People Are Eating: I, The King Of Hunters!

Chapter 182 Yilong's Western-style full meal main course, the egg of a billion birds!

Inside the first courtyard.

The two who left the room were walking towards the space where the delicious fairy Qiqi always lived.

Rin held Su Yun's arm intimately and muttered:

"If I leave secretly like this, Uncle Mansam is probably going to be pissed off again..."

"This alcoholic uncle will definitely deduct my salary again.""

"Last month, he deducted 6 million yuan from me, so mad at me!"

Hear the word money.

Su Yun suddenly remembered something she had forgotten.

He took out a bunch of colorful gems from the kitchen space and stuffed them into Rin, saying:

"You don't have to worry about money. If you don't have enough money, just ask me for it."

"You keep these gems first. If you are short of money and can't get in touch with me temporarily, you can sell them, and one can sell for hundreds of millions...

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Rin happily put away these gems, glanced shyly at Su Yun, and whispered:

"Brother Yun, is this a dowry?"

Su Yun touched Lin's head and smiled: "What are you thinking about in your little head... How could this be a dowry!"

Hearing this, Rin's eyes flashed with disappointment.

10 "How can my dowry be so shabby, just a few gems... After I go to the food universe in the future, I will give you a few life planets, and you can wait to be the supreme queen!"


Although Rin didn't understand the meaning of the words [Gourmet Universe], it didn't prevent her from hearing that Su Yun wanted to give her something better, and she felt sweet in her heart like eating honey.

"I will lie to you."

"Brother Yun is the best! Kiss one!"

conversation room.

The two also came to that space.

Su Yun walked in with Rin and found that the wooden house was empty, apparently Qiqi had not returned from the sixth continent.

"found it!

Holding Rin's tender little hands and walking around the space, Su Yun successfully found the treasure chest containing one billion bird eggs.

One billion birds is an ingredient in this food and fortune mission.

It also has a very special identity - the main dish in the Western-style full meal of Mr. Long.

in the original.

Yilong and Midora went through a great battle.

Yilong was defeated because of his soft heart.

Midora, who becomes the winner, activates [Meteor Spice], causing huge damage to the world.

It not only destroyed the incomparably abundant ingredients, but also led to the desolation of the land, making it impossible to cultivate ingredients.

Since then, the [Gourmet Age] full of delicious food has quietly collapsed...

The human world, which has lost its fertile land, has fallen into an unprecedented food crisis.

This crisis lasted for nearly a year and a half.

Until Toriko and the others found a billion birds left by a dragon.

Finally turning the tide!

It has become the most important transitional ingredient for mankind to re-enter the era of gourmet food from the era of famine.

It's just that the eggs of a billion birds are not enough.

The other ingredients in a full western-style meal must be caught together.

to hatch the eggs.

And those ingredients are hidden in the habitat courtyards of No. 2-7.


Rin looked at the bird's egg curiously, but didn't ask any further questions.

Rin is such a girl.

Although she is lazy at work, she is fierce to outsiders.

But only in the face of Su Yun, she will show her best side.

She can be said to have 100% admiration and trust in Su Yun.

It doesn't matter what strange things Su Yun is doing, or what unbelievable actions are made.

Her first reaction was not doubt, but she felt that Brother Yun must have his own reasons for doing such a thing.

If Brother Yun wants to say something, he will naturally say it;

If Brother Yun didn't want to say, then asking him too much would cause him trouble.

Rin, who is arrogant and unreasonable to outsiders, is the most well-behaved and understanding little girl in front of Su Yun.

Of course, there are occasional questions, but that is usually a smoke bomb before the coquettish skill is activated.

Su Yun has been in contact with Rin for so long, so naturally, she is very clear about her character, and took the initiative to explain:

"This is the main dish in the Western-style full meal of old man Yilong... Although the catch level is very low, the meaning is very good. It entrusts the old man's dream to invite people from all over the world to a full meal..."

Having said that, Su Yun couldn't help but feel a little sigh.

He is clearly the strongest in the world, but the catch level of Yilong's Western-style full meal is ridiculously low, with an average of less than 10.

The tracking cover is a level.

But this also just shows the greatness of Yilong, he never cared about himself, but the ordinary people in the world.

In Su Yun's heart, Yilong is more suitable for the title of God of Food than Acacia.

"Grandpa Yilong's main dish...I wonder what it tastes like!

Rin smiled sweetly.

Yilong loves Rin very much, so among the people closest to Rin, the first is Su Yun, the second is Yilong, and the third is her brother Sunny.

"Well, soon enough!

"Let's go to another courtyard now and collect all the remaining ingredients!"

Su Yun said.

The eight ingredients of Yilong are hidden in the secret place of the Eight Great Courtyards, in order to prevent a crisis in the human world one day.

And because of the existence of Su Yun, the plot has been rewritten.

Crisis cannot happen.

So he took these ingredients one by one without any psychological burden.

Soon, Yilong's Western-style full meal menu was gathered——

Appetizer: Seeds of a Million

Soup Recipe: Tears of the Black Hat

Fish dishes: Mitarai 787 kelp

Meat Dishes: Nothing

Main Course: Eggs of a Billion Birds

Salad: Princess Seeds of Straw

Dessert: Dried Lan Langua

Drink: His Royal Highness Michelle

"Okay, the menu is all set, Xiao Rin, just wait for me here, I'll be right back."

"Okay, Brother Yun!

After seeing Rin nod, Su Yun sank his consciousness into the cultivation space.

The ingredients of Yilong Western-style full meal cannot be eaten directly.

Except for the main course, the seven ingredients are used to hatch the eggs of one billion birds.

Su Yun took all the eight ingredients in her hands and came to a fertile land.

"First of all, the appetizer of a million seeds..."

Su Yun picked up a seed that looked like an orchid bean and put it into the soil.

A million seeds will grow into a million trees.

The eggs of a billion birds will only hatch in the nests built on the tree of a million.

"The second is the soup dish, Tears of the Black Hat..."

Su Yun picked up a pea pod-shaped fruit, put it in the palm of his hand, made a fist, and squeezed out the liquid.

This liquid acts as a fertilizer, enabling millions of seeds to germinate quickly and grow into towering trees.


After the milky white liquid dripped onto the Million Seed, a young bud quickly emerged, and in an instant it grew into a Million Tree with a height of 100 meters, like a curved vine.

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