
After landing for an unknown time, Su Yun finally touched the ground.

He landed steadily and looked at the surrounding environment.

There are towering trees and all kinds of strange plants everywhere.

They are many times larger than the surface.

Su Yun stepped into the depths of the forest.

He could hear that there were quite a few ingredients there calling him.


Just before taking a few steps, a fierce cry came from behind.

Su Yun was slightly excited.

Is this the first official battle with monsters in the food world?

However, he turned his head, and his expression instantly became less interested.

"What, it's just a sword and shield dragon that fell from the human world, and the capture level is only 93..."

"Go away, I'm too lazy to hit you."

The voice just fell.

The Sword and Shield Dragon really shivered and ran away in a panic.

"Huh? Did my words work so well?"

Su Yun was wondering.

Suddenly I felt the ground tremble slightly, and a strong stench filled the space.

At the same time, a shadow enveloped Su Yun.

"It turns out that a big guy came."

Su Yun immediately understood and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

A tiger with three heads and the height of a twenty-story building was staring fiercely at him.

The saliva flowed out wantonly in its mouth, and the tongue of the tiger was covered with barbs.

Name: Ashura Tiger

Species: Mammals

Capture Level: 183

Habitat: Underground Forest

Body length: 70m

Height: 30m

Weight: 720t

Price: The meat is too hard to eat

Introduction: A three-headed tiger living in the underground forest at an altitude of minus 20,000 meters at the junction of the human world and the food world. He is good at fighting. But because there are three heads, sometimes their ideas will diverge, and if you fight against it, you can seize this opportunity.


The three tiger heads of the Asura Tiger roared together, raised their huge tiger claws, and slapped him.

"Let's see how 19 times gravity affects you first..."

Su Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he released the field of gravity, shrouding Asura Tiger.


Asura Tiger just raised its front paws to attack, and is in a state of unstable center of gravity.

Suddenly, the weight increased so many times out of thin air, and suddenly his body collapsed and fell heavily on the ground.

It struggled to get up, but couldn't stand properly despite the creaking bones.

After more than five minutes, it barely stood up straight.

However, his body was still shaking violently like a sieve.

Looking at this scene, a flash of surprise flashed in Su Yun's eyes: "As expected of a creature in the food industry, you can initially adapt to such a high gravity in such a short period of time."

Seeing that the goal has been achieved, Su Yun withdrew the gravity field.




The Asura Tiger was finally able to move normally, and it felt annoyed that it had been tricked.

The three heads each roared and made different sounds.

Immediately after, it launched a violent attack on Su Yun.

It's just that each head has its own idea.

One head wanted to raise his claws to attack.

One head wanted to flick his tail to attack.

A head wants to open his mouth and bite.

As a result, the balance of its body was broken, and it fell to the ground again.

Seeing this, Su Yun was also a little speechless, too lazy to play with it.

It condensed energy needles and prepared to acupoint it.

After failing twice, he succeeded in mastering its anesthetic acupuncture point.

The strange Asura Tiger suddenly stopped moving.

Since its meat is not tasty, Su Yun has no plans to kill it.

After bypassing its huge body, continue to walk forward according to the guidance of the voice of ingredients.

"This is... an air tree?"

After walking for about three minutes, Su Yun saw a strange tree.

A dozen long branches grow from the top of the tree.

The end of each branch bears colorful fruits of different sizes.

azure blue.

deep purple.


Just looking at the shape is quite dreamy.

name: air tree

Species: Plants and animals

Capture Level: 332

Habitat: Food World

Body length:--

Height: 30m


Price: 1 tree/8 billion yuan

Introduction: This is an incredible tree that can produce air from its fruit. Each fruit produces different gases, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen and other gases. However, these gases are generated sporadically, so sometimes the air near the air tree can change drastically. In addition, its fruit can also be used as an ingredient, and it seems to be designated as a super special cooking ingredient.

"This air tree seems to be a super miniature version of the Food King Air..."

"With my current skills, it seems a little difficult to cook the air tree."

"But since you can hear the sound of ingredients, let's try it for a while!"

Thinking like this, Su Yun also took out the "Xingchen" kitchen knife.

Just approached the air tree.

Su Yun felt his hands and feet become numb, and his eyes became very sour.

He knew that this was probably because a certain fruit of the air tree had secreted too much oxygen, destroying the tissue in his body.

That's not bad.

If it suddenly secretes a large amount of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, it will cause more damage to his body.

"Looks like it has to be as soon as possible..."

Following the guidance of the voice of ingredients, Su Yun held the stars and quickly cooked.


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