, and Su Yun saw it at once.

Immediately remember its location, punching a hole in the ground, rushing towards it at the fastest speed.

Neo headquarters.

The conference room on the fourth floor of the spaceship.

Here, there are dozens of people of high status.

Daniel Kahn, King of the Kingdom of Jidal.

Carnell, the gourmet tycoon, is the person who commissioned the capture of the century bisque.

Mamai Moi, a gourmet billionaire, has a net worth of 812 trillion yuan.

Topo, a character in G7, is one of the seven taste masters elected by the IGO member countries.

The light is old, the 740 "food fairy" in the 0th habitat.

Jojo, one of the central characters of Bishokukai.

Some of these people joined neo because they were cooked by Joa.

Some people join voluntarily.

Many years ago, Acacia obtained God, and he gave God to the powerful and rich in various countries, attracting the rich to join his banner with God's delicious taste.

In order to obtain huge funds from their descendants and build spaceships.

In fact, even Neo Organization is one of Acacia's plans.

"Cough cough.""

Qiao Ya put his hands on the table and smiled: "I'm sorry to call everyone over for a meeting at this time. 35

"This meeting is mainly to welcome our new member, Guang Cai Lao, to join our food paradise Neo.

"This is a day to remember because, starting today, IGO finally has our people."

"As for you guys..."

Qiao Ya looked at the gourmet billionaires: "Thank you for your contributions, the [Ark] spaceship has almost been built, and it will be completed in a month at most.

"In order to thank you for your contributions, I will pay part of the remuneration first!

Saying that, Qiao Ya took out several balls of different colors and handed them to the gourmet billionaires.

This is the life ball.

A food spirit resides in it, and it can die in place of the owner's life.

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