People Are Eating: I, The King Of Hunters!

Chapter 192 Arrive at the Fifth Continent, Deer King Gloror!

Fifth Continent.

Located in the south of the Fourth Continent.

It is the third largest continent in the gastronomy world.

It took Su Yun a long time to finally cross the Fourth Continent and reach the Fifth Continent.

And the remaining task time left for him, there are 2 days left.

Come to the sky above the Fifth Continent and look down.

It can be seen that the entire continent has sparse vegetation and sparse animals.

This environment is somewhat similar to the Eighth Continent.

The Eighth Continent is due to the existence of Mawang.

Thin air.

And there is no sunlight all year round.

Especially not conducive to the survival of ordinary animals and plants.

"Little Rin, do you know why this continent looks so desolate?

Su Yun wanted to increase Rin's knowledge, so she took the initiative to give her popular science.

"Ah? Why?"

Rin said blankly.

She stays in the arena all year round.

Gastronomic biology and gastronomic environmental science have not been studied in depth at all.

So naturally I ask three questions.

"First of all, do you know the concept of the food chain?"

Su Yun asked with a smile.

"Of course." 10

"A food chain is an interlocking system.

“The various animals, plants and microorganisms in the entire ecosystem are interdependent due to feeding relationships, and they combine to form a never-ending cycle of life and death. 35

Rin thought about it and said.

"Yes, Xiao Rin is right." 5

Su Yun nodded and continued:

"The bottom of the food chain is made up of countless tiny microbes."

"And at the top of the food chain, are large animals.

"In the food chain, energy flows from low to high, forming a pyramid.

"For two adjacent organisms, the number of organisms in the upper position is about one-tenth of the number of organisms in the lower position. 99

“If the concept of the food chain is used to explain that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, it is because the amount of food that a mountain can provide is only enough to support one tiger, and if there is more, the ecosystem will lose its balance and eventually lead to extinction. 99

"Let's go back to the Fifth Continent."

"The fifth continent is the third largest continent in the food industry. It is sunny, the temperature is suitable, and the air is very fresh. It is logically a natural petri dish for microorganisms, but why is it actually so desolate?"

Rin suddenly realized at this moment:

"Is it because there are too many high-level trophic creatures in the fifth continent, and most of the energy on the continent has been absorbed, which will lead to this situation?

"Little Rin is so smart!"

Su Yun snapped his fingers and laughed:

"There is a rule in our world called the 28 rule, which means that 20% of the population owns 80% of the wealth. 99

"Every continent in the food industry also follows this rule to a certain extent.

"It's just that it's more extreme—"

"Basically every Eight Kings have to grab about 70% of the nutrients in the mainland."

"The remaining 30% will be divided among billions of organisms on the continent.

"But nutrition in the food world is astronomical, so even 30 percent is enough for the remaining organisms to survive well."5

"Only the fifth continent is an exception..."

"The Deer King of the Fifth Continent has grabbed more than 90% of the nutrients in this continent..."

"So the number of creatures on this continent is the last of the eight continents.

"Correspondingly, there are also the most powerful beasts living here, capturing creatures with a level of over 4000..."

"More than a hundred heads!"

"Of course, this is different from the Garden of Gourmet. The flowers, bees and the like in the Garden of Gourmet, although they are also high-level, there are three or four thousand levels, but that is because the snake king is always there. Watching at the moment, to put it in a nasty way, is the power of the fox and the tiger. If you put it in the human world, even Toriko and the others can easily capture it.

"And these powerful beasts of the Fifth Continent, relying on their true combat power, have come to level 4000 and above...

"Is that so..."

Rin frowned and wondered:

"That's not right... If the deer king grabs more than 90% of the nutrients, then the remaining creatures can only divide up less than 10%. How can such a large number of powerful beasts be born?"

talking room.

They also looked down and saw that a lush forest appeared on this desolate continent.

It feels like an oasis in the desert.

There are a lot of trees growing in this forest, and there are hordes of beasts.

Even though it is still more than ten kilometers away, I can still feel its strong presence and vitality.

Looking at the forest, Su Yun pointed with a finger and said with a smile:

"Little Rin, now I can explain your confusion..."

"Because the Deer King is not just a deer.

"It is the same type of creature as the [Island Horse] we saw a few days ago. 99

"This forest grows on the back of the deer king.

"The most powerful beasts on the entire continent live there..."

"In other words, more than 90% of the nutrients in the Fifth Continent are limited to that small area!

Name: Glore

Species: Mammals

Group: Sky Deer

Capture Level: 6450

Habitat: Fifth Continent

Body length: 60000 meters


Weight: 8800 Mt

Price: impossible to estimate

Moves: Super Speed ​​Regeneration, Uri World

Introduction: [Deer King Glor is the king of the Fifth Continent, and he has the most docile and stable personality among the Eight Kings.

The forest on its back is called "the lair of the mighty beasts"

The best beasts in the food industry inhabit it, with an average catch level of 4,000.

It is said that these powerful beasts grew so powerful because of the deer king.

They are assembled here to fight in place of the Deer King.

Although the deer king has a good temper, if he is really angry, the consequences will be very terrifying.

When the deer king gets angry in a very rare situation, he can activate the inner world in a specific space.

And in contrast to the ordinary inner world, it is a world that speeds up the flow of time and ages living beings.

An ordinary second is like a thousand years or so, it will instantly deprive the prey of its ability to think, and make it decay and dry up within a few seconds, which is very threatening. 】

"The fifth continent has an area of ​​690 million square kilometers..."

"Although the deer king is very big, it is only a drop in the bucket compared to the fifth continent."

"Equal to the nutrition of the entire continent, it can only be supplied to such a fur-like place...

"Little Rin, you should now understand the doubts just now!

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