After eliminating the demonic serpent, Su Yun continued walking towards the left road.

For food luck, he has 100% trust.

And Shiyun obviously did not live up to his trust.

Turning left and right, after walking about 200 meters, my eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw a hole in front of me, bright rays of light came in, and the number of sea fireflies also increased significantly.

"finally reached!"

Su Yun looked happy and trotted through the hole.

A sandy beach appeared in front of you, surrounded by a large number of crystal clear stones, reflecting beautiful light under the rays of the sea fireflies.

The whole cave beach is as bright as day, and it is very dreamy.

Looking at such a beautiful view, Su Yun took a deep breath of fresh air and felt a lot better.

"Am I the first to arrive..."

Noticing that there were no footprints on the sand, Su Yun smiled slightly.

In this case, he is welcome!

Take off your coat, put it in the kitchen space, and jump straight into the water.


The scene under the sea made Su Yun's eyes widen. There are so many uneaten ingredients!

About the size of a walnut, a silver clam with a silvery glow all over its body, capture level 12.

The body is a tuna, and the tail is a squid tail tuna with squid whiskers, catch level 16.

The turtle shell is covered with thorns, and it is a spiky turtle the size of a grinding disc. The capture level is 21.

and most importantly…

It is also the puffer whale that Su Yun intended for this trip!

At this moment, in his sight.

A huge white whale with a length of tens of meters was quietly suspended there.

Su Yun knew that it was just a group of all the puffer whales gathered together.

Puffer whales have the habit of protecting each other.

So they gather together when spawning and disguise themselves as giant whales to intimidate the enemy.

Name: puffer whale

Species: fish

Capture Level: 29 (without triggering Poisoned Capture)

Habitat: Usually live in the deep sea, and will float to the shallows during the spawning period once every 10 years.

Body length: 50-60cm


Weight: 5Kg-7Kg

Price: Meat 100g/920,000 yuan

Introduction: The dream whale, known as the delicacy of the deep sea, inhabits the shoal as a juvenile, and transfers to the deep sea when it becomes an adult. Due to the water pressure difference, the original body length of about 6m will be compressed to 50-60cm, so the deliciousness of the body is also condensed, and the highest-level deliciousness is born. However, because the metabolites in its body are also condensed at the same time, the poison bags transformed by those metabolites are extremely poisonous. Once the poison bag bursts, the toxin spreads all over the puffer whale's body in an instant.

"Once a puffer whale is startled, the venom sac bursts, causing poisoning."

"And during spawning, its vigilance is further heightened."

"If you want to get close to it, you must first hide your own breath."

thought here.

Su Yun emptied his distracting thoughts, emptied his consciousness, and hid all his thoughts.

It sounds mysterious, but the truth is very simple.

Just don't let the puffer whale catch your attention on it.

This is also called "killing".

After several attempts, Su Yun quickly succeeded.

The whole body faintly became illusory and transparent, as if "dissolved" in the sea water.

He swam to the front of the puffer whale group, but the puffer whale didn't seem to see his existence, and was still floating in the same place.

After getting close to the group of whales, Su Yun roughly counted them and found that there are thousands of puffer whales here!

How long does this take!

But Su Yun soon put the idea behind him.

Acupuncture requires a lot of concentration and is very mentally draining.

At his current level, capturing 200 would be enough.

"Fine, the puffer whale didn't notice me."

Su Yun smiled slightly, picked a round-looking puffer whale, and approached it.

Then stretch out your fingers, mobilize the energy of the cells, and condense the "needle"-shaped energy at the fingertips.

The diameter of the condensed "needle" is extremely small, only about 10 microns.

Compared to the precision spotting gun with a diameter of about 100 microns.

more refined.

The success rate of acupuncture will also be higher.

This technique was also developed by Su Yun after learning to eat righteousness.

"Let's start tapping!"

Su Yun widened her eyes and concentrated.

The left hand holds the body of the puffer whale, and the fingers of the right hand are from the gill to the center of the head, at an angle of 45 degrees.

With extremely light force, extremely fast penetration.


After a very small and almost inaudible sound.

The puffer whale rolled its eyes, lost consciousness, and turned its body upside down in the sea.

Acupuncture was successful!

However, the expected system prompt did not come.

"Could it be that the puffer whales must be processed before they can be considered successful capture?"

"It seems to make sense. After all, it is a special ingredient, and it may not work just to catch it."

"In that case, let's go up and deal with this one first!"

Holding the puffer whale that successfully burrowed, Su Yun returned to the shore.

And take a clean white cloth from the kitchen space and spread it on the beach, ready to start working on the puffer whale.


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