People Are Eating: I, The King Of Hunters!

Chapter 139 Capture the flaming wolf dragon, and groups of Hongni appear!

The calamus plucked a corona sunflower from the side and squeezed out the nectar.

Dripping on Kilim's pale lips: "Kilim, have a good taste, this is the starter of our full meal menu..."

"Gollum. 35

The nectar trickles through the mouth and down the throat to the stomach.

Kilim, who collapsed to the point of being in a coma, regained some strength under the nourishment of this drop of nectar.

He opened his eyes slowly, and what he saw was the beautiful face he had always dreamed of.

A long-cherished memory slowly unfolded.

He remembered the surprise he and Ayame had when they first discovered Corona sunflowers in the food world…

He remembered the hatred and anger towards himself when he failed to capture the ingredients...

He remembered the reluctance and pain when he parted ways with the calamus in order to complete a better menu...

Gradually, he lost himself in various emotions and desires.

His purpose is no longer so pure.

but gradually deteriorated.

From just wanting to find the best ingredients for the calamus, to just wanting to complete the best menu for myself.

Ignore a person who loves him wholeheartedly, but to keep pursuing his inner ambition.

Looking back, it was really stupid...

He said in a hoarse voice: "Acorus, it's really been a long time since we last met..."

"I'm so sorry for leaving you for so long for an ethereal menu."

When Ayame heard this, her figure suddenly changed from a young form to an old one. She hugged Kilim tightly, tears streaming down her two lines: "It doesn't matter, it's okay if you come back, just come back..."

"Looks like a long dream. 753"

Kilim turned his attention to the corona sunflower: "In this dream, I almost never tasted delicious food, just eating frantically to maintain cell activity."

"I didn't expect our appetizers, but it touched me after a long absence.

Hearing this, the calamus smiled and said proudly: "This is a flower that I took care of, of course it's delicious!"

"Come on, eat some other dishes, my skills have remained unchanged for many years!"

Reaching out his hands to wipe away his tears, Calamus brought plates of food to Kilim, urging him to eat quickly.

Su Yun looked at this scene and smiled helplessly.

Although he still looked a little unhappy at Kilim.

But the parties who were hurt the most were relieved, and he was not good at what to say.

However, he was still a little wary of Kilim, and said: "Kilim, I took the ingredients from the refrigerator, do you have any opinion?

Kilim froze for a moment, shook his head, and laughed at himself: "Just take it."

"As you say, I'm quite old. 35

"We originally had to rely on a lot of food to maintain cell activity, but these days I haven't eaten anything, and cell activity has been permanently reduced.

"So it makes no difference to me whether I eat that ingredient or not.

Hearing this, Su Yun nodded.

What Kilim said was quite credible.

Just like those aging stars, you need to rely on constant maintenance to keep your skin young.

Once neglected for a period of time, the skin will experience irreversible aging.

Food cells get older, and naturally they will become the same.

At this time, in his sight.

Although Kilim has eaten a lot of ingredients.

But the body is still a little dry and the skin is wrinkled.

Compared with the burly image at the beginning, there is a huge contrast.

Indeed, as he said, cell activity has been permanently reduced.

"Since this is the case, I will accept the flaming wolf dragon!

In the theatrical version, Kilim devoured the flaming wolf dragon, greatly increasing his strength, and was then defeated by Toriko, and finally changed his mind.

The reason why Su Yun doesn't use this method is because he has his own rules of conduct, and the second is because he doesn't want to waste such a train for no reason.

Although this beast sounds like a fire-type ingredient.

Basically impossible to fit his cells.

But Su Yun doesn't just eat to break through, it's also important to taste delicious food.

"Mother calamus, these corona sunflowers, I will keep them for you for a while, the giant refrigerator will be thawed later, and I will put them back for you! 35

Calamus didn't know how Su Yun was going to help her keep it, but thanks to Su Yun, Kilim was able to return to her.

So without hesitation, he said straightforwardly: "I planted flowers for Kilim, and now that he is back, you leave a few for me as seeds, and it doesn't matter if you take the rest!

"That's great!

Su Yun could not ask for it, so he left ten corona sunflowers for the calamus, and as for the rest, all of them were put into the cultivation space.

With the disappearance of the coronal sunflower, the special pipes no longer have energy to pass through, and the giant refrigerator that seals the flame wolf dragon gradually loses its cooling effect.


Immediately, the Nitro characters engraved on the giant refrigerator began to spread red (bach) light, and a hot air began to rise around the refrigerator!


Immediately afterwards, the outer surface of the refrigerator differentiated into various stone pillars and settled down into the ground.

Pools of jet-black viscous liquid seeped out from the gaps in the stone pillars and flowed outwards.

But for a moment, a large cloud of liquid has appeared outside the refrigerator.

It seems to have vitality, and it constantly differentiates into long tentacles.

Finally, the stone pillars around the refrigerator completely subsided to the ground, and the life forms sealed inside were completely exposed.

It looks like an oval mass of meat as a whole, with a lot of black liquid flowing on the surface.

A strong and powerful heartbeat continued to emanate from it.

Even at a distance of 10,000 meters, you can still hear it clearly!

"Several, I'll be back when I go!"

Su Yun removed the teleport kitchen and used teleport.

In a flash, the whole person appeared in front of the meat ball.

Kilim looked at this scene with an unnatural expression.

I was also fortunate in my heart, but fortunately I eliminated the obsession in my heart in time.

If you are an enemy of such a person, you don't know how to die!

It seems that ordinary ingredients are more suitable for him...

Thinking of this, he looked at the ingredients in the bowl, and suddenly felt extremely delicious, and ate it in big gulps.

the other side.

Su Yun came to the black meatball that was 500 meters high.

Waiting quietly for it to hatch.


The shape of the meatball is constantly changing.

Immediately afterwards, the center of the meatball split, and a sharp claw stretched out through the crack!


The whole meatball burst open with a bang, and the beast wrapped in it finally appeared in front of everyone!

He was pitch black and his eyes were scarlet.

The body is in the shape of a western dragon.

Amethyst-like flames are burning, from the top of the head, to the back, to the end.

The four sharp claws were extremely sharp, and the hard rock shattered in an instant when it touched.

Name: Flame Wolf Dragon

Type: Warcraft

Capture Level: Level 577 (Level 3912 in its heyday)

Habitat: Acacia's Kitchen

Body length: 800m

Height: 500m

Weight: 9000t

Price: 100g/160 million yuan

Introduction: [The legend of the legendary monster that inhabits the food world and devours everything.

It had killed Kaur genocide.

The flames on its body, once it touches an object, will not go out unless it burns out.

Wherever he went, life was charred, and all things withered.

Has a strong defense and self-healing ability.

This is the beast that leads the world to the end, also known as the beast of the end. 】

"It's terrifying, there was actually a level of 4000 in its heyday..."

Su Yun raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Fortunately, you just broke the seal, and you are still weak. 99

"30 consecutive dark power nails!

Su Yun killed it with one move, and was about to bring it back to Tieping.

Suddenly, shadows moved at high speed from not far away and slammed on the flame wolf dragon.

Big bite.

Looking at this scene, Su Yun's face was overjoyed: "One, two, three... thirteen red Nitro?

"Who gave this gift to me?!"

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