After eating this ozone grass, Su Yun asked the second generation Melk to wait for him at a farther place.

Then go back alone.

All the ozone grass blooms again.

So the next capture becomes very simple.

Su Yun first tapped them to make sure they wouldn't rot, and then collected them into the kitchen space one by one.

After collecting, they returned to the vegetable field with the second generation Melk.

"Ozone grass is eaten, shall we go back next?"

The second generation Melk asked.

"Not urgent."

"I was so tired last night. I got up so early to make breakfast for you today, and I started to feel sleepy. I'll go to sleep first."

Su Yun raised an eyebrow and said.

"You bastard!"

The second generation Melk punched Su Yun, and then smiled again: "Then you can go to sleep for a while, I just want to get used to it because my strength has improved."

So, the two do their own thing.

Su Yun came to a shady place, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

In fact, it controls the mind and enters the cultivation space.

[Cultivation space: 1. The comparison between the time flow rate and the real world is 100:1.

2. You can put living creatures, or you can automatically evolve creatures in the space. Due to different living environments, the cultivation space may evolve creatures that are not in the real world, but humans will not appear.

3. The level of creatures in the culture space will not exceed that of the host.

4. The host capture level will increase, and the cultivation space will become larger.

5. Since the host enters the space with an idea, it is necessary to attach the idea to the doll that comes with the space before touching the real object. The doll will replicate all the capabilities of the real world body, and the energy consumed will also be fed back to the real world body synchronously. 】


This is a planet the size of a blue star in Su Yun's previous life.

There is sea and there is land.

It's just that there is only vegetation on the land, and there is no trace of animal activity.

Su Yun's consciousness floated over the planet.

Soon after, he found the doll that came with the space, which looked exactly like him.

So he flew over immediately and attached his consciousness to the doll.

Suddenly, the doll came to life.

Su Yun moved the doll's body a bit, feeling completely no different from the real world.

In addition, various abilities such as Dance Air Technique can also be used normally.

"Let's find a place to grow some vegetables first!"

Su Yun came to a land with relatively sparse vegetation.

Then, talk to the system and let it pull the ingredients in the kitchen space.

Because the kitchen space and the cultivation space are both systematic spaces, they can communicate with each other.

As long as Su Yun told the system, a certain ingredient in the kitchen space is needed.

Then it will disappear in the kitchen space and appear in the cultivation space instead.




Soon, more than 20 kinds of plant-based ingredients appeared around Su Yun.

As mentioned earlier, although the kitchen space cannot preserve living animals, it can preserve living plants.

And because the kitchen space will maintain the freshness of the ingredients placed in it.

Therefore, these plant-based ingredients are as fresh and tender as they have just been picked, and they are full of vitality.

"Then, open your liver!!"

"Food skills, digging shovel!"

Su Yun excitedly gathered a shovel and started digging a hole.

It has to be said that he has a bit of farming genes in him.

These more than 20 kinds of plant-based ingredients were picked and planted by him in a moment.

"The power of regeneration!"

After planting the plants, Su Yun used the power of regeneration to irrigate each ingredient.

Immediately, as if they had been fertilized with black technology, their size began to skyrocket.

"Very good, very good!"

Su Yun looked at this scene and nodded in satisfaction.

Later, he followed the same method and planted more than 70 kinds of plants.

After rounding up a hundred rounds.

Started to regenerate animal-based ingredients.

"I don't know how to regenerate animal food with genes. What kind of regeneration is it?"

Su Yun pulled a catch-level 3 boar from the kitchen space, then took off one of its hair and wrapped it in the power of regeneration.


With the irrigation of the power of regeneration, the hair gradually turned into a light cocoon.

The light cocoon grows larger over time, when it reaches a peak in size.

The shell of the light cocoon burst, turning into white light and dissipating little by little.

Inside, a lively little piglet ran out!

The little piglet ignored Su Yun, his eyes glowing at the abundant plant ingredients not far away.

He ran over there and wasted the ingredients like a cabbage.

"Fuck! The vegetables I just planted!!"

"You are a level 3 pig, why do you eat my level 30 food!!"

"Death to me!!"

With blood dripping from his heart, Su Yun hurriedly killed the little piglet without long eyes.

"It seems that we have to get some low-level ingredients for animals to eat. As for this piece of land, let's tentatively designate it as a high-level vegetable area and let it grow freely."

While thinking about it, Su Yun flew to an area several kilometers away and found a place with more vegetation.

Planted some relatively low-level vegetable ingredients, and regenerated some animals.

In this way, with great enthusiasm in the cultivation space, he began to plant the ground.

If his situation is seen by others, the headline of tomorrow's Food Daily is guaranteed to be:

【Shock! The Five Heavenly Kings were hurt by love, and they farmed the land alone! 】

[Expose the shocking secret of the Five Heavenly King Su Yun! 】

[One of the five kings actually did such a thing in broad daylight! 】

Time passed without knowing it.

Soon, Su Yun had been in the training space for 10 days.

Outside, 2.4 hours passed.


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